In a 5-0 vote, the Oxford Village Council offered the manager position to Joseph Madore at its Nov. 14 meeting.
“Mr. Madore addressed essentially all of the concerns that council has with a strong familiarity. The systems, the financial programs, the (compliance) background that the Village (of Oxford) participates in and relies on,” said Councilman Erik Dolan. “This village is (at) what I consider to be a critical juncture. There are employees that rely on the efficient management of this village on a day-to-day basis for their finances, their future, their pensions and their paychecks.”
Kathleen Logan, an Oxford Village resident, was also interviewed for the position.

Madore, a Democrat, is currently serving as the supervisor of Richfield Township in Genesee County. He’s held the elected position since November 2008. Richfield Township is a 36-square-mile municipality with population of just under 9,000 residents.
In his position at Richfield, Madore works with township residents to address their concerns and provide them with resources, prepares an annual budget of approximately $2.3 million and is responsible for personnel matters concerning most township employees.
Madore became a Michigan Certified Assessing Officer earlier this year.
Madore has held various positions in local governments since 2007.
From 2007 to 2009, Madore served as a member of the Downtown Development Authority in the City of Davison.
He currently serves as chairman of the Davison Richfield Fire Authority, a position he’s held since 2010, and president of the Genesee County Chapter of the Michigan Townships Association, a position he’s occupied since 2013.
“(Public service is) something I’ve found that jells well with me. I enjoy working with people,” Madore told council members.
When asked why he chose Oxford, Madore replied he was drawn to it during previous visits with his son’s bowling team. He loves the atmosphere here.
“After being the township supervisor at Ridgefield for nine years now, where I grew up, (Oxford) is kind of a good fit for me… I just love the downtown and the whole area. As I was looking around (for a new position), Oxford is one that popped (up) on my radar . . . (Oxford) is the only one that caught my attention and excited me,” said Madore.
Madore told council he had experience in managing budgets, handling ordinance violations and in managing pension systems.
As manager, Madore, who described himself as “easygoing” and “levelheaded,” said he will work to help council members fully realize their goals for the village.
“My first 30 days (as village manager) will be spent really looking over the books,” Madore told the board. “(The village has) some pretty healthy balances in some areas, pretty thin in some others… that’s the biggest thing. I want to make sure I understand the ground that you guys are (standing) on. At the end of the 30 days, I’d like to look for ways (to make improvements) … that would offer some savings and maybe even better service or some tweaks to your current policies . . . I like to think outside the box. I don’t do things just because that’s the way it’s always been done.”
In late February, council voted to terminate longtime village manager Joe Young. Since then, the village has had two interim managers.
In a later interview with this reporter, Madore said he’s looking forward to stepping into his new role.
“I’m hoping to bring a sense of stability to the residents. It seems like there has been a bit of an upheaval in the past. I’m hoping to be a steady person with a calm approach who can help settle things down as manager,” he said.
According to Madore’s application, he may request up to 30 days before beginning his work in Oxford to help with his transition from Richfield Township. Madore’s family includes his wife of 23 years, Debi, and their two sons – Kyle, 19, and Christian, 15.
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