By Dean Vaglia
Leader Staff Writer
A mulit-car crash on M-24 and Market St. on the afternoon of Monday, Nov. 22, sent one person to the hopsital with serious injuries.
Two cars were involved, a Mercury sedan driven by a 62-year-old Oxford woman and a Toyota SUV driven by a 45-year-old Oxford woman. According to a report by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, a witness said the sedan ran a red light going east on Market St. and was hit by the SUV. The report states drugs nor alchol were not an issue and that the driver was not distracted.
“It was an old car, rather rusted out,” Oxford Fire Chief Pete Scholz said of the Mercury. “When [the SUV] hit, damage-wise it pushed about all the way into the center of the car.”
While firefighters were able to extract the sedan’s driver without using Jaws of Life, they were transported to the hospital with substantial injuries.
“I understand that [the driver] was in intensive care surgery at the hospital,” Scholz said.
The SUV driver and her passengers did not require an ambulance.
Scholz says the Market St. and M-24 intersection has seen a number of accidents and asks drivers to always avoid distractions while driving.
“We’ve had quite a few accidents at that intersection and it’s because people aren’t paying attention,” Scholz said. “The light changes right there and cross-traffic comes across, and people don’t pay attention to it.”
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