Brandon senior citizens learn Internet tango

Brandon Township – Instead of learning the old soft shoe, Dennis Jisa will be learning how to run his MacIntosh computer.
Jisa is a Brandon Township senior citizen, who, on August 19, won a drawing for a one year old MacIntosh computer from the Brandon Senior Center.
Jisa entered his name in a drawing to win one of five interne-ready computers, held at the Brandon Senior Center.
Fred Lokar, Harold Dean, Doris Barett, and Vonna Reins also won Internet-ready computers in the same drawing.
For the past month, area citizens have been donating computers to the center for the use and enjoyment by Brandon seniors.
Martha Tooley, Senior Center Activities Programmer said several computers are set up at the center for seniors to learn how to use, as well as an internet source for email communications.
Tooley is also hoping to find volunteers that will hold classes for seniors who have not yet ventured into the world of cyber space or computer games.
‘We do have a lot of seniors who use our computers and check the internet mail,? said Tooley
‘A lot are afraid to use them because of the mouse, but that’s why we put games on them, so they can get used to the mouse.?
Providing classes to the seniors without volunteer teachers could slow the learning curve, however, Tooley said she is also more than willing to teach computer skills to those who are interested.
Judging from the amount of names on the computer ‘give away? list, according to Tooley there are a number of seniors who are ready to tackle the science of computers in their own homes.
‘We have 11 computers to give away, but only four that have internet modems,? said Tooley ‘that’s why we are having a drawing to give them away.
‘I was surprised so many seniors want to be on the internet but not enough have modems for the computers,? chuckled Tooley.
Without the help of Fred Howard, the donated computers would be of little use to the seniors.
Howard has been accepting the heavy donated systems into his home, spending hours refurbishing them and reprogramming with a variety of games for the seniors to adapt to.
Besides being an avid internet searcher at home, Howard has many years of computer experience, beginning with mainframe experience at a college he taught at. Then when he owned his own business for 13 years, and finally he worked at the Michigan Computer Institute.
Once the computers are refinished, Howard totes them to the senior center and sets them up for use.
‘You would not believe how many hours Fred has put into this,? Tooley said.
‘He’s worked on, and updated 20 something computers that have been donated from the community..?
As for the community, both Howard and Tooley said residents have responded to the ad for computer donations, placed at Bueche’s.
‘We’re sort of a clearing house for refurbished computers,? said Tooley.
‘Fred has been so dedicated and is storing them for us, then he brings them here.?
‘There is no way we could have done this program without him.?
Howard said the senior computer provision program Martha is running at the center is the only one of its kind in the country but suspects more senior centers will soon follow suit..
‘I suspect other senior centers will follow along because this is such a great program,? he said.

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