Absent voter ballots

On Feb. 5, Oxford Township mailed out 1,901 absent voter ballots for the March 10, presidential primary.
According to a township release, “In addition to helping decide who will be the presidential candidates for the Republican and Democratic parties in the November general election, voters are being asked to renew a 0.2-mill property tax to continue funding the Detroit Institute of Arts museum for another 10 years (from 2022 to 2031).”
Requests to have an absent voter ballot mailed to you must be received by your clerk no later than 5 p.m. the Friday before the election, March 6. If you’re already registered at your current address, you can request an absent voter ballot in person at your clerk’s office anytime up to 4 p.m. on the day prior to the election. If you’re registering to vote or updating your address by appearing at your clerk’s office on Election Day, you can request an absent voter ballot at the same time you register.
If you request your AV ballot the day before the election or on election day, you must vote the ballot in the clerk’s office.
You have until 8 p.m. on election day to complete the ballot and return it to the clerk’s office. Your ballot will not be counted unless your signature is on the return envelope and matches your signature on file.
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