TORC wins Chairman’s Award at Belleville competition

By Liam Houston TORC Student Team Member Oxford High School’s FIRST robotics competition team, Team 2137 TORC competed at the FIRST in Michigan Belleville District Event at Belleville High School, where they won the Chairman’s Award and made it to the semifinals with their robot. The Chairman’s Award is the most prestigious award given by […]

Barna appointed liaison to safety office

Following the 2018 Valentine’s Day tragedy in Parkland, Florida in which 17 people lost their lives at a high school mass shooting, the state of Michigan began rethinking some of its school safety measures. In December 2018, those changes were approved by the state legislature under former Governor Rick Snyder. Though the state has a […]

More approvals for OVA expansion

Adding resources to the ongoing Oxford Virtual Academy expansion, furniture is on its way to the new facility for staff and students to use. The furniture and a fire alarm system were previously discussed at the board of education’s Feb. 26 meeting, and was unanimously approved 7-0 on March 13. The fire alarm system, which […]

Oxford Gives Back impresses school board

In preparation for their fourth annual spring clean-up on April 27 and 28, student leaders from Oxford Gives Back stopped by the March 13 board of education meeting to update officials on what they do for the community and why they do it. Caitlyn Geda and Emily McClear, two Oxford Schools Early College students, stood […]

Spring was in the fair

Kids and parents got out of the house and had a little fun Friday evening as hundreds attended the annual Daniel Axford/Oxford Elementary Spring Fair. There was plenty to see, do and eat as kids won prizes and burned off some of the surplus energy they stockpiled over the winter. Check out a copy of […]

They don’t hit the brakes, they fix them

Twenty-six Oxford High School students worked fast and furiously during the Auto Technology I course’s annual brake service competition held Feb. 26. Two-person teams went head-to-head to see who could completely disassemble and reassemble two different sets of rear drum brakes in the least amount of time. The work was timed with stopwatches, and everything […]

District seeks public input on school year, start times

Before they consider making changes to the way school is held in Oxford, the district is looking for community feedback through the annual district wide survey. The district takes information from the survey to learn about what it does well and what it can improve on. “It’s a good way for us to get information […]

Officials receive updates on early college, virtual programs

In their annual update to the Oxford Board of Education, representatives from Oxford Virtual Academy (OVA) and Oxford Schools Early College (OSEC) showed the board some of the two schools’ latest happenings at the board’s Feb. 26 meeting. OSEC Mark Suckley, OSEC’s coordinator and counselor, highlighted the school’s involvement with the Michigan Early Middle College […]

Board president stresses need for transparency in spending

Oxford Board of Education President Tom Donnelly reminded his colleagues of the board’s own policies during the Feb. 26 meeting. Donnelly made the statements with the apparent hopes of reminding the board of being up front with the community when it comes to spending. The discussion was triggered when Ken Weaver, the district’s deputy superintendent […]

District celebrates first Graduation Alliance grad

Just a few months after Oxford Schools partnered with Graduation Alliance to help at-risk students get their high school diplomas, the district is celebrating its first graduate: Jack Sawyer. Graduation Alliance is housed at Oxford Crossroads Day School and works with students in a personalized way to present Oxford curriculum in a way that best […]

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