Brandon seniors travel cybernet highway

Brandon Twp – Thanks to the Brandon Library, Ortonville senior Patti Condit can chat with her nephew in the Netherlands anytime she wants’on the computer.
Condit and nine other senior members of the community are learning how to use the Internet through a computer class at the Brandon Senior Center.
‘This is a wonderful program,? said Condit, who admits she has a computer at home, but never got into the ‘guts? of it.
‘I love using the computer now,? Condit said.
Like Condit, Barb and Ken Holling have a computer at home, collecting dust.
No longer intimidated by the maze of icons on a blue screen, the couple plans to have their home computer up and running shortly.
‘It’s real common to be afraid of using the computer,? said Barb. ‘But my advice is to just jump right in and try it because after the first 15 minutes the fear should go away.?
‘Life is a constant learning process and it’s exciting to be a part of it,? she said.
Condit and the Hollings have just completed their third computer learning class, taught by library employee Teresa Cannon.
In a joint program designed by Paula Guthier, library Head of Adult Services and Center Program Director Martha Tooley, seniors who attend the six-week course will become Internet-savvy after learning techniques of using the mouse, creative design programs, e-mail, and Internet research.
Although taught by Teresa Cannon, Tooley and Guthier created the free program after the library received a grant to purchase 25 laptop computers. A portion of the grant promise was to provide learning opportunities to teens, preteens, and seniors in Brandon Township.
By having access to the lap-tops Tooley is able to coach students such as Ortonville senior Katie Hobson who, because of arthritis in her hands, was unable to use a standard mouse. She has, however, caught on to the laptop pointer function and is now learning how to sail the Internet.
‘It just tickles me that all of these seniors in their 70s and 80s are picking it up so fast,? said Tooley.
‘It’s amazing how well they’re doing.?
Tooley said the classes are being so well received that the 10- seat class is full and there is already a waiting list for the next session, which starts in mid-March.
Internet access is not limited to those who are taking classes, however, Tooley said there are several computers permanently connected to the Internet at the center and are available to seniors on a daily basis.
‘They all have a strong desire to learn and it connects them to the outside world,? said Tooley.
‘I’m really pleased to expose them to the computers and help them connect with their relatives through e-mail.?
For further details on the classes or computer access at the center call Martha Tooley at: (248) 627-6678.

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