Stupid Coronavirus. It’s kinda’ put a damper on having fun. Since the beginning of 2020, I had planned on this column, to be published on April 1. I had a plan to quote the township supervisor on some sort of prank story.
Running through my head were stories on Michigan locating a prison in town, or cougar sightings or strange lights in the sky. Something to have fun with. But, no stupid Chinese “wet” market cross species contamination Coronavirus wrecked everything I had planned.
And, it really is all about me and my plans. Sorry, if your life has be effected, or is it affected? Speaking of that, received this e-mail from Oxford’s Andy S.
Hi Don, Affect with an “A” is a verb. Effect with an “E” is a noun.
Sorry Don to be such a nerd. Pet peeve. I just think that journalists and media folks should use proper English so that the rest of us can learn or at least remember what we were taught. Love your columns.
Thanks, for keeping me on my toes, Andy. So, going back to my question in the other paragraph the answer is, “Alex, what is ‘affected.’”
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Ever wonder what COVID, of the dreaded Coronavirus (COVID-19) stands for? I did. According to Google: In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV”. There are many types of human coronaviruses including some that commonly cause mild upper-respiratory tract illnesses.
Well, that actually makes sense.
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A few week’s ago I typed my little fingers off putting together another gem of a Don’t Rush Me column. I strained my wee-little noggin’ and came up with the perfect headline, “The Little Virus That Could.”
Here’s what some of you thought about that attempt at greatness.
From Cathi D., “Thanks for column, Don. You managed to provide a story that was informative and that reflected what we are all thinking about without being morbid. Raised my spirits some.”
Thank you for reading and writing, Cathi!
Then, I had the following e-mail “conversation” with Matt K.
Hey Don, I read your column titled ‘The little virus that could’ last evening and was a bit perplexed. I completely agree with the big city neighbors comparison as I also could not comprehend why normally rational people would act in such a blatantly selfish manner and the totalitarian comments as well.
You also were sympathetic regarding restaurants, their employees, the inevitable inability for people to pay rent and the struggle of small businesses. However, by referring to the situation with that headline and later as ‘One little virus,’ I found myself wondering if you were minimizing it like our President has been or if you were truly and deeply concerned about it? I would appreciate your thoughts on this and do regularly enjoy your column but witnessed some ambiguity on this subject. Sincerely, Matt
To which I responded: Thanks for reading and writing, Matt! Now, you’re over thinking it! Not minimizing at all. It’s my firm belief that especially in times of peril, when doom and gloom is all you hear or read, a little levity can make someone smile — something we all need . . . Again, thanks for reading and writing and here’s to our families staying safe.
Matt ended our conversation with: Thank You for the clarification and rapid response, Don. I operate on the same principle with levity and general tom foolery keeping most matters on the lighter side. Take care.
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Just this past Monday, I received this e-mail from Clarkston resident Rob N. “At this time many things once trivial have become important, common customs like shaking hands and comforting hugs are now verboten. Another item to consider is the antiseptic wipe, once an occasional use device, say, after a sticky barbecue dinner, now in short supply on the front lines of virus fighting. Many times the package label says, ‘Disposable.’
“DO NOT dispose of them into the sewer or flush them in your toilet. Downstream from your home there is most likely a pump, moving the waste water to larger pipes and a sanitary sewer. These wipes clog pumps, slow the flow, create problems for those intrepid workers in a mostly hidden but essential industry.
“If you think things are bad now, imagine the difficulty if ‘things’ were to back up. Stay safe, do your part, isolate and survive.”
As always, everyone, thanks and keep reading and writing. Stay safe and for goodness sakes, stay away! (Well, at least six feet away.)
Send your questions, concerns or commentary to DontRushDon@gmail.com.
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