Legion to host gun show Oct. 8

Oxford American Legion Post 108 – located at 130 E. Drahner Rd., east of M-24 – will host a gun show on Saturday, Oct. 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for teens ages 13-18. Kids 12-and-under are free. All firearms must be cased when entering and leaving […]

Sweet victory!

Oxford resident Stephanie Gillam (center), owner of One Thirty Nine Delights, won the Dessert Dash for her chocolate and strawberry macaroons at the Lake Orion Area Chamber of Commerce Healthy Body, Healthy Minds Expo on Sept. 22. Pictured with her are Karen Defever (right) and Katie Stenberg (left). Photo by Jim Newell.

I made these!

I made these!

  Lakeville resident Lilly Elsarelli, 6, shows-off her “pretty, pretty” chocolate cupcakes, which earned third place in the Cupcake Challenge held Saturday at the Addison Township Public Library. For more photos, please see Page 6. Photo by Elise Shire.

NOTA looks into adding trolley route

Clang, clang, clang went the trolley. Ding, ding, ding went the bell. Well, not yet. But the North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) is looking into it. Last week, the NOTA board voted 7-0 to authorize Director Lynn Gustafson to pursue funding sources for a possible wheeled-trolley to run between Oxford and Orion. “I’d be interested […]

Landlords oppose proposed rental ordinance

A feeling of deja vu was in the air of the Oxford Village Council chambers at the Sept. 13 meeting. Just as it was in 2013, council was considering a proposed ordinance that would mandate the registration and inspection of all residential rental properties. And just as they did back then, a group of local […]

Summary of Oxford Village’s proposed residential rental registration/inspection ord.

The proposed ordinance would compel owners of residential rental units within the village to complete and file a registration form with the building official and zoning department. Landlords would be required to provide unit location and contact information, details regarding the number and types of rental units and the maximum number of occupants proposed for […]

School board candidate forum Sept. 29

Oxford resident Rod Charles is hosting a candidate forum Thursday, September 29 at 7 p.m. for the upcoming Oxford school board election at Boulder Pointe Banquet Center (1 Champions Circle). Three, four-year seats on the Board of Education are up for grabs in the November 8 general election. Vying for positions on the board are […]

Event celebrates Shane’s memory, promotes suicide prevention

People from Oxford and beyond took to the the Polly Ann Trail Saturday morning for the Fifth Annual Tour de Shane Bike-A-Thon. The event was organized to raise awareness about suicide prevention and celebrate the memory of Shane Hrishuck. Shane, an Oxford Middle School eighth-grader, took his own life in January 2012. He would have […]

Variances granted for Legacy signs

OXFORD TWP. – The Legacy Center (925 N. Lapeer Rd.) will not have to paint over all of its colorful signs and murals, which were done without approval and in violation of the zoning ordinance. Last week, the township Zoning Board of Appeals approved two motions, both in 5-0 votes, that will allow the Legacy […]

Program kicks off new school year with food for hungry kids

When some children who receive free or reduced school lunch go home on Friday afternoons, they may not eat much, if at all, until they return to school on Monday. Volunteers of Oxford’s Blessings in a Backpack program are working to combat these cases of childhood hunger for the third year in a row. They […]