Lace up your running shoes because the Addison Township Public Library’s Born to Read event is returning to the Strawberry Festival in Leonard on Saturday, July 16.
The event features 10-kilometer and 5-kilometer runs, plus a Kids Adventure Dash.
Library Director Jaema Berman explained the dash will consist of “a short series of creative challenges for kids under (age) 10” such as hop scotch, jump rope, bubble-blowing and drawing with chalk.
“Lots of fun things to get kids active,” she said.
Born to Read will be based in the parking lot at Leonard Elementary. Both races begin there and the Adventure Dash takes place there.
The 10K starts at 8 a.m. The 5K follows 5 minutes later. The Adventure Dash begins at 8:15 a.m.
“This is the second year we’re able to give everybody a finishers medal, so we’re excited about that,” Berman noted.
So far, more than 30 folks have registered for the event.
“Last year, we had 82 sign up, so we’re hoping to hit the 100 mark this year,” Berman said.
This is the fourth year for Born to Read.
“It just seems to be growing,” Berman said. “I see more and more young people doing the race, more families doing it together. That’s been a real plus.”
The cost to participate is $15 ($12 without t-shirt) for the 5K race; $18 ($15 without t-shirt) for the 10K race; and $10 ($8 without t-shirt) for the Adventure Dash.
If the event nets a profit, the money will be used to enhance the children’s collection at the library.
Beyond dollars and cents, Berman said the event’s true purpose is to raise community awareness about the library and all the services it offers to patrons of all ages.
It also fits in nicely with the theme of this year’s summer reading program – “On Your Mark, Get Set, Read!”
Berman started participating in 5K events in 2012 and “got hooked.” She’s even speed-walked in the Brooksie Way Half-Marathon.
“I discovered how much fun it was,” she said. “I was doing a 5K every weekend. I was getting in shape. And I just wanted to bring that love of community runs here.”
Berman would like to speed walk in this year’s Born to Read, but that will depend on whether or not she gets enough volunteers to work the event and take her place.
Volunteers are needed to staff the three water tables to keep runners hydrated, distribute food and water to participants when they finish, and monitor the race “to make sure people don’t get off course.”
“That’s always a concern of mine, especially with younger runners,” Berman explained. “It’s a wonderfully, safe community, but I always want to make sure people stay on the course and finish the race.”
To register for the event online, please visit www.eastsideracingcompany.com. Those wishing to register on the day of the race can do so beginning at 7 a.m.
For more information, please call the library at (248) 628-7180.
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