Brandon meeting briefs

n Post and beam work: Township Trustee Tom Stowell announced that a contractor has been hired and approved for structural repair on the Old Mill beams and posts. The bid was awarded to Blackstone Construction Services, LLC of Ortonville in November 2003 and the contractors qualifications meet SHIPPA standards for the historical repairs.
Stowell says the next step suring-up The Old Mill will be a preconstruction meeting between himself, Blackstone, Village Manager Paul Zelenak, and Planner Dave Donnellon of Carlisle/Wortman.
Stowell says he is hoping for the post and beam work to be completed by late April
n West Nile funding continues: In 2002 the West Nile Virus claimed the lives of 200 people in Michigan. Last year, 2003, there were only 2 reported deaths.
According to Trustee Stowell, education is a primary act toward prevention and states the township can expect to see funding again this year for West Nile prevention.
Stowell, who is on the county West Nile Committee, said the township program will again focus on education, ‘especially for the seniors who are most vulnerable,? with a campaign to replace screens in senior citizens? homes.
n Township Clerk back to work: After an extended sick leave, Township Clerk Jeannie McCreery at work easing back to the job with half days for the first week and full time starting the week of March 8.
n Talk of second phase of Herd Road ditching:
According to Township Supervisor Ron Lapp, talks are scheduled to continue with Phase II of the Herd Road ditching project.
Lapp says Engineer Ed Zmich, from township contracted Hubble, Roth, and Clark oversaw the Neptune Road repaving project and will review the next phase of Herd Road.
Lapp said the goal is to accomplish moving the water off the road, but not to add water to the residents? properties.
Plans also continue to move forward on realigning East and West Glass Roads.’Teri Stiles

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