
The following is public information from official documents, including written statements, handwritten eyewitness accounts, court recordings and press releases from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department substation, Brandon Township, and the Michigan State Police post in Groveland Township.

Left the rock
On Aug. 20 an Oakhill resident discovered someone had taken off with their 11 foot water trampoline. The resident found the rock that was used as an anchor for the trampoline, but the bouncer was nowhere in sight. There are no suspects to the sizable theft.
Ready for the race
On Aug. 20 a Sunrise resident found someone had stolen his expensive racing bicycle from his garage. The cycle swiper also took a side panel off of the 1981 Honda, in the same garage. The resident reported that someone also stole a case of Gatorade from his garage refrigerator.
Diddle Dumpling
Officers discovered an intoxicated man wandering around the parking lot of an M-15 bar, wearing only one shoe. The man was arrested for an outstanding warrant in Lapeer.
MDOP on Butternut
A resident discovered her window was broken out by either a BB gun or pellet gun.
On Aug. 21 an Ortonville man was charged for obstruction by Disguising With Intent to Intimidate after officers found him and a female companion had run out of gas on M-15. Originally three sheriff units were dispatched to a bar on M-15 for possible family trouble. The reported couple were gone from the parking lot when police arrived. Later officers found a couple on the side of the road, who stated they ran out of gas. They admitted to being at the bar and said they were putting gas in the car but did not intend to drive it because they were too intoxicated to drive. Officers impounded the vehicle and when questioned, the man gave police his brother’s name. It was later discovered the man was on probation and should not have drinking. Officers charged the man with obstruction.
Car fire
On Aug. 25 officers assisted Brandon firefighters with a car fire in Solley’s parking lot on M-15.
Mind your own business
On Aug. 22 an officer on patrol was flagged down by an off duty Lake Orion police officer to tail a driver on M-15 who had been weaving. The Brandon deputy pulled the weaver over at an M-15 bar and observed the passenger with open intoxicants in the side pocket of the door. While questioning the driver several bar patrons surrounded the scene. The officer called for back-up assistance. When the scene was rendered under control, the passenger was ticketed for open intoxicants, the onlookers were ticketed with disorderly conduct, and the driver was arrested for disorderly conduct and open intoxicants.
Hit and run
On Aug. 23 a woman was hit as she was turning off of Oakwood onto Hadley roads. A driver in a tan or silver SUV passed the woman on the right and clipped the front of the vehicle causing damage to the front bumper of her car. The passer in the tan or silver SUV did not stop after the accident.
Heated resident
On Aug. 23 an Oakhill resident filed a police report against Universal Temperature Engineering for fraud after he wrote a check in the amount of $1,500 for repairs of a heating and cooling system that was less than a year old. The system has not been fixed and the resident has been unable to make contact with the man who sold him the system, who is the same man that was scheduled to fix it. The resident was able to obtain services from another source who charged $250 for the repairs.
Debutante beer bust
A Hummer Lake man was issued a Host Ordinance Arrest on Aug. 23 for hosting a party for his 15 year old daughter. Officers were dispatched because of loud music, excessive yelling and an overly large bonfire. Officers could hear music from a DJ a half of a mile away from the party. When they arrived on the scene they observed over 50 minors who appeared to the officers to be under the age of 18. Several of the minors were drinking beer both in and out of the home. The father told officers he was having the party for his daughter, which he stated he does every year. He said he tried to keep an eye on the kids.
Two of the minors were ticketed and taken home, the father was issued the host ordinance ticket and all the adults at the party were told not to let the kids drink any more beer and not to let them drive home.
Natural death
On Aug. 20 at approximately 2:30 p.m. a man living on Kier Road and Oakhill called the Michigan State Police because his wife was not responding and was slumped over in her chair. The two were napping and the husband woke up to find her lifeless. She was taken to Genesys Health Park, where she was pronounced dead.

