By Dean Vaglia
Leader Staff Writer
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) awarded the Life Saving Award to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) and Oxford Fire Department (OFD) for their service and actions in response to the Nov. 30 shooting.
Members of VFW Post 334 presented the departments their awards on the morning of Friday, Feb. 18.
Post 334 typically recognizes local first responders by submitting a law enforcement officer, firefighter and emergency medical technician for role-respective VFW Public Servant Awards. But since both departments have been so busy with the Nov. 30 incident to nominate anyone, Post 334 turned to the national-level VFW for help.
“We searched the VFW for what type of awards we could award those two departments for all the hard work they have done to support the community and the school,” Chuck Haskins, VFW Post 334 quartermaster/adjutant, said.
The OCSO substation is honored for responding within five minutes of the shooting and apprehending the suspect without further deaths and injuries, while the OFD is honored for quickly providing medical aid and controlling traffic to keep the scene isolated.
The Life Saving Award reads as follows: “In grateful recognition and sincere appreciation of your prompt life-saving action while protecting others in the line of duty, your timely action resulting in saving the life of another, is one of the highest obligations to humanity. Your guardianship will long serve as an inspiration to others in your community, and especially the Veterans of Foreign Wars.” VFW Commander-in-Chief Matthew Mihelcic signed the award.
Both departments received VFW First Responder Awards in addition to the Life Saving Award.
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