Harvester Coffee brings a taste of Europe, South America, Laos

Harvester Coffee brings a taste of Europe, South America, Laos

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Having traveled extensively, Victor Kulesh was unsatisfied with the American idea of a café. “Coffee shops in the U.S. are not what I think of as what a coffee shop should be,” said Kulesh, a Dryden resident. “I’ve seen a lot of different ones in Europe and South America […]

Oxford Schools buy former Dominican Sisters campus

Oxford Schools buy former Dominican Sisters campus

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Community Schools closed on a $2.5 million deal to buy the former Dominican Sisters property on 775 W. Drahner Rd. in Oxford Township, late last month. The school board wasted no time starting improvements, approving $86,191 of network equipment and wireless access units at its regular meeting July […]

Athletic director leaving for Armada

Athletic director leaving for Armada

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer After four years as Oxford High School’s athletic director and assistant principal, Jordan Ackerman is leaving Oxford Community Schools to take a job as a principal in Armada, his hometown. “Thank you for all your support,” Ackerman told the Oxford School Board at its July 13 meeting. “Oxford’s an […]

Leonard throws summer block party

Leonard throws summer block party

Photostory by James Hanlon The Village of Leonard closed E. Elmwood St. for a few hours Saturday night, July 17. The occasion was a summer block party – a first for the community. The party featured live music, dancing in the street, food, country games for kids, a euchre competition and a cornhole competition. The […]

Third time’s the charm?

Third time’s the charm?

Drivers through downtown Oxford Monday morning were routed to one lane each north and southbound. The reason: Workers tried for a third time this year to adhere decorative crosswalks across Washington St., at Burdick. As of Tuesday morning, the crosswalks were still there. Photo by D. Rush.

Weekly COVID Update

Weekly COVID Update

This is our 67th week of reporting local COVID numbers. Our area saw a decrease in recent cases, a small up-tick in total cases and one additional COVID-related death. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 2,737 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 2,741. […]

Crosswalks, stop signs, marijuana discussed

Crosswalks, stop signs, marijuana discussed

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer The Oxford Village Council met Tuesday, July 13 to discuss a variety of issues. Once the pledge was recited and agenda approved, the meeting began around 7 p.m. Pontiac Street Stop Sign While the question of whether to remove a stop sign from the intersection of Park and Pontiac […]

Township board oks November library election

By Dean Vaglia Leader Staff Writer The Oxford Township Board of Trustees met on Wednesday, July 14. Here’s what they discussed. 2020 Audited Financial Report Rana Emmons, a partner with accounting firm PSLZ, presented their audit of the township’s 2020 financial report. The township’s report was given an “unmodified opinion” by the firm, meaning there […]

Family night brings magic to the park

Family night brings magic to the park

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Instead of the usual concert, it was a family night with children’s activities and a magic show in Centennial Park last Thursday night, July 8. Long lines of kids eagerly waiting for a folded balloon or for their face to be painted, stretched across the park. Several downtown businesses […]

Not taught in Oxford

Administrator says 1619 Project, Critical Race Theory isn’t in curriculum By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Community Schools does not use “critical race theory” or The New York Times’ 1619 Project in its curriculum, said Ken Weaver, Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for the district. A Michigan Senate bill that was introduced in […]