Verizon Wireless secured the final approval it needed to place a cell tower in Seymour Lake Township Park.
Last week, the Oxford Township Board voted 7-0 to approve the license agreement that will allow the wireless service provider to construct a 195-foot monopole on a 2,475-square-foot piece of land located in the northwest corner of the 132-acre park.
Under the agreement, Verizon is going to pay the township $15,600 annually for the initial term of five years.
The agreement will automatically be extended for four additional five-year terms unless Verizon is in default or terminates the agreement with proper notice.
The annual license fee will increase by 5 percent per five-year term.
Revenue from the agreement will go directly to the parks and recreation department, not into the township’s general fund. In a separate 7-0 vote, township officials approved a motion to that effect.
Verizon’s monopole will be capable of supporting antennas for other wireless carriers.
However, each additional carrier will be required to negotiate a separate lease agreement with the township.
The monopole previously received site plan and special land use approvals from the planning commission as well as a setback variance from the zoning board of appeals.
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