Area teens confess in Brandon crimes

Brandon Twp – A three month crime spree is finally over with the alleged confession of three Brandon teens who admitted to causing havoc for the money.
The three males, ages 14, 16, and 17 were making victims out of their own neighbors, by allegedly breaking into their homes while they were away.
‘A lot of the invasions was daytime stuff,? said Detective Brad Teague, Oakland County Sheriff Department, Brandon Substation.
‘They would find out who was not home, then they would invade.?
Although there is no indication drugs were a factor in the crimes, Teague said money was, and lots of it.
Since April several of their neighbors, in both the Sashabaw Meadows and Clarkston Lakes Estates mobile home communities, reported stolen cash, jewelry, cell phones, and a gun missing from several of their homes and cars.
None of the three have jobs and according to Teague, after a spree they would spend the money on gas, movies, cd’s, and food.
‘They are saying they stole less money than what some of the victims have reported,? he said.
While some items were confiscated by the Oakland County Sheriff Department, and filed as evidence, the youths admitted they sold items for the money.
‘They were stealing in the park then selling back to people in the park,? Teague said.
‘If anyone is found with stolen items they will be charged with possession of stolen goods.?
‘So feel free to bring it back to the substation before that happens,? he said.
In June, after several reports of break-ins in the mobile home communities, the Brandon Sheriff substation stepped up patrols and strictly enforced curfew in the area.
On Thursday, July 10, Deputy Mark Stanaj made a routine traffic stop in the neighborhood, which resulted in a description of the 17 year old suspect’s car.
‘Once we knew it was them, people popped up and gave more information,? said Teague.
A short time later deputies apprehended the suspects, who gave officers a confession in front of their parents.
Teague said it will take time to figure out how many crimes were committed by the three, or if anyone else was involved.
The teens told Teague that they stopped the invasions early in June, after reading about the crimes in one of the local newspapers. The teens did not specify which paper.
‘This will take a long time to figure out,? Teague said.
‘This started in April with a stolen gun and a lap top.?
‘Now we have to go through all the reports to see who wants to press charges.?
The two minors will be processed through the juvenile court system and the 17-year-old will be processed as an adult.
Curfew will continue to be strictly enforced.

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