Cop logs

Wednesday, Dec. 10
Sheriff’s deputies received information that a man living in the 500 block of Pontiac Street had a prosecutor order warrant for his arrest. Upon arrival deputies made contact and the man was placed under arrest, handcuffed, searched and placed into the rear of the control vehicle. The man was transported to Oakland County Jail without incident.
A man called asking village police to meet at a apartment complex for a suspicious package of possible drugs inside client apartment, located in the 120 block of Crawford Street. There were no drugs, nothing illegal or unfounded.
Friday, Dec. 12
A woman went to the Oxford substation to report that her 12 year-old daughter had been receiving text messages from someone claiming to be from Nigeria and want to take her with him. The man said he will contact her when he is in Canada and she can meet him at the border. The woman said her daughter has ADD and Asperger syndrome and she has spoken to her daughter about it and the daughter doesn’t see anything wrong with it. The woman said she took the phone away from the daughter and has tried to tell the person to leaver her daughter alone. She informed the person that she called the deputies and he responded in a text that he doesn’t care and he knows where she lives and that she better watch out. The woman told deputies that she is worried her daughter might run away and that the subject may come to her house and harm them.
Saturday, Dec. 13
Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to a possible kidnapping in the Oxford Mills Plaza parking lot, located in the 1400 block of S. Lapeer Road. According to the woman, she was outside one of the stores when she noticed a man walking toward her from the south end of the complex. The woman said as she was loading groceries into the back of her vehicle the man stared walking faster toward her. The woman said she immediately entered her vehicle and locked the doors as the man approached her car. The woman said the man said nothing and ran off towards the south end of the complex. Before leaving the lot she observed the same man walking towards another known woman who was walking through the lot towards the same store she came out of. The woman yelled at the other woman to hurry into the store and the man ran off last seen on foot southbound towards Teelin. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the subject. The woman refused to write statement and advised that her husband is waiting for her and need to get home.
Village police were called to Oxford Lakes Drive and Lakes Edge Drive, where Christmas lights were damaged. Believing that it’s possible youth, extra patrol was scheduled for the neighborhood.
Sunday, Dec. 14
A man called village police because there was a person cutting cords at his barbershop, located in the 20 block of W. Burdick Street. It’s a civil matter with the cable company.
After hearing noises in her backyard, but not being able to see because of the fog and hearing her dog barking, a woman called village police. According to the report, nothing was going on.
Monday, Dec. 15
A woman called village police concerned that someone was trying to get into her vehicle, located in the 500 block of Lakes Edge Drive, because her car alarms were going off.

Monday, December 17
? Deputies were dispatched to the 300 block of Shummard Branch where a woman said her son was upset and throwing things around the house because she would not let him use her phone. The son left before the police arrived. The woman send her son was homeless and there were several warrants out for his arrest. An area search was conducted with negative results.
Thursday, December 18
? A man called the Oxford Village Police to report a person keeps calling him and accusing him of stealing goods from them.
Wednesday, December 19
? Two women who work at an elementary school off Lakeville Road went to the Oxford
Substation to report money missing from their purses, one had $20 missing and the other $145. Both women admitted their purses were stored in an unsecured area where students and maintenance people have access. The women were advised to always leave cash in secured areas.
? A comment was posted on an Oxford High School’s Facebook that a 16 year-old student was alleged to have made threats he was going to shoot students on the bus and at the school. School officials told the deputies the student making the threat had been removed from the school and sent to Crossroads for Youth because of threats he made to students by pointing his fingers at them in the shape of a gun. In an interview, the boy’s mother told deputies that her son has Asperser’s syndrome and is misunderstood at the Oxford School system. The woman also said she does not keep any weapons in her house and routinely checks her children’s rooms for anything suspicious. The boy said he never made any threatening comments and would never hurt anyone. The boy also said he when he was picked up by the bus and transported to school, that he was alone. Oxford School bus supervisor was unable to confirm if the boy rode alone.

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