Lakeville Fest was the best

Lakeville Fest was the best

Fun was in the air at Lakeville Elementary Friday night as the school held its annual Community Fair and Silent Auction. There was no shortage of things to do as kids learned some carpentry skills, tried karate, played on inflatables and entered the high-tech world of virtual reality. For more photos from the day, check […]

Beaumont seeks state approval to build 117-bed facility in Oxford

Beaumont Health issued a press release on March 19 announcing it had filed a certificate of need application with the State of Michigan to build a new 117-bed hospital in Oxford Township. The estimated $140 million facility would be located at the southeast corner of Lapeer Rd. (M-24) and Market St. Beaumont filed its application […]

Officials: Student disciplined after posting non-credible threat on Snapchat

Police, school officials, students and parents worked together quickly on the morning of March 14 after a student allegedly issued what could be interpreted as a threat against Oxford High School. According to Superintendent Tim Throne, nobody was hurt and the student has been identified and disciplined. According to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputy Jason […]

Recycling fees going up in village

Pay more for recycling services or the waste at the curb will be shipped to either an incinerator or a landfill. That was the choice presented to the Oxford Village Council last week. Officials selected the former option and voted 5-0 to have the village’s approximately 1,100 households begin paying an additional $1.12 per month. […]

OXFD seeks grant to add six firefighters

Oxford’s fire department is applying for a three-year federal grant that, if awarded, would fund the addition of full-time personnel to deal with the increasing number of times when multiple medical calls are leaving the township shorthanded. The department is seeking a grant from the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) program, which […]

Student collecting returnables to help sanctuary

One dime at a time – that’s the essence of Katie Petty’s fund-raising effort for a local nonprofit dedicated to saving all kinds of animals, big and small. Petty, a fifth-year student in the Oxford Schools Early College (OSEC) program, is asking folks to donate their returnable bottles and cans to her so she can […]

Council OKs new snow ordinance

One week before winter officially ended, the Oxford Village Council adopted an amended version of its snow and ice removal ordinance that gives folks more time to shovel, allows for one warning per season and lowers the fines for violators. “I don’t think it’s perfect, but it’s better than anything else I’ve ever seen in […]

Village awards $179K contract for W. Burdick project

A local company was awarded a $178,623 contract to resurface a portion of W. Burdick St. later this year and there’s a possibility that approximately 65 percent of the cost could be covered by state and county funds. Last week, the Oxford Village Council voted 5-0 to award the job to Birmingham Sealcoat, Inc., which […]

Cop car involved in downtown crash

An Oxford Village Police patrol car is out of commission after colliding with a pickup truck Saturday night at the downtown intersection of Washington (M-24) and Burdick streets. No one was injured in the crash. “The main thing is everybody’s OK,” said Police Chief Mike Solwold. Because the crash involved a village police unit, the […]

PC to look at pot businesses

After setting the issue aside at previous meetings, the Oxford Village Council finally took some action regarding the question of whether marijuana-related businesses will be permitted or prohibited. At its March 12 meeting, council voted 5-0 to send the issue to the planning commission for review and a recommendation. As part of that motion, council […]