Addison Twp. Planning Commission Public Hearing – April 8, 2025



A Public Hearing will be held on April 8, 2025 at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible, at the
Addison Township Office, 1440 Rochester Road, Leonard, MI 48367. The purpose of the hearing is to
receive public comment on proposed amendments to Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance. Please see the
ordinance summary as follows:
Ordinance 25-01 ARTICLE 4, SECTION 4.49 Open Space Preservation. An amendment to repeal and
eliminate the current open space preservation language in favor of the following:
SECTION 4.49 Open Space Preservation
1. Enabling and Applicability. As a qualified unit of government under ACT 110 of 2006, being
MCL 125.3606, this Section is intended to provide for a Residential Development Option for
undeveloped land zoned residential and zoned at a density equivalent to two (2) or fewer dwelling units
per acre
2. Criteria. This option allows the same number of dwelling units on a smaller portion of the land
than otherwise specified in the zoning ordinance, but not more than fifty (50%) percent that could
otherwise be lawfully developed, as determined by the Township Planning Commission, under a
traditional site plan developed and submitted by the applicant applying maximum density and using the
existing and applicable zoning ordinances, the Master Plan, the applicable codes on the entire land area
being proposed for this option. All applicable well and septic restrictions shall apply to any development
under this option.
3. Restricted Land Under this option, a percentage of the land, but not less than fifty (50%) percent,
shall remain perpetually in an undeveloped condition by means of a conservation easement, plat
dedication, restrictive covenant or another legal mechanism that runs with the land. The legal mechanism
used shall be approved by the township attorney.
4. Availability of the Option. This option is not available to land that has already exercised this
option. If this option is used, the land shall be rezoned accordingly.
Ordinance 25-02 ARTICLE 4, SECTION 4.48 (preferred section number). An amendment to enact and
create a new ordinance that reads as follows:
Water well, septic and waste water systems.
The Township hereby finds that private water wells and certain septic systems shall be permitted in the
Township. The Township further finds that community sewer systems shall be prohibited, including any
expansion of an existing community sewer system.
Permitted Systems. For residential property wherein there will be single family homes developed, on-site
septic systems and on-site water wells are permitted provided said systems comply with all applicable
codes and ordinances of the township and are reviewed and approved by the Oakland County Health
Department and such County issued approvals are provided in writing to the Township.
Prohibited Systems. A community waste water utility system of any type is prohibited in all zoning
categories in the Township. For the purpose of this ordinance, a “community waste water utility system”
is a privately owned system that is designed, constructed, operated, and maintained to transport, collect,
process, and treat sanitary sewage for a combination of more than one (1) developed parcel in the
township. This prohibition is not subject to any form of review or relief by the Township Zoning Board
of Appeals. The expansion, enlargement or increase in flow to any existing community waste water utility
system in the Township is prohibited and not subject to any form of review or relief by the Township

Zoning Board of Appeals.
Ordinance 25-03 ARTICLE 24, Schedule of Regulations. An amendment to change the footnotes at
24.01b and 24.01c, 24.01 h and 24.01p to be consistent with the changes set forth above.
Ordinance 25-04 ARTICLE 27, Planned Unit Development. – An amendment to repeal, delete and
eliminate the ordinance in its entirety. This section may be noted as reserved in the Code.
The full text may be viewed in full or purchased at the Township Clerk’s office at the address above
during regular business hours.
Public comment is encouraged at the meeting or written comments may be submitted to the address above
to the attention of Pauline Bennett, Clerk, or by email and received
no later than the close of business day of the hearing date. Or you may hand delivered at the Public
Hearing. Reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities will be offered if requests are received
sufficiently in advance at the address above, to the Township Clerk. The full board pack will be available
on the Township website 6 days prior to the meeting. under the agenda/board
pack tab or available to view at the office during office hours.

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