The following is public information from official documents, including written statements, handwritten eyewitness accounts, court recordings and press releases from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department substation, Brandon Township, and the Michigan State Police post in Groveland Township.
Tailgate parting
On Sept. 8 a Brandon football fan parked his pick up truck at H.T. Burt Elementary and went to the Brandon High School football game. When he returned to his truck after the game he discovered his tailgate was missing. There are no suspects.
Writing on the wall
On Sept. 8 a Butternut resident discovered her purse had been taken from her unlocked, open-windowed car. She told police her back door was also pushed in and the door jam was damaged. Officers found someone had written obscenities with lipstick on the living room walls. The resident found her purse, minus credit cards and driver’s license, on another street. There are no suspects.
Bogus plate
On Sept. 7 a Brandon resident was stopped and ticketed for having a decorator plate he bought for $20 at a car show, in place of the license plate on his car. The driver did not have proof of registration nor proof of insurance. The driver was also ticketed for illegally blacking out the windows of the vehicle.
Nothing missing
On Sept. 7 a Legault resident who is building a garage discovered someone had shoved two-by-fours through the driver’s window of his truck. Although the windows were broken, nothing was missing from the truck.
Unwanted drunk
On Sept. 7 a Hazel resident called deputies when a man was pounding on the resident’s door. Police found the pounder intoxicated and transported him to his parent’s home.

Wallet found
On Sept. 7 a wallet was found on South Street and returned to the owner.
Ride to rehab
On Sept 6 Deputies discovered a vehicle that hit the guardrail on South and Church streets. The driver rolled out of his car and then crawled through the weeds, under the guardrail. When he saw the officers he stood in front of them, thanked them for stopping him and asked them to take him for treatment, stating he was an alcoholic and did not want to continue through life like that. Officers did a PBT which registered .214. The man was taken to Oakland County Jail for his second drunk driving offense.
Took gas
On Sept. 6 someone drove off without paying for $25 worth of gas from the Sunoco Gas station.
Triple trouble
On Sept. 5 a deputy stopped a speeding car on M-15. The passenger smelled of intoxicants and handed over a cocktail to officers, when he was questioned about drinking. When asked to exit the vehicle the passenger dropped a half of a bottle of rum out of the car. A breathelizer of the passenger registered .112. The 19-year old admitted to drinking part of the passenger’s drink, several hours earlier. A breathelizer from her registered .033. Both passenger and driver were ticketed for open intoxicants. The driver was ticketed for a minor in possession and the passenger was ticked for providing alcohol to a minor.
Rammed with car
On Sept. 5 a Birch resident was charged for felonious assault with a motor vehicle after an altercation with two men in another vehicle. Witnesses said they saw the resident arguing with the two men. The suspect then got in his car and drove it into the car where the two other men were standing, forcing them to jump out of the way. Witnesses say he rammed the car two to three times before deputies arrived. When arrested the man said he thought the pair were hassling his mother.
Fraudulent charges
On Sept 5 a Lakeview resident reported that someone had put several charges to Home Depot and Rite Aid on his credit card. The resident stated he was not sure how the charges could have gotten on his credit card because it had not been missing from his wallet. He did say, however, he has had a contractor doing work in his home and noted the bill had electrical supplies and as well as drop ceiling material. Those material codes will be compared to codes on the bill.
Fire Call
The following is a summary of responses provided by Brandon fire department for the month of August.

47 Medical emergencies
12 Personal injury auto accidents
9 Burning complaints
8 False alarms
8 Hazardous conditions
3 Mutual aid assists
3 Dwelling smoke investigations
2 Auto fires
2 Utilities
1 Wash down
1 Public service

