Hunting for moths

Hunting for moths

Oxford hosts training on egg mass surveying By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer The moths were terrible this summer. They devastated tree foliage along Ray Rd., and elsewhere, in Oxford and Addison townships. It was perhaps the worst bout of the invasive insect the area has seen in a quarter century. Both townships are trying […]

Colvin appointed to fill twp. board vacancy

Colvin appointed to fill twp. board vacancy

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Catherine L. Colvin is the newest member of the Oxford Charter Township Board of Trustees, appointed to the position at the Wednesday, Dec. 8 meeting. Selected among a field of eight candidates — business owner, Oxford Fire EMT and Zoning Board of Appeals alternate Sarah Racer dropped out due […]

Planning farmers market, new pavilion for township park

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Oxford Township Parks and Recreation is taking steps to establish a farmers market, including pursuing a grant to build a pavilion at Seymour Lake Park. Based on the award of up to $100,000 from Oakland County Parks and Recreation’s Park Improvement Grant Program, the farmers market will be located […]

Leader office to close!

We are giving our staff a holiday this year. Our office will close at noon, Friday, Dec. 24 and open Monday, Jan. 3. We will monitor emails. If you have a classified you wish to run in the Dec. 29 edition, please call our office at 248-628-4801 before Friday, Dec. 24. — Don Rush

DK-8 students safely return to school, Friday, shut down Tuesday

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford’s lower level schools reopened Friday, Dec. 10. All schools in the district had been closed since the shooting at Oxford High School Nov. 30. Students at the elementary schools, middle school and Bridges High School returned for a half-day “soft reopening” Friday. But, because of a social media […]

Township Board meets for December

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Oxford Township held its monthly Board of Trustees meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 8. Topics discussed include appointing a new trustee, debating a special assessment district and determining grant fund distribution. Honoring First Responders The meeting began with a moment of silence after the Pledge of Allegiance, […]

Filling the boot to help!

Filling  the boot to help!

Members of Oxford Firefighters Association walked the streets of downtown Saturday, Nov. 27, in full turnout gear, filling their boots with donations from passing vehicles to raise funds for families in need. Proceeds from the boot drive will be used to help local first responders buy Christmas gifts for in need children and families during […]

Public Notices: Addison Township

Township of Addison Public Hearing Notice Zoning Board of Appeals Please be advised pursuant to the Provisions of Public Act 110 of 2006 as amended, the Township of Addison Zoning Board of Appeals on January 13, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter, shall hold a Public Hearing and the meeting/hearing will be held at […]

Weekly COVID-19 Update

Weekly COVID-19 Update

This is our 88th week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area saw increases in recent cases and in total cases. The number of COVID-related deaths remained at 43. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 4,167 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 4,334. […]

Oxford-area legislators discuss shooting at meetings

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Two legislative representatives for the Oxford area — state House representative John Reilly (R-Oakland Township) and federal House representative Elissa Slotkin (D-Holly) — discussed the Nov. 30 shooting at meetings last week. Reilly’s meeting took place on the evening of Monday, Dec. 6 at the Oakwood Wedding Chapel. Billed […]