Since mid-April, The Leader has reported on COVID-19 cases and deaths as supplied by Oakland County. This week, our ninth week of these reports we have a change, to the good. The county supplies numbers by ZIP code. Last week, we reported in the 48371 (Oxford) zip, there were a total of 73 cases and […]
Hello, For one and all, the last few months have been anything but fun. Physically, emotionally, economically, at home and in business, we all have taken a figurative beating. Readers know we weer not ale to publish our community newspapers, The Clarkston News, Oxford Leader, Lake Orion Review and The Citizen, the first couple of […]
Oxford School’s Transportation Department wanted to congratulate the class of 2020 in a big way. So, last Friday they got 22 drivers and buses together to form the numbers in the south parking lot. “Everyone involved was very supportive and had a great time participating,” said Transportation Director Ann Weeden. “Getting everyone in their buses, […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Last week, Oxford Village Council voted 4-1 to approve the 2020-21 annual budget, which begins July 1. The budget’s general fund balances revenue and expenditures at $1,956,926.43. The budget was prepared by Village Manager Joe Madore. It was then reviewed, discussed and revised by council at the last three […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Oxford Downtown Development Authority is helping Oakland County distribute approximately 200 COVID-19 safety toolkits to give Oxford village and township small businesses essential materials for reopening. The kits, which includ e facemasks, no-touch thermometers, gloves and sanitizer, come in self-contained “Oakland Together” plastic totes. The 200 kits are among […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer The M-24 northbound detour officially begins today, June 3. From now until mid-November, M-24 will be closed to northbound traffic from Drahner Rd. to Harriet St. Southbound M-24 traffic will continue to be one-lane-only. The detour will take traffic east on Drahner Rd. to northbound Oxford Lake Drive, then […]
Interestingly, on our eighth week of reporting the number of local COVID-19 cases, the number of cases and deaths in the area remains the same as last week, 87 cases, five deaths. Interesting becasue the numbers in both 48367 and 48370 ZIP codes shrunk by one each, while in Oxford’s 48371 ZIP gained two cases […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Recreational marijuana businesses will have to wait to set up shop in Oxford Village at least until the end of the year. At a special telemeeting May 26, Council voted to change the “repeal and sunset provision” of Ordinance No. 411 Prohibition of Marihuana Establishments, which “prohibits all marihuana […]
For the second week in a row, we are sad to report another community resident lost their life due to COVID-19, this according to Oakland County’s COVID by ZIP website. This is the fifth such death in our ZIP code areas of 48367, 48370 and 48371 since The Leader started its Monday morning tallies, on […]