Long commute
On Jan. 11, a Brandon deputy on patrol stopped a vehicle on S. Ortonville Road near Viola for a defective headlight and disregard of a traffic control device. The suspect said he lives in Michigan and drives back and forth to Minnesota for work. When questioned about his driving record, the man said it was OK, he had a couple tickets last year. The deputy asked if the suspect’s license had been or was currently suspended, to which the suspect said he didn’t know. A LEIN check showed the man’s license was suspended. He was ticketed for driving while license suspended.
On Jan. 12, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1500 block of N. Baldwin Road for an ordinance violation. The complainant said the owner of nearby property is storing or using equipment on his property that is prohibited by court order, including sawmilling equipment. Photos were taken of the alleged violations.
Happy birthday-not
On Jan. 12, a report of mail fraud/tampering was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said she sent a birthday card to her son in Illinois with a check enclosed. The son only received the envelope, with no card or check. The envelope had a slit that looked to be intentional.
Domestic violence
On Jan. 15, at 4:40 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 4300 block of Fir. The complainant said her husband punched her in the face and she was locked in the bathroom. Her husband left the house by the time the deputy arrived. The complainant told the deputy she had recently told her husband she wanted a divorce after two years of marriage. The couple have a 15-month-old child in common. Tonight the complainant and her husband went out with friends and both were drinking. She went to bed in a shirt and jeans and when her husband tried to get them off her and she said no, she went to the couch, where he persisted. When she pushed him away, he hit her in the face. The deputy observed a goose egg sized bump rising on the woman’s cheek, a hole in the drywall, and signs of a struggle. The suspect was found and said after the complainant rejected him, she hit him in the head ten times and he pushed her off. He said he didn’t hit her. He had no signs of injury and the deputy arrested the man for domestic violence and transported him to the Oakland County Jail.
Liar, liar
On Jan. 17, at 7:41 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to a rollover accident on Oakhill Road near Perry Lake Road. When he arrived, he found a Jeep on its left side, partway in the road and part in the shoulder/ditch. A man was next to the Jeep and holding on to a dog. He said he swerved to avoid a deer. When asked if he had consumed any alcohol, the man said no. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed the man had a blood alcohol content of .135 percent. In the vehicle was an empty 16 ounce beer can and a full beer can. He was taken to Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital for a blood draw. The man has a previous conviction for operating while intoxicated. The case is open pending results of the blood draw.

On Jan. 19, a Brandon deputy on patrol stopped a vehicle with defective equipment. The driver gave the deputy an identification card and said he didn’t have a driver’s license, as it was currently suspended. He didn’t have any registration or insurance either, and said he had a warrant out for his arrest. The deputy discovered the man had warrants for disorderly conduct, driving while license suspended and giving false information to a police officer. He was taken into custody. The case is open.
Mail theft
On Jan. 20, a Brandon deputy responded to an apartment in the 800 block of Oakwood Road for mail theft. The complainant said she ordered two sets of $2 National Park bill packages from a television commercial two weeks ago. She said her father ordered the same item the week before she did and received his one week after ordering. She checked with the post office and was told her package had been delivered last week. She suspects her neighbor stole it.
Doggone it
On Jan. 21, a Brandon deputy responded to the 2200 block of Ironwood. The complainant said between noon and 5:30 p.m. Jan. 19, someone broke her locked back door that leads into her laundry room and stole a Vet Pak’dog grooming equipment valued at $700. She said she would have suspected her husband that she kicked out three months ago, but he is currently in jail.

