Kerin bids for Township Supervisor

Brandon Twp. – Bonnie Kerin (R), a 17 year Brandon Township resident announced she will be running for the spot of Township Supervisor, against current supervisor Ron Lapp in the November election.
Kerin, 55, saying she is not a stranger to the issues in the community, states and believes that leadership is about careful allocation of spending.
Kerin says the township has enjoyed a great amount of additional state shared revenues that put the township in a good position, however feels the funds could be better allocated.
‘I don’t believe funds have been allocated in the best interest of the community at large,? Kerin said stating that township benefits should be explored.
‘People in the real world see our township employees receive 18 percent raises, which is not consistent with their own, in a time when people are worried about their own jobs.?
‘Township employees do need to be cared for. However, we need to work harder and smarter to make taxes work for us.?
‘We need to be frugal with what we spend it on,? she said.
Kerin also said she believes in being proactive instead of reactive referring to many years of merely talking about ways to bring sewers into the area.
‘Too many times we have been victimized by the circumstances and lack of leadership to get the job done.?
‘I believe group decisions, community input, and follow-through are vital to any plan of action.?
‘We have to be able to step up and accomplish it,? Kerin said.
Kerin said she would like to see the township move forward in managing a balance between growth and maintaining the 2.5 acre minimum ordinances.
‘The diversity of the community with young and old makes this a wonder community to raise children,? Kerin said.
‘I think we need someone to take hold of projects that have been put on the back burner, such as recreation.?
Kerin, who has been married to her husband Joseph for the past 30 years, raised all five of her children within the community and has been involved in organizations such as a parent group at Belle Ann, served on the school board of trustees, was a charter member of the Brandon Educational Foundation, worked on the community development bond issue on 1996, instituted the petition drive for the light at Glass Road and M-15 and sat on the M-15 Improvement team.
Kerin also serves the Ortonville Historical Society fund raising to move the Mann School and continues to assist in the financial drive to structurally improve The Old Mill.
Kerin has also volunteered organizational skills in the Seymour Lake Road clean up, as well as the Kearsley Creek clean up.
Kerin and Township Supervisor Ron Lapp are currently the only candidates who have turned in a petition to run for township supervisor.
Current Township Trustee Charlene Carlson has turned in a petition to run for a second term of trustee.
All petitions must be turned in to the Township Clerk Office no later than May 11.

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