By Adrian Schirr, Special to The Leader The sun is (mostly) shining and days are growing longer. It’s almost time for that sweet, Michigan summer! Outside, the blankets of snow have melted and you’re cringing because now you see all the ugly it’s been hiding. It’s a colorless reminder of the chores ahead. But what […]
Photos by James Hanlon On Earth Day, the day before Arbor Day, crews planted frontier elms along Washington Street (M-24) in downtown Oxford. The trees are part of MDOT’s M-24 project streetscape, and are designed to help absorb traffic noise and beautify the historic shopping district. Before planting the trees, crews removed those orange barricades […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer “Dear friend, I hope you are warm and cozy.” “You matter! The world is better because you are in it!” “This blanket is filled with love. We hope it feels like a big hug!” Students of Kingsbury Country Day School attached handwritten messages like these to 408 blankets for […]
At its April 14 board meeting, Oxford Township trustees voted to stay with Oakland County for dispatching Oxford Fire calls. The township has used the county for about six years. With a unanimous vote of the board, the new contract extends into March of 2024. For 2021 the township will pay $67,689 for dispatching services; […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Community Schools appointed Pamela Biehl as the new Executive Director of Special Education last week. Biehl had been serving as the interim director since Denise Sweat’s retirement in January. “To say I am thrilled to serve the community in this capacity is a gross understatement,” Biehl said. “I […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Parents, coaches and players of Oxford Recreational Baseball Association volunteered Saturday morning to clean up the two baseball fields at Scripter Park in Oxford Village. Thanks to their efforts the fields are looking sharp for the 2021 season. The annual spring cleanup was extra involved this year. “Normally our […]
In our 54th week of reporting local COVID numbers, our area again saw an increase in total and new cases, over last week. According to numbers provided by the county, last week we reported there were a total of 1,970 cases from Leonard, west to Oxford. This week, 2,177. Recent cases, which “… are the […]
Drinks ok outside, just don’t cross M-24 By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Adults 21 and over will soon be allowed to carry alcoholic beverages they purchase from bars or restaurants downtown and consume those beverages in public common areas. Oxford Village Council approved a resolution to designate social districts downtown in a 5-0 vote […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Crossroads for Youth’s ACT program building has been named in honor of Camp Oakland’s very first resident, Hilary Maciejewski, who lived there for most of the 1950s. “Hilary House” has been repurposed for the ACT (Achievement Center Treatment) model, and provides residential substance abuse treatment for adolescent boys ages […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Community Schools reported the highest number of active COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the school year, Friday, April 16. According to the weekly update, there were 64 active student cases and five active staff cases. Oxford High School had the most student cases, with 23. “As you […]