Oxford Lions Club has a good week.

Oxford Lions Club has a good week.

Oxford Lion Charlie Garrard and other club members hit the streets of town last week for their annual White Cane Sale fundraiser. The Club did not do their fundraiser last year due to COVID-19. Funds raised go to various Lions International charities like Leader Dogs for the Blind, and to help out local families in […]

Volunteers join forces to spruce up downtown

Volunteers join forces to spruce up downtown

About 20 volunteers chipped in Sunday, May 23 for the Downtown Development Authority’s Spring Clean-up Day. DDA board members, Village Council, fire department, police department, girl scouts and families planted flowers, weeded, painted, mulched and spruced up the downtown. “It was a great day with so much community effort!” said DDA Executive Director Kelly Westbrook. […]

OHS seniors take home academic awards

OHS seniors take home academic awards

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Members of the class of 2021 gathered in the high school Performing Arts Center the evening of May 17 to received awards recognizing their academic achievements throughout their high school careers. “You have worked very, very hard across the board, and I don’t just mean your academic achievements,” Principal […]

Back Alley Tuxedo brings formal wear downtown

Back Alley Tuxedo brings formal wear downtown

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Just in time for proms and June weddings, a tux shop popped up in Downtown Oxford last week. It’s tucked inside Suite B of 18 N. Washington St. Although it is accessible from the main street, the main entrance is from the parking lot behind the historic building block, […]

Oxfdord Women’s Club gives scholarships

Oxfdord Women’s Club gives scholarships

The Oxford Women’s Club recently awarded their 2021 scholarship to graduating Oxford students (both female and male). Winners will receive minimum of $1,000 each. Scholarships are open to students planning to attend two or four year schools, technical schools, or a program leading to a certification. Special education students are encouraged to apply if they […]

Baccalaureate service honors graduates

Baccalaureate service honors graduates

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer “It’s an honor to be at a baccalaureate service, a Christian service for our graduates,” said Oakwood Community Church Pastor Don Jackson, the keynote speaker at an event held at Legacy 925 on Sunday evening. “In more and more communities, this is becoming not possible. So we want to […]

Village OKs marijuana ordinance First reading

Village OKs marijuana ordinance First reading

  By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer After over two years of development and deliberation, the Oxford Village Council approved the first reading of its Adult Use Recreational Marijuana ordinance in a narrow 3-2 vote at its regular meeting, held virtually May 11. The vote followed an hour-long public hearing in which the majority of […]

Oxford Village raises millage to pay for road projects

Oxford Village raises millage to pay for road projects

By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer As part of a resolution to approve the 2021-2022 budget, the Oxford Village Council voted 3-2 to raise the property tax rate by half a mill at its May 11 meeting. Council members Allison Kemp, Ashley Ross and Maureen Helmuth voted yes, while Village President Kelsey Cooke and Councilmember […]

New Hire For FD

New Hire For FD

Oxford Fire Chief Peter Scholz, left, introduced and then swore in three of the department’s new hires at the May 12 Oxford Township Board of Trustees meeting. “It’s nice to have some younger people (in the department),” the chief said. The new hires are (from the left) Anthony Asbury, Jonathon Jones and Edgar Sedano. Scholz […]

COVID-19 vaccine shots in Addison Twp. and updates

COVID-19 vaccine shots in Addison Twp. and updates

The Oakland County Health Department will be in Leonard this Friday (May 21) administering vaccinations to fight COVID-19. According to Leonard Village President Michael McDonald, the location will be at the Addison Township Fire Hall at 4026 Forest Street in Leonard. They are administering the Pfizer vaccine from 1 to 4 p.m. A second dose […]