Council approves PUD for 3-building downtown project

Developer Dave Weckle cleared the final hurdle in the approval process last week to build a major mixed-used development encompassing E. Burdick, Mill and Stanton streets in downtown Oxford.

Village council members voted 4-1 to approve the planned unit development (PUD) agreement that includes three new buildings, plus a new 55-space public parking lot. Councilwoman Maureen Helmuth cast the lone dissenting vote.

“I think it is a phenomenal thing for the Village of Oxford,” said Councilman Erik Dolan.

“We’re excited about this project,” Weckle told council. “We haven’t really seen too much new construction going on downtown.”

The three buildings – each of which will be up to three stories – will contain a mix of office, retail and residential uses. The site plan, which was approved by the planning commission at its Aug. 16 meeting, shows buildings on the southeast and southwest corners of E. Burdick and Mill streets (36 and 32 E. Burdick St., respectively) along with the northeast corner of Mill and Stanton streets (19 Stanton St.).

36 E. Burdick St. is going to be a 26,700-square-foot, three-story structure with retail space on the first floor, office space on the second floor and four residential condominiums on the top floor.

It’s not set in stone at this point whether the other buildings will be two or three stories. That all depends on what the market demands. The floors of 32 E. Burdick St. would be 3,600 square feet each, while 19 Stanton Street’s floors would be 6,300 square feet each.

32 E. Burdick St. has some restrictions per the PUD agreement. If it contains office space, it’s limited to two stories, however, if it contains only retail and residential uses, it can be up to three stories high.

The PUD calls for the buildings and parking lot to be constructed in three phases.

“All building permits” for the first building (36 E. Burdick St.) and the parking lot must be obtained prior to Jan. 1, 2018. Deadline for the second building (32 E. Burdick St.) is Jan. 1, 2019 and the third (19 Stanton St.) is Jan. 1, 2020.

Weckle plans to use five properties he currently owns (42 and 46 E. Burdick St., plus 19, 21 and 23 Stanton St.) and three properties (32, 36 and 38 E. Burdick St.) owned by the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to make his development a reality.

A land swap is at the heart of the PUD agreement between Weckle, the DDA and village.

The DDA will transfer ownership of its three parcels, totalling 0.35 acres, to Weckle in exchange for him developing the 55-space parking lot at his own expense.

“Construction shall not begin on any building site until after construction of the parking lot begins,” the PUD agreement states. “No building . . . shall receive a Certificate of Occupancy until the parking lot is completed.”

Failure to meet the Jan. 1, 2018 deadline regarding the parking lot will “result in the reversion of all land to its owner prior” to the PUD agreement and the voiding of “all zoning approvals from the village.”

Once complete, ownership of this parking lot will be transferred to the DDA. It will then be maintained by the village.

Last November, the DDA board voted 6-0 to approve an original draft of the PUD agreement. To DDA Executive Director Joe Frost, the benefits of Weckle’s development are an expansion of the tax base, increased public parking and the encouraging sign of new development in an area that’s lacked it.

“This is the first time in many years that a new building is coming to downtown Oxford,” said Frost at Monday night’s DDA board meeting.

“Staff will work closely with Mr. Weckle to assist in finding tenants for the spaces that are being constructed. We’re going to be planning a groundbreaking ceremony at some point as well.”


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