Say ‘hi’ to Lakeville’s new principal

When the bell rings on Aug. 27, there will be a new principal at Lakeville Elementary greeting students and parents as they embark on a new school year together. Kristin E. Guinn, a 1988 graduate of Utica Ford High School, will be leading the K-5 school from now on. “I want to be the type […]

20th Annual Lester family golf outing continues fight against cancer

To the Lester family and its friends, cancer is definitely a four-letter word. That’s why every year, they gather at the Oxford Hills Golf Club on E. Drahner Rd. to remember those they’ve lost to the dreaded disease and raise money to help find the four-letter word that will finally put an end to cancer’s […]

Road work along M-24 to begin Aug. 13

Motorists beware, there’s a construction project on M-24 scheduled to begin Monday, Aug. 13 and last for up to two weeks. The work will extend from Goldengate St. in Orion Township to Harriet St. in Oxford Township, just north of the village limits. It will involve both the northbound and southbound lanes. Work will include […]

Lt. gov. stops in Oxford on campaign trail

Downtown Oxford became a stop on the gubernatorial campaign trail as Lt. Gov. Brian Calley came to town Saturday afternoon to chat with voters in the final days before the Aug. 7 primary election. “Lone Ranger Day is a good time to see everybody,” he said. Calley, 41, was one of four candidates in the […]

Democracy in action

Voters, like Oxford Township resident Brett Robertson (shown above), went to the polls Tuesday to cast their ballots in the primary election. Because the Leader goes to press Tuesday afternoon and the polls don’t close until 8 p.m., please visit to learn which candidates won the right to appear on the November ballot and […]

Oxford man heads nonprofit that mentors foster care kids

One of Oxford’s newest residents is someone who’s made helping foster care children his mission in life. His name is Joseph Savalle and he, along with his wife Michelle, are the founders of Love for a Child. “I specifically moved to this area (from Shelby Township) to be closer to the kids that we were […]

1-2-3-4, kids declare a Nerf war!

Participants in the Addison Township Public Library’s summer reading program celebrated the end of it with a Nerf war Friday evening in LaBodie Park. A total of 112 children signed up for the program and combined, they spent 34,000 minutes reading this summer. In addition to children, 70 adults and 19 teens also participated in […]

Voters pass NOTA, public safety millages

Local residents overwhelmingly voted in favor of both public transportation and public safety in Tuesday’s primary election based on unofficial results posted by the Oakland County Elections Division. Millage renewals to support the North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) were approved 10,887 to 4,559 by voters in Oxford, Addison and Orion townships. Lynn Gustafson, director of […]

Meet the Lone Ranger 4-6 p.m. Friday

Meet the legendary Lone Ranger and his famous horse, Silver, during an open house at 1372 W. Drahner Rd. in Oxford Township on Friday, Aug. 3 from 4 to 6 p.m. The open house is being hosted by John Burt Realty. Come tour this classic Colonial home sitting on 5 acres and meet the icon behind the mask.

Dog days of summer

Dog days of summer

Westley, an 11-month-old Golden Lab who’s being raised for Leader Dogs for the Blind, enjoys a relaxing rubdown at the hands of Oxford resident Emma Haden during the July 26 concert in downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park. Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.