By Dean Vaglia
Leader Staff Writer
Scouts BSA Troop 366 is looking for sponsors to help purchase wreaths for Wreaths Across America day on Dec. 18.
“Wreaths Across America is a program where live wreaths are placed on the graves of veterans around the whole country,” Kim Burean, service project coordinator for Troop 366, said. “It’s a way to honor our veterans and remember their sacrifice and … a way to teach the younger generations the value of serving your country.”
The wreaths, which are made from live pine branches and tied with a bow, are laid on the graves of local veterans in the morning of Dec. 18, followed by a ceremony at noon conducted by members of American Legion Post 108.
“I think [Wreaths Across America’s] goal, especially having it so close to Christmas, is to take a step back from all the hub-bub with Christmas and the holidays and … reflect and focus on something different and making some time to remember the veterans,” Burean said.
Wreaths cost $15 to sponsor, and the troop is taking part in a “three-for-two” deal where Wreaths Across America will sponsor a third wreath whenever someone sponsors two for $30.
Donors can sponsor wreaths through https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/MI0055 and clicking on the red ‘Donate’ button or send a check made payable to “Troop 366” to BSA Troop 366, c/o Kim Burean, 400 Davis Lake Dr., Oxford, MI 48371. The donations are tax-deductible.
Deadline for sponsoring wreaths is Nov. 30. The troop is hoping to sell 235 wreaths with any excess funds or wreaths sponsored after the deadline carried over into next year’s wreaths.
Troop 366 has laid wreaths at Ridgelawn since 2014. The troop used to hold can drives to raise money for wreaths, though in recent years the need for can drives has fallen away due to a rise in donations.
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