By Don Rush
The All for Oxford Resiliency Center is slated to officially open today (Sept. 7). According to staff, the center is free to folks “struggling in the aftermath of the Oxford shooting (Nov. 30, 2021).” Last month the center, with the help of the Oxford and Orion chambers of commerce, hosted an open house.
“We had a great turnout with our Oxford & Orion Chamber Open House, we are so thankful that they came to visit and spread the word about the center. We had about 20-24 people here to visit and tour the center,” the center’s Administrative Lead Susan Mingay said.
All for Oxford is managed by Common Ground and funded by the State of Michigan through a grant by the Federal Anti-terrorism and Emergency Assistance Program. The creation of All for Oxford was guided by the Oxford community, for the Oxford community. “Our center is devoted to promoting mental and emotional well-being by providing opportunities for people to come together, find support, restore the community’s sense of safety and security, and help each other heal. All services at All for Oxford are free of charge,” Mingay said.
Anyone who is struggling in the aftermath of the Oxford shooting can come to the center for help and community connection. “We will never be judgmental about any individual’s personal experience, connection to the shooting, or their process of healing. We will meet each person where they are with the understanding that we all have unique reactions to traumatic events, heal at our own pace, and that healing can take many years,” she said.
The center will have informational meetings for student, parent, and community support groups beginning in mid-September. Weekly on Thursdays, they will have therapy dogs in the center during after-school hours.
“We encourage everyone to stop by, meet our staff, tour the center, enjoy a snack (we have lots of great snacks and coffee too), and help us build our programming to reflect the needs of the community,” she said.
The center is located at 1370 S Lapeer Rd, Oxford, MI 48371. Contact the center at 248-653-5511 during the business day, or our Helpline at 248-653-5525 is available 24/7.
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