The Leader’s Weekly COVID-19 Update

The Leader’s Weekly COVID-19 Update

This is our 86th week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area saw increases in recent cases and in total cases. COVID-related deaths stayed at 42. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 3,814 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 3,954. Recent cases, which […]

‘Blue Christmas’ service offers solace for holiday sadness

‘Blue Christmas’ service offers solace for holiday sadness

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer This time of year can bring up all kinds of tough feelings. That’s why Pastor Liz Wilson of Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ is holding a special service dedicated to those who are suffering, depressed or for anyone who finds the Christmas holiday season a challenge. “We all […]

Christmas fun coming to Oxford, Leonard

Christmas fun coming to Oxford, Leonard

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Let the holiday festivities begin! Here are the major community events coming up the next few weeks. Look for the Larry Obrecht Bridge lit up this week by the Oxford Chamber of Commerce. Beginning last year, Oxford’s newest holiday tradition marks the season by illuminating the pedestrian bridge over […]

Remote schooling, bus routes changing

Remote schooling, bus routes changing

COVID cases, staffing shortages has Oxford schools juggling to teach By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Schools across the country and state have had to close, temporarily, in recent weeks thanks to the ongoing worker shortage and COVID outbreaks. Oxford is no exception, as both the high school and the middle school switched to remote […]

Gearing up for Small Business Saturday

Gearing up for Small Business Saturday

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer As the Thanksgiving weekend draws near, Oxford businesses and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) are getting ready for a record-breaking Small Business Saturday. “It’s really nice that … every single year we see the community come out for this specific day,” DDA Executive Director Kelly Westbrook said. “With Black […]

Weekly COVID-19 Update

Weekly COVID-19 Update

This is our 85th week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area saw a increases in recent cases and in total cases. COVID-related deaths increased by one to 42. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 3,649 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 3,814. […]

Community supports mother of seven hospitalized with COVID-19

Community supports mother of seven hospitalized with COVID-19

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer In a time of need, the community has rallied behind a large family new to Oxford. “It solidified my view of the Oxford community at large,” said John Fowler, who moved here with his family in January. “It really is a community that looks out for its people and […]

Addison Twp. employees get two extra holidays

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Employees of Addison Township will soon get two extra paid holidays: Christmas and New Year’s eves. The township board unanimously approved the change to the holiday paid time off schedule on Nov. 15 This brings the township up to 12 holidays a year, which is in line with Oakland […]

Immanuel church receives grants for programs, equipment

Immanuel church receives grants for programs, equipment

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) received two grants totaling $20,000 for programs and equipment at the church. The first grant, a $2,000 Vitality Grant from the Michigan Conference of the UCC, will be used to buy new equipment to make services more accessible. “They grant up to […]

BSA 366 needs wreath sponsors

BSA 366 needs wreath sponsors

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer Scouts BSA Troop 366 is looking for sponsors to help purchase wreaths for Wreaths Across America day on Dec. 18. “Wreaths Across America is a program where live wreaths are placed on the graves of veterans around the whole country,” Kim Burean, service project coordinator for Troop 366, said. […]