Faith and Begorrah! Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was kidnapped from Roman Brittan and brought to Ireland as a slave. He escaped, then returned to convert Ireland to Christianity. Legend has it he used the shamrock to explain the Trinity. He died March 17, 461, which later became a day of […]
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Mauris eu ipsum iacul is lacinia. Pellen tesque dictum luctus ante, mollis pharetra sem interdum bibendum. Nullam fringilla posuere enim a auctor. Nunc sagittis interdum nibh sit amet dictum. Proin ipsum justo, laoreet vitae placerat in, semper quis dolor. Pellentesque ut purus urna. Curabitur nec eros in massa euismod ullamcorper. Sed quis diam sed mauris […]
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Ac mauris eu ipsum iaculis lacinia. Pellen tesque dictum luctus ante, mollis pharetra sem interdum bibendum. Nullam fringilla posuere enim a auctor. Nunc sagittis interdum nibh sit amet dictum. Proin ipsum justo, laoreet vitae placerat in, semper quis dolor. Pellentesque ut purus urna. Curabitur nec eros in massa euismod ullamcorper. Sed quis diam sed mauris […]