Public Notice: Oxford Township

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PROPOSED REZONING Pursuant to the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act (P.A. 110 of 2006), notice is hereby given that the Charter Township of Oxford Planning Commission will, hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, […]

Public Notice: Addison Township

Addison Township Township of Addison Board Meeting Synopsis The Addison Township Board; its elected members are Supervisor Pearson, Clerk Bennett, Treasurer Fisher, Trustee King, Trustee Newby, Trustee Gierak and Trustee Senft held a meeting on November 21, 2016, at 1440 Rochester Rd. Leonard, MI 48367. The following action was taken: Amended agenda to include #4: […]

Public Notice: Oxford Township

Charter Township of Oxford 2016 – December Board of Review Please take NOTICE that the Charter Township of Oxford, December Board of Review is called into session to hear appeals and to correct both the assessment and tax rolls for the following reasons: Changes in Taxable value due to a newly recognized Ownership Transfer as […]

Public Notice: Oxford Twp.

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD COUNTY OF OAKLAND MICHIGAN SYNOPSIS Of the Regular Meeting of the Charter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees held on November 9, 2016 at the Oxford Township Hall Meeting Room. PRESENT: Supervisor Dunn, Clerk Wright, Treasurer Ferrari, Trustee Curtis, Trustee Durr, Trustee Cryderman, Trustee Bellairs ABSENT: None The following actions were […]

Public Notice: Downtown Developmental Authority

VILLAGE OF OXFORD GENERALFUND For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 through 2016 Activity Detail A) The amount and source of revenue and transfers: Village of oxford 6/30/2014 6/30/2015 6/30/2016 Revenue: Amount Amount Amount Property Taxes $ 995,842 $ 1,010,947 $ 1,032,123 Licenses and permits 43,193 38,640 53,229 Intergovernmental 462,687 370,220 371,462 Charges for services […]

Public Notice: Downtown Development Authority

VILLAGE OF OXFORD DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) ANNUAL REPORT For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 and 2016 Pursuant of DDA Act 197 of 1975 Section 15 (3) A) The amount and source of revenue in the account: 6/30/2015 6/30/2016 REVENUE Amount Amount Property Tax: $ 381,693 $ 389,607 Intergovernmental – Local 5,000 5,129 Interest […]

Public Notice: Oxford Community Schools

Please take notice that due to the resignation of Kim Shumaker, effective November 15, 2016, one (1) seat is vacant on the Oxford Board of Education seven (7) member board. The State of Michigan General School Laws states that board member vacancies shall be filled within 30 days from the effective date of a resignation. […]

Public Notice: Township of Addison

Township of Addison Board Meeting Synopsis The Addison Township Board; it’s elected members are Supervisor Pearson, Clerk Bennett, Treasurer Fisher, Trustee Brakefield, Trustee Boehmer, Trustee Gierak and Trustee Senft held a meeting on October 17, 2016, at 1440 Rochester Rd. Leonard, MI. 48367. The following action was taken: Approved the agenda. Approved the consent agenda […]

Public Notice: Council of the Village of Oxford

Village of Oxford Council of the Village of Oxford RESOLUTION to Declare Intent to Vacate property at the east end of Church Street and public ground past the north end of Louck Street and appoint a time to meet and hear objections Applicant: David Navarro, Industrial Machines Products Inc. Address: 32 and 45 Louck Street […]

Public Notice: Village of Oxford

VILLAGE OF OXFORD 22 W. BURDICK OXFORD, MI 48371 Ordinance No. 407 AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 324, ZONING ORDINANCE Outdoor Cafes Year Round ARTICLE 3 and 4 SECTIONS 3.31 and 4.145 The Village of Oxford Ordains: Revise the Use Chart in SECTION 3.3.1 so that: a. “Outdoor Cafes and Seating on Private Property (April 15 […]

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