American Heritage Girl Scout troop is new in Lake Orion

There’s a new American Heritage Girl Troop in town and they’re ready to grow.
Chartered by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School, the American Heritage Girl Troop (AHG) is looking for more families that are looking for a character development program for their daughters ages 5 to 18. The group embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.
‘We only have about 10 members right now, but we’re already looking to make a difference,? said Sandra Martin, troop coordinator.
On July 30, four of the girls, were at St. Paul’s Community Lutheran Church in Pontiac to help serve a meal to the families in that community.
The AHG members, along with members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, served about 80 people a meal of tacos, fruit, chips and a drink. They got to talk to some of the residents.
‘It was fun to see the people smile just because we’re making them a taco,? said one of the girl scouts.
On September 2 and 9 the troop will be holding two Meet & Greets for anyone that is interested in learning more about American Heritage Girls and what the program has to offer for their family.
It will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School at 1950 S. Baldwin Rd.
If you would like more information before the Meet & Greets, please feel free to send an email to

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