Disrespectin? me?
On Jan. 25, Brandon deputies responded to the Citgo gas station on Ortonville Road near South Street for a report of a physical altercation between two females, one a 17-year-old and the other a 55-year-old. The 17-year-old told deputies she was in her car at the gas station when she needed to back up due to another vehicle trying to pull through. She tried to signal to the driver behind her (the 55-year-old woman) to back up and said the woman made faces and threw her hands up in the air, then pulled around to another pump. As both women walked in the station, the 17-year-old said the other woman called her a moron. She said she responded, ‘I just wanted to back up.? She said the woman called her a bitch, and the teen responded by saying, ‘Shut up, you old bitch.? The teen said the woman then pushed her and hit her in the face. The 55-year-old woman told deputies that as they walked in the station, she said, ‘That was stupid,? not in reference to the teen, but to the driver that required the teen to back up. The teen then started saying stuff, including, ‘Shut up, you old lady.? The woman said she told the teen to shut up and then the teen hit her. Two witnesses collaborated the teen’s story, saying the older woman hit the younger one first, and then they ended up on the floor. The teen had a small cut on the right side of her mouth. The older woman had slight swelling on her right eyebrow. The older woman was cited for assault.
No problem? Big problem
On Jan. 28, at 2:55 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block of Lockwood for an open 9-1-1 line. When the deputy arrived, he was met by a man who said there were no problems at the residence. The deputy explained he had received a 9-1-1 call from this location and the man invited the deputy in and said he and his wife were the only occupants of the home. When the deputy asked where the man’s wife was, he responded she was in the bedroom. The woman then came out, sobbing and continually rubbing the top of her head. The deputy observed that her husband’s face was flushed and his ears were red. He had no shirt on. The man said he and his wife were in court today in reference to their divorce. They came home and argued and she called 9-1-1, then decided against it and hung up. He said nothing physical occurred. The woman said they argued after getting back from court, and then he lost his temper and began to choke her and pushed her down, and her head bounced off the hardwood floor. She said as she got up, he told her if she called 9-1-1, he would tell them she hit him first with a pan. The woman told the deputy she is afraid of her husband returning and harming her, because he has a very bad temper. The husband was arrested for domestic assault and taken to the Oakland County Jail.
A trunkful of dollars
On Jan. 28, a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block of Bald Eagle Lake Road for a possible breaking and entering in progress. The deputy was met at the home by the complainant, who said she was out having dinner with a friend when her neighbor called her and said the complainant’s garage door was open and the light was on. The complainant came home and found someone had entered her unlocked car, opened her trunk via an electronic release, took her insurance and registration from the glove box and also took tax papers, a checkbook, check receipts, bills to pay and $3,400 in cash from the trunk. The case is open.
Nacho money
On Jan. 29, Brandon deputies responded to Taco Bell, 1152 S. Ortonville Road. The complainant said he was working the drive-thru when a man walked up to the window and ordered a crunchy taco for $1.05. The man paid with a $20 bill and as the employee gave the man his change, the man said, ‘Actually, this is a stick-up.? The employee responded, ‘Man, don’t tell me that!? The suspect then walked over to the adjoining gas station and the employee told the manager what the suspect had said. The complainant then gave the suspect his taco and the suspect walked away and got in a van. The complainant said the suspect was possibly drunk and did not brandish or imply he had a weapon. He did not demand money, paid for his order and left after the transaction. The case is open.
On Jan. 30, at 1 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the athletic field at 209 Varsity Drive for a breaking and entering alarm that issued from the football stadium broadcast booth. An unsecured door and open window were found, but otherwise nothing was disturbed.
On Jan. 31, a larceny from an auto report was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said between 2 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., someone stole two duffel bags from her vehicle parked at her home in the 100 block of Village Court. The bags contained clothes, makeup, and a cd player with several cds. Her home was also egged.
No deposit, no return
On Jan. 31, a mail fraud complaint was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said he was expecting his government check on this day and he never received it, nor any other mail. At 8 p.m., a young woman knocked on his door in the 2800 block of Mulberry. She said four boys had come to her and tried to sell her his check for $150 cash. She confiscated the check without giving them anything. She then came to the man’s house to give him his check. The deputy advised the complainant to get direct deposit for future checks.
No snow(mobile)
On Jan. 31, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4200 block of Lake Knolls for a report of a stolen trailer and snowmobiles. The complainant stores the trailer and four snowmobiles in a storage lot in the 1300 block of S. Ortonville Road. He last checked on the property on Jan. 15. He drove by today and discovered they were gone. He contacted the lot owner who is out of the country on vacation and had no information. The complainant did not have insurance on his trailer or snowmobiles. The case was turned over to the auto theft unit.

