From Oxford Township’s Facebook page: Thanks to dedicated Meals on Wheels drivers like Ray Graham and John Calkins, both of Oxford, local senior citizens are continuing to have hot and frozen meals delivered right to their doorsteps. They were at it again this morning and we couldn’t be prouder of these selfless volunteers for continuing […]
For the last week drivers into Oxford were notified by electronic road signs, that construction was to start April 20. Today, Monday (April 20) drivers were treated to one-lane travel each for north and southbound lanes on N. Washington Street. The sign this morning stated work will be Monday-Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. […]
Using the county’s tabulations, cases of COVID-19 there has been two deaths confirmed as caused by the disease, in the Oxford/Addison community. With a total population of 30,892, there were 62 total cases and two deaths. Last Monday we reported there were 47 cases and one death. By ZIP Code, 48367 (Leonard and East Addison […]
Using the county’s tabulations, cases of COVID-19 there has been one death confirmed as caused by the disease, in the Oxford/Addison community. With a total population of 30,892, there were 47 total cases and the one death. By ZIP Code, 48367 (Leonard and East Addison Township) had five cases, zero deaths, with a population of […]
Dear readers and businesses who have come to rely on Sherman Publications, Inc. (publishers of The Clarkston News, Lake Orion Review, Oxford Leader, The Citizen, Ad-Vertiser, Penny Stretcher and The Big Deal), for the first time in our very long history, we will temporarily cease print publications after this edition, April 8, 2020. This is […]
Today, April 10, The Catholic News Service reported the Dominican Sisters of Peace on West Drahner Road are helping during the COVID-19 crisis. “Dominican donate 60 beds to a Michigan overflow facility,” their headline read. The overflow facility is for St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ypsilanti. According to the article, “In September 2019, the congregation […]
Leader readers have asked us, “What’s up with the M-24 construction project?” Well, we reached out to the Michigan Department of Transportation to find out. According to MDOT’s communications agent Diane Cross, “The contract is expected to be awarded within the next week or so and work will probably begin about a week or so […]
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, candidates filing for local Oxford and Addison townships’ board of trustee positions are asked to remember to submit petitions earlier than later. Both clerks’s offices will receive filings by appointment only if candidates need notarial services for the Affidavit of Identity portion of the application.Residents can also submit an “Affidavit […]
Disinfecting emergency vehicles and equipment should soon be a little easier in Addison Township. Last week the fire department received word they were awarded a $4,020 First Responder Grant from the Gary Sinise Foundation to purchase a Clorox Total 360 electrostatic sprayer. “Hopefully we will have it (the sprayer) within a couple of weeks,” Addison […]
By James Hanlon Leader Staff Writer Let’s dust off those sewing machines. Oxford Village President Joe Frost is encouraging folks to donate homemade surgical masks. With a national shortage of masks, folks are taking action by crafting homemade masks and donating spare N95 respirator masks. “These homemade masks could be used for other situations that […]