Schools look to put bond, sinking fund on Nov. ballot

School district officials will consider asking voters to approve a 10-year, 0.5-mill sinking fund, along with a $20 million to $25 million bond issue, to pay for repairs to infrastructure. The bond and sinking fund millage proposals would appear on the Nov. 7 general election ballot. The school board is expected to make a decision […]

DDA makes its pick to fill director slot

After months of searching and interviewing candidates, it appears the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is finally going to have an executive director again. On Monday night, the DDA board voted 7-0 to offer the position to Stephen Holowicki, a resident of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and negotiate a contract. Two DDA board members, Rod Charles […]

Board agrees to pay Dunckley $52K for intl. program role

Oxford High School Principal Todd Dunckley will receive a compensation payment of $52,000 for his unofficial role as International Program Administrator from June 2010 to June 2015, following a 6-1 vote by the Oxford Board of Education. During the discussion, Treasurer Mike Schweig asked Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Nancy Latowski whether an official contract […]

Youth Assistance honors 33 students for positive contributions, selfless attitudes

Who says today’s young people don’t do good things or care about others? It’s obviously not anyone who has ever attended the Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance (OAYA) Annual Youth Recognition Ceremony. Thirty-three Oxford students, ranging from the elementary level to high school, were honored at this year’s event, which took place May 11 at the middle […]

Board governance a source of conflict for school officials

The issue of board governance appeared to be a source of conflict for Oxford school officials at a May 4 regular meeting. The item had been added to the agenda by Trustee Tom Donnelly, following a statement made by Vice President Joyce Brasington at a March 28 meeting. During that meeting, Brasington voiced her disagreement […]

Park clock gets face-lift

Rich Sands, of the Oxford Village Department of Public Works, finishes reassembling the clock in downtown’s Centennial Park. The clock received a new motor and gears, the lighting system that illuminated the face was converted from fluorescent to LED and the exterior got a fresh coat of black paint. Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.

Liquor license recommended for Texas BBQ joint

A new restaurant planning to open its doors in Oxford Township in late July got one step closer to being able to pour its patrons a round of ice-cold beers to wash down their savory assortment of smoked meats. In a 7-0 vote, the township board last week passed a resolution approving the issuance of […]

Sewer rates to stay the same — for now

It appears Oxford Township is going to be charged more for sewer services, but officials decided against passing this increased cost on to local customers at this point. Last week, the township board voted 7-0 to keep the sewer billing rates for its customers the same despite a proposal from the Great Lakes Water Authority […]

Clerk leaving early; mgr. search continues

A new wrinkle has developed in Oxford Village’s search for a manager as a key member of the team that’s currently filling the administrative void is leaving a month earlier than anticipated. Village Clerk/Treasurer Susan Nassar will be calling it quits on June 1 as opposed to June 30, which was the original plan. When […]