Ball Street Bridge replacement could top 150K

Ortonville- The cost to the village to replace an ailing bridge could be at least $150,000, and possibly more, despite a grant that will cover 95 percent of construction costs.
Leanne Panduren of Rowe Professional Services Company presented information and a timeline on the Ball Street Bridge Project to the village council during their Jan. 24 meeting.
‘Construction costs are what they are and they included storm sewers and sidewalks and curbs,? said Panduren, project manager. ‘They can scale back if they want to, but they went for full funding, so they have the option if they want to use it.?
The village was approved for a grant last fall to replace the deteriorating Ball Street bridge over Kearsley Creek. The grant application was for the most expensive reconstruction option, which includes a sidewalk crossing, storm sewer and curb and gutter, for an estimated construction cost of $679,000.
Under the Critical Bridge Funding Program, the state will fund 95 percent of the construction costs. The village will be responsible for the remaining 5 percent of construction costs, as well as all engineering costs. The work will be done in 2013.
Although the grant does not allow for construction for two more years, Panduren said design of the bridge would begin in May 2012 in order for plans to be submitted to the Michigan Department of Transportation in October 2012. MDOT would then bid out the project for construction.
Prior to the start of design in 2012, Panduren said, the village will need to make a final determination on the project scope and whether a sidewalk crossing, curbed approaches or utility crossings will be needed. Deleting options could take the construction costs down to an estimated $489,000.
The existing Ball Street Bridge was built in 1977 and the problem with it, Panduren said, is the substructure under the bridge has box beams that are falling, coming off and exposing strands and deterioration of the concrete. It has been posted to take reduced loads for that reason.

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