Community supports couple battling cancer

Community supports couple battling cancer

  When Debbie and Roger Delong, of Oxford, were diagnosed with cancer months apart, they had no idea the amount of community support they would receive. Debbie was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer last October and underwent chemotherapy for several months, starting in December. She is now undergoing radiation therapy. Roger was […]

Body believed to be missing woman, cause of death undetermined

OXFORD TWP. – A dead body found last week by an Oakland County Sheriff’s deputy in a wooded area near Hummer Lake and Metamora roads is believed to be a missing local woman, however, a positive identification has not yet been made. Officials believe they discovered the remains of 63-year-old Theresa Adams on the morning […]

New contract drastically reduces mgr. severance

If there ever comes a time when Manager Joe Young and Oxford Village must part ways, either through termination, resignation or retirement, it won’t cost the taxpayers an arm and a leg. At an Aug. 16 special meeting, the village council voted 5-0 to approve a new employment agreement with Young, who’s served as manager […]

Lakeville’s unofficial mayor passes at 98

ADDISON TWP. – The unofficial mayor of Lakeville is gone, but he will most certainly not be forgotten. Robert Little Smith (Bob to his friends, which was practically everyone) passed away on Monday, Aug. 15, 2016. He was 98 years old. “He always had his finger on the pulse of what was going on in […]

Vet promotes petition to get navy ship named for war hero

Oxford resident Hugh Syron is on a mission to honor the memory of a deceased comrade from his Vietnam War days by having a United States Navy ship named after him. “He was a hero as far as I’m concerned,” said Syron, who spent close to 14 months in Vietnam from 1966-67 with the U.S. […]

Roesner, Shafer, Vandecar run for school board

Nine people are vying for three open seats on the board. All board members have four-year terms. Many of the school board candidates are active members of the community and school district. They include: Stacey Beane, Dan D’Alessandro, Tom Donnelly, Katherine East, Jennifer W. Guthrie, Bruce Meyers, Kallie Roesner, Heather Shafer, and Rick Vandecar. Following […]

Kent seeks recount

Joe Kent, a Republican candidate for the 46th District seat in the Michigan House of Representatives, has requested a recount in light of his narrow defeat in the Aug. 2 primary election. Kent, of Addison Township, lost to fellow Republican John Reilly, of Oakland Township, by 29 votes, according to the unofficial results posted on […]

Addison allocates up to $15k for senior activities

Addison Township officials approved a proposal 6-1 to allow up to $15,000 in funding towards senior citizen activities at a board meeting August 15. Of the total budget, $5,000 was reallocated from Addison Township’s previously established Meals on Wheels funding. The Addison Township chapter of Meals on Wheels recently joined with the Oxford chapter, allowing […]

PC gives thumbs up to Weckle’s downtown development

Developer Dave Weckle’s plans to construct a major mixed-use development encompassing portions of E. Burdick, Mill and Stanton streets in downtown Oxford received two thumbs up from the village planning commission last week. Commissioners voted 4-1 to approve the site plan with a list of conditions that must be met, then voted 4-1 to recommend […]

ZBA postpones decision on sign variance request

It does not appear Christian Mills will have to paint over all the large, colorful signs and murals on his Legacy Center building based on comments made at last week’s Oxford Township Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting. But he hasn’t secured a variance yet. The ZBA voted 5-0 to postpone making a decision until […]