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Both of the candidates running for the 3rd District Oakland County Commissioner seat call Oxford their home.
They have two different visions for Oakland County. Here’s what they had to say to voters:

Michelle McClellan (Democrat)
Bio: Michelle McClellan currently works as a massage therapist with Beaumont Hospital. In the community, she has volunteered with the Cub Scouts, Oxford Schools and the North Oakland Democratic Club.
What do you think you could bring as a newcomer to the office?
McClellan: It’s important to me that community members know what services are available to them. I would try to make word is getting out there – (if) people don’t have Facebook, they could receive something in the mail. I would want to know that the county commissioners are reaching everybody they can reach in a non-exclusive way.
I would look at the water safety, that’s going to be a big thing. I’ve been doing some of that now. I think having a different set of eyes on things, maybe a little bit of a different mindset would help when you have a board of people. They need fresh ideas. I would make sure community-lovers are getting serviced, and make that a priority.
What are a few issues facing Oakland County that, if elected, you would work to fix?
Water safety is a really big one, it’s what’s on a lot of people’s minds. I would make sure we’re (paying attention) to that.
Health care is also such a big thing. When we’ve been out talking to people in the community, they talk about health care. And that’s important to me. Working for Beaumont, I hear a lot of stories. I would make sure people have the resources they need to find health care.
(I would also look at) infrastructure, making sure money is going where it should be going, whether it’s the roads, sidewalks, or other public safety, and make sure everybody is being taken care of.
Anything else you want to say to voters?
I think it’s important that there is change sometimes and the voters do need to look at if we’re being stagnant. Are my elected officials doing for me what they need to? I just want to say that maybe voters need to look at all of the different possibilities, not just going with what you know.

Michael Spisz (Republican)
Bio: Michael Spisz is an incumbent in this election. Spisz, an Oxford resident, also served on the Oxford Township Board for four years and currently sits on the Oxford Twp. Planning Commission.
What have you done that you feel merits re-election?
Spisz: Recently, (the commission and I) have put new water-drinking fountains in schools, and Oxford Township has taken advantage of that. We’re also doing additional water testing in the county.
I’ve also chaired the human trafficking task force for the entirety of Oakland County. We’ve put some things in place that will educate more people and help victims out there. (We) help collect data, etc. Those are the biggest two things, recently.
What are a few issues facing Oakland County that, if re-elected, you would work to fix?
There’s always ongoing issues with Oakland County. But Oakland County is one of the top five best-run counties in the country, a lot of people don’t realize that. So we have a great staff that does a lot of great things to make sure that we stay in that position.
But for ongoing items, we usually tackle the budget first (and) maintaining our AAA bond rating, which gives Oakland County residents the best interest rates in the country, and some other municipalities take care of that or take advantage of that, I should say. Other things in the county, we have issues coming up that are being pushed on us by the state relevant to indigent defense, which will be a big issue we have to take on going forward on how (we) fund it. And there’s discussions going on actually right now with the State of Michigan on that.
And, of course, transportation is going to continue to come up and the OTA. I know it’s been voted down once and we still continue to push to come up with a plan for OTA, I don’t think it’s going to go away and it’s something we’re going to need to discuss as a county on what’s the best way forward for our residents.
Anything else you want to say to voters?
I work for them and my door is always open. My number is out there, give me a call. If there’s issues that come up, don’t hesitate to give me a call and I’ll see what I can do to help. I can’t guarantee I can get everything taken care of, but I will see what I can do to help.
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