OXFORD TWP. – A 40-year-old local law that prohibits the door-to-door sale of goods and services by classifying the practice as a “nuisance” could be amended to allow it as long as salespeople file with the local government and follow a set of rules. Proposed ordinance language that would regulate the activities of peddlers, solicitors […]
A service that provides rides to those living in Oxford, Addison and Orion townships who are unable to drive themselves due to age, health or economic circumstances is asking voters to lend it a helping hand when they go to the polls on Tuesday, Aug. 7. The North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) has millage renewal […]
A millage request to continue funding the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department is headed for the November general election. Last week, the township board voted 7-0 to move forward with placing a 15-year, 1-mill request on the ballot. One mill equals $1 for every $1,000 of a property’s taxable value. “Our current millage expires […]
Voters in Addison Township are being asked to support a millage proposal on the Aug. 7 primary ballot to continue funding police services provided by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office. “All we’re asking for is to renew (it and reset it at) the previously-approved millage (rate),” said Sgt. Keith Weir, commander of the township substation. […]
Oxford Township added its voice to the growing chorus of communities proclaiming they do not wish to help fund the creation of a regional mass transit system to which they won’t be connected. Last week, the township board voted 7-0 to approve a resolution that “opposes” the Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan’s (RTA) current […]
Folks living in mobile homes and condominiums in Oxford Township will begin paying more on their water and sewer bills next year as officials allocated both of them a new Residential Equivalent Unit (REU) factor that puts them on par with a standard single-family home. That was just one of the changes made by the […]
Oxford Village officials have decided to seek voter permission to sell a small, vacant piece of publicly-owned land located in the municipality’s northwest quadrant. Last week, council voted 3-2 to place a question on the November ballot concerning a 0.589-acre parcel near the Polly Ann Trail. Voting to put the issue on the ballot were […]
When it comes to celebrating a popular local institution’s past, present and future, sometimes one day just isn’t enough. That’s why LakePoint Community Church (formerly Christ the King Church) is doing it over a three-day period. The community is invited to participate in the church’s Legacy Celebration beginning Friday, July 20 and ending on Sunday, […]
Trails are typically viewed as recreational amenities that allow users to exercise, enjoy nature and travel from Point A to Point B without being cooped up inside a motor vehicle. Now, it’s time to add art appreciation to that list. Beginning July 25, a total of 11 famous works of art will be displayed along […]
Piloting a flying saucer together at the Seymour Celebration are Oxford resident Xavier McCann (left), 6, and Riley Smith, 6, of Metamora. For more photos from the event, pick up a copy of The Oxford Leader for $1 and check out pages 14 and 15. Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.