Brandon Twp. dumps application

n SBC contract denied: The SBC Telecommunications application renewal of access for the use of public right-of-ways to existing facilities was denied without prejudice.
In the interest of creating uniformity among telecommunication companies’ public access permits, Township Attorney Stuart Cooney recommended minor added requirements to the SBC contract. Due to renew the contract with the township in November, SBC failed to return approval of the changes. The township board denied renewing the existing contract until SBC responds to Cooney’s correspondence regarding the contract conformity additions.
SBC will be asked to resubmit the application with approval of modifications.
A decision on renewing the Verizon public access permit was postponed until further instructions from Cooney, as Verizon was also asked to approve conformity modifications to their contract.
n Fire equipment purchases approved: The board unanimously approved the purchase of trench rescue equipment, and over $33,000 for a new Lifepak monitor-defibrillator for Fire Station 3 with upgrades to the two existing units.
Funding for the Lifepak equipment will be taken from the Ambulance revenue budget.
n Planning Commission Member appointed:
Richard Lowthian has been doing a lot of volunteer work since his retirement almost three years ago, but was looking for something a little more challenging since his retirement from the State Police Forensics unit.
Lowthian and his wife Claudia have been residents of Brandon Township for the past three years so he decided to accept an appointment to the Planning Commission.
Lowthian will replace long time trustee Paula Vanecek, who has resigned as of Jan. 2004, because she is moving to Metamora and will be ineligable to sit on the Brandon Planning Commission.
n Updating policies and procedures: Tom Stowell working on blending policies and procedures into the administrative policies….will have a draft to look at by next week for a study session.

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