Cameras for Depot Park

In response to vandalism in Depot Park, Clarkston City Council approved installing three cameras, July 14.
The cameras and installation at three locations in the park will cost the city $9,879. The motioned-activated cameras will provide a 360-degree view of the area.
City manager Carol Eberhardt said two local donors, including Dr. Tim O’Neill of Clarkston Medical Group, have offered to help pay for the cameras.
Cameras will be installed up high to prevent anyone trying to damage them.
Mayor Joe Luginski said the park is busy during the day, and was concerned about memory being used up as people’s movements keep the cameras activated.
A representative from Covert Security, the company awarded the project, said memory would overwrite itself after it’s used up.
The city may also explore backing up data in the future, Eberhardt said.
Cameras will be installed within the next month.

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