Busy weekend for law enforcement

Law enforcement officials in the Lake Orion area are cracking down on breaking and enterings — even being alert to stop possible wrong doings before they happen.
According to reports this week, Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to a Lapeer Road gas station after the business? alarm triggered.
Upon arrival, deputies saw the glass door was smashed. The suspect had apparently cut himself while committing the deed.
Deputies contacted the store manager, who arrived to record the damage and search for missing items. According to reports, cartons of cigarettes and some rolled coins were missing.
After viewing surveillance footage of the crime, deputies believe the suspect is the same man who robbed a Joslyn Road gas station, in other the area. The robber is described as a white male, thin, balding with a short haircut, wearing a dark work shirt and dark pants.
Blood evidence was collected, and the investigation remains open and in progress.
Early Sunday morning, Lake Orion Village Police observed two young males exhibiting ‘unusual? behavior.
According LOPD Lieutenant Harold Rossman, at 1:30 a.m. officers on routine patrol observed the young men wearing dark clothing and exiting a driveway on Newton Dr. When approached, the young men fled. One was captured, but the other got away, which prompted a call for assistance from the county K9 unit. The dog and handler tracked the second subject to a wooded area off Paint Creek Trail, but the track was soon lost.
Using information obtained from the captured youth, officers were led to a home on Summer Ave, in Orion Township, where they identified and arrested the second youth. Both were charged with prowling and being out past curfew. One was a 15-year-old from Orion, the other was a 16-year-old from Clarkston.

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