Blanche Sims students get down to business

Last week, students from Blanche Sims Elementary School visited Exchange City in Taylor.
All Sims fifth graders, about 75 students, attended the field trip.
The program gave every student an opportunity to become both a producer and a consumer, and help their business operate in the Exchange City economy.
Their goal by the end of the visit was to pay off their loan or grant and, hopefully, make a profit.
Exchange City is part of an innovative hands-on learning experience for elementary and middle school students that combines a nationally recognized 40-hour classroom curriculum culminating with an all-day visit to Exchange City or EarthWorks.
Students took on the roles of business owners, employees, public officials, consumers and citizens while running a variety of businesses and government offices.
Students create job resumes, have job interviews, develop business plans and produce, price and market real products and services.
They also calculate payroll expenses, plan advertising, make material purchases and experience personal and business banking.
Students have to make payroll, pay rent, taxes and utilities, and take out and repay business loans.
During the 2006/2007 school year over 7,000 students from schools throughout Michigan will benefit from their participation in these unique programs.
‘Members of the business community have a wonderful opportunity to play a key role in the Exchange City program,? noted Executive Director Marilyn Opdyke. ‘Through their support, they can directly help to educate students in the basics of economic principles and build their understanding about the free enterprise system.?
Customized sponsorship packages, as well as opportunities to subsidize classroom participation, are available to any business wishing to financially support Exchange City.?’Call (734)287-8696 for more details.

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