Clerk advises voters that ballot question headings lack specificity

There’s nothing inaccurate about the language on Oxford Township’s Aug. 5 primary ballot, but Clerk Curtis Wright wants to make sure voters understand exactly what they’re being asked to decide.
Wright is concerned because the two ballot questions pertaining to the proposed township community center are simply titled, ‘Bond Proposal? and ‘Millage Proposal.?
The headings aren’t as specific as they are for the other two ballot questions, which read ‘North Oakland Transportation Authority Millage Proposal? and ‘Library Millage Proposal.?
Wright said the headings should have contained the words parks and recreation or community center, but when the ballot language was approved by the township board in April and submitted to the county, it contained these generic headings and went unnoticed.
The township didn’t receive proofs of the ballot from the county until after the deadline to make changes had passed, according to the clerk.
That being said, the ballot language for both proposals clearly states the proposed funds, if approved, would be used to build, equip, furnish and operate the ‘Oxford Township Community Center.?
Voters are being asked to approve a $20 million bond proposal to build the center in Stony Lake Township Park and a five-year, 0.05-mill tax to help operate it.
If approved, Oxford township and village residents would pay a total of 1.65 mills beginning with the December 2014 tax levy.
Wright encourages voters to read each ballot question’s language in its entirety before marking yes or no.

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