OXFORD VILLAGE – Only two people spoke at last week’s public hearing regarding a proposed amendment to the 41-year-old snow and ice removal ordinance that would impose drastically stiffer penalties for not clearing sidewalks in a timely manner. Council voted 4-0 to approve the first reading of the proposed amendment. A second reading and council […]
It may seem hard to believe, but life isn’t all about that first person you see in the mirror every morning. Sometimes, you have to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Voters in Oxford, Addison and Orion townships will have an opportunity to do just that when they face a millage renewal for the North […]
When it comes to the responsibilities of local government, public safety is at the top of the list. Folks want to know that when they dial 9-1-1, firefighters and police officers are going to show up to help and protect them. But in order for that to happen, people have to pay taxes. It’s really […]
Four candidates are running in the Republican primary for the 12th District seat in the Michigan Senate, but in our mind, there’s only one man for the job. We wholeheartedly support Jim Tedder and urge Oxford, Addison and Orion voters to do the same. We see Tedder as the only candidate who’s going to truly […]
Ever driven by a picturesque horse farm and yearned to get a closer look or learn more about what goes on there? Folks will get their chance to do just that on Sunday, Aug. 12 as the Metamora Hunt Club will host its annual stable tour from noon to 4 p.m. “This is the 10th […]
Enjoying an ice cream sundae Saturday at Leonard’s 66th Annual Strawberry Festival is Leonard resident Bradley Bussell, 4. For a whole bunch of color photos from the festival and parade, please see pages 14 and 15 of this week’s Oxford Leader. It’s available on newsstands for $1. Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.
In an effort to solicit “some feedback,” a local developer took advantage of the public comment portion of last week’s Oxford Village Planning Commission meeting to give officials a preview of his concept plan for a condominium development he hopes to build at the northeast corner of Dennison and Hudson streets. “We’ve been working really […]
Addison Township officials took another step toward giving that community’s children a fun place to play outside and cool off on hot summer days. Last week, the township board voted 6-1 to move forward with Vortex Aquatic Structures International regarding the possibility of constructing a splashpad in LaBodie Park, adjacent to the Addison government offices […]
By Cody Wright Leader Intern When the popular Lone Ranger Parade and Festival returns to downtown Oxford on Saturday, Aug. 4, there will be a new man peering through the eyeholes of the legendary black mask. Garry Cherricks, a tribute performer from Salisbury, Maryland who’s been portraying the famous fictional lawman since 2005, will ride […]
Supervisor Teresa Onica was forced to defend herself at the July 16 Atlas Township Board meeting after two residents expressed concerns about her taking a second job with the Oxford Village government. In late June, the village council voted 5-0 to approve an employment agreement with Onica to make her the municipality’s new clerk/treasurer. Her […]