Hello readers. I’m the new reporter at The Clarkston News. I spent much of this week introducing myself to members of the community, and getting to know issues important to residents.
As the days go by I will get to know even more community members. I want to know your name ? yes yours, and tell me your story, too. The very first Clarkston resident I met invited me to a barbeque, so as you can imagine I was already feeling welcome.
I have also been getting to know my coworkers, who I must say are inspiring me with their health conscious attitudes. I have wanted to join the local health club for months, so the healthy attitudes around here push me to want to do it even more.
Clarkston News Editor Phil Custodio interviewed me on his weekly show ‘Phil in the Blank,? so if you get a chance check it out on www.clarkstontv.com.
Funny story on just how I started working in the newspaper business. It was all thanks to the wrong phone number ‘yes, the wrong phone number! On the very first day I had my landline, I received a call from a Holly newspaper. I lived in Holly at the time, and out of curiosity I called the number back wondering why the heck they were calling me.
Publisher Rick answered the phone, and after establishing that I did not owe him any money for anything, I said, ‘I know why you called me, you need a writer don’t you.?
The voice on the other line said, ‘As a matter of fact I do, so come on in and see me sometime this week.? I was in the office 10 minutes later because I’ve always loved to write. I recognized the great opportunity. Really, I’ve always loved newspapers, too. I remember looking through them before I could even read.
After having a column in the newspaper for a while, I was hired as the staff reporter and worked there for quite a few years. I eventually worked for a magazine, as well as several other large publications.
About 12 years later, here I am, all yours, Clarkston.
And a few weeks ago I walked in The Clarkston News without an appointment because I was determined to work here. What is the lesson here? Fortune indeed favors the bold. So be bold!
I’ll be seeing you.
Andrea’s Anecdotes
It’s said God never lays burdens on shoulders that can’t carry them. Sometimes life feels unjust, and leaves you wondering ‘why me.? Life can leave you feeling bitter and sad if you let it.
Being happy is one of the most difficult challenges. Some people feel chained to sorrow, constantly weighed down with burdens, and unable to escape feeling troubled. They live life unable to find happiness.
While attending Specs Howard School of Media Arts for video and radio, I was sure the school should teach a class about happiness. I approached the leaders. I went to Specs himself declaring how great Happiness 101 would be. He told me to create the class.
Seems like an easy task right? I read books and researched happiness. I delved into the subject, into myself and I thought about it endlessly. I learned scientists call this Positive Psychology.
I discovered forgiveness, creativity, generosity, acceptance, compassion, kindness, gratitude, healthy relationships, positive affirmations, healthy living, going with the flow and believing in yourself-all contribute to happiness. I concluded I was not yet ready to tackle this enormous task. I could not, for I was not truly happy myself, and if I tried I felt I would just be a fraud.
Fast forward quite some time after developing a better understanding of pessimism and unhappiness, I was watching a movie when I had a moment of clarity. I thought about how life, like a movie, is composed of a series of scenes with experiences, conversations and moments you allow to happen.
In the movie, a dad asked his grown daughter to play catch. Mad at her father, at first she said no, but later changed her mind. It turned into a beautiful encounter, and fostered a breakthrough in their relationship. The daughter allowed the moment and was rewarded with a fond memory forever etched in her mind. Her dad died that night.
What if she had refused that moment? Surely it would remain a great regret. It’s up to each of us to allow such moments. It’s up to each of us to embrace our challenges, embrace our lessons and embrace life.
Stuart Hamblen’s lyrics say it well, ‘When you are unhappy, the devil wears a grin but oh, he starts a-running when the light comes pouring in.?
So, let the sunshine in.
Animals are special
Animals are far more sensitive, intelligent and intuitive than we know.
I live deep in the woods in a pretty hidden area, but I keep getting random animals visitors.
This past winter I was feeling pretty down and out—when I heard a bark at the door. A dog was there outside the door wagging his tail like he had known me forever. He was a mix of a Rottweiler and Labrador.
The dog would bark at the door until I came outside. He seemed to come over at the right times and get me out walking and playing with him-or looking for his family.
Last time I saw Jack the dog, was the very minute I was headed for the Clarkston News determined to work here. Jack stood in the driveway and chased me down the road for like a mile, but that was the last time I ever saw him.
I had something similar happen when I was younger.
I was feeling alone, I guess, and I was pulling into my street when the shiniest prettiest black dog (again a lab) stood in front of my car and would not move.
I honked tried to go around him-he was not moving out of my way. I opened the door and said, ‘Come on move boy,? and as soon as I did he jumped in my car.
It was freezing that night, so I sat in my car with my new found friend, sang him songs and talked to him for quite a long time as he warmed up.
I was sure as soon as I opened the car door, the black beautiful dog would take off, but nope he followed me up to the door.
Then he followed me into the house. I took him to work with me driving around for like two days.
Then one day he and I made it home’out the door he went never to be seen again.
Now, I have a cat I call Rag Tag’who just had babies. She was very scared of us at first, but now she rubs all over our legs when we come outside to pet her. We have a long driveway and she sits at the end near the dirt road in the middle of the driveway like a guardian. She lives somewhere in the woods because I see her walking a ways down the dirt road to come to our house.
I can’t understand how people have a heart to hurt animals. Things like bull fighting, boiling lobsters alive, etc. are disgusting and unforgivable.
I was watching the news recently and I saw three little girls on television in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan.
I just knew in my heart the little girls were cold, hungry and scared. I immediately thanked god right then and there for my fortunate circumstances.
When I see all the people in Philippines with no food or water it makes me appreciate how lucky I am to be an American citizen with a good life.
I am thankful everything I own or people I know are not in jeopardy of being washed away in minutes. I am thankful to be in a safe place in Michigan, in the United States.
Next time complaints fly about dinner or the term ‘I’m starving? is just kinda? thrown out there, just know there are millions of people truly starving in the world. Millions of people are cold, hungry, scared or living in war zones.
I am thankful that I have never had to go to war or live in a war ridden area. Just the thought of being in a war situation terrifies me to the core.
Guys that come home from battle are never the same. At the Veteran’s Day luncheon at the Clarkston American legion, Vietnam veteran Ron Burrill said of war, ‘You are taught not to hurt people your whole life and then you go into battle and it’s them or you.?
The sad reality as war continues is that many of our veterans never return home the same person. My father was a Vietnam veteran and by all accounts he was never again the same.
I am thankful for my freedom and the great country I live in with great infrastructure, nice roads, quality health care and education. America would not be all it is if not for those serving in wars.
A heavy toll has been paid.
It is because of America’s outstanding men and women we live in such a great country.
I am thankful for the incredible bravery, and if you are a veteran who returned home and never felt the same, I can only think that maybe it would help to share your story.
If you would like to tell your story please call The Clarkston News and ask for me.
Did you know that if you have $15 you are richer than 75 percent of the world’s population?