On Feb. 5, at 10:10 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol on Dogwood near Hawthorn observed a vehicle speeding. The deputy stopped the vehicle at S. Sashabaw and Oakhill roads. The driver was cited for driving while license suspended. A LEIN check showed the passenger had a felony warrant for probation violation for an original charge of sexual assault and a misdemeanor warrant for minor in possession. He smelled of intoxicants and a preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .068 percent. He also had marijuana in his front pocket, which he said he forgot was there. The passenger was taken to the Oakland County Jail on the two warrants and cited for possession of marijuana and minor in possession.
Lots of static
On Feb. 7, a Brandon deputy on patrol on Sashabaw Road near Ingles Lane observed a car with its high beams on. He flashed his own headlights at the driver twice to let him know to turn them off. When the driver continued without turning down the high beams, the deputy stopped him. The driver smelled of marijuana. The deputy asked the driver if he had anything he should not have, or if he had anything illegal in the vehicle. The man hesitated before responding no to each question. Several dryer sheets were found in the man’s pocket, as well as a marijuana cigarette. The man denied smoking marijuana today. A search of the vehicle found a bag of marijuana and two pills labeled ‘Adderall.? The man was arrested for operating under the influence of drugs, as well as possession of narcotics and marijuana. He was taken to the hospital for a blood draw before being transported to the Oakland County Jail. The case is open.
On Feb. 7, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4400 block of Hemlock Loop in the Sashabaw Meadows Mobile Home Park for theft of tools and equipment from a maintenance building. The maintenance supervisor said he was at the building the day before at 10:30 a.m. and the building was secure. He returned today at 7 a.m. and found items disturbed and many tools stolen. Further inspection found the suspect or suspects tried to pry an outside door open without success. The suspect gained entry by partially removing pins from the door hinges.
Two fences were also cut to gain entry to the lot. Tools stolen included a reciprocating electric saw, a cordless drill, a 50-foot air hose, an air compressor, drill batteries, chargers, cordless reciprocating saws, propane torches, flashlights, concrete saws, a backpack blower, weed trimmer and miscellaneous hand tools. The case is open.

Missing plate
On Feb. 8, a report was made at the Brandon substation for a lost or stolen license plate from a trailer. The complainant resides in the 2400 block of High Meadows Drive.
Big chunk of change
On Feb. 11, a Brandon deputy responded to the Sunoco gas station, 1152 S. Ortonville Road, for a report of larceny from a building. The complainant, the manager, said she counted money at 5:30 a.m. Feb. 9 from the previous day’s sales and put the money in various bundles according to the denominations. She placed the bundles in an open bag under the counter so that money could be put in the cash register to make change as needed. At 2 p.m., she took the money to the bank to deposit it. The following day, Feb. 10, the bank notified her that her deposit was $2,850 less than what she said she had counted, and some of the money bundles she knew had been there were gone. Two other employees were working that day, both of whom denied knowing anything about the missing money. The case is open.
Copper caper
On Feb. 11, at 5:30 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to a home on Granger Road for a report of breaking and entering. The home is for sale and the complainant is a representative for the realtor company. Upon checking the home that hadn’t been visited in some time, the complainant found copper piping missing from appliances and a few water lines. Two doors were damaged as the thief made entry into the home. The case is open.
Laptop, iPod heist
On Feb. 13, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4100 block of Poplar for a report of larceny from an auto. Between 6 p.m. Feb. 11 and 1 p.m. Feb. 12, someone entered the complainant’s vehicle and stole an iPod and laptop computer. The complainant was unsure if the vehicle was locked. There was no sign of forced entry.

On Feb. 16, at 4:12 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to M-15 for a report of a tractor/trailer driving recklessly. The deputy stopped the tractor-trailer on M-15 near Wolfe Road. The driver said while he was northbound on M-15 from I-75, he was behind a vehicle that was continuously tapping the brakes and causing him to take evasive action and drive off the road. A witness told the deputy that the tractor-trailer was following the car closely and appeared to try and run her off the road. The tractor-trailer driver was cited for careless driving.
Auto theft
On Feb. 16, a Brandon deputy responded to Southeastern Auto Sales, 1343 S. Ortonville Road for unlawful driving away of an automobile. The complainant said between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., someone stole a 1997 Dodge Neon from the lot that for sale and unplated. The case is open.
Birthday shenanigans
On Feb. 17, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3800 block of Redbud for a report of larceny. The complainant said his friend stole his wife’s laptop computer. He said he and his friend went out for his birthday at arouknd 10:30 p.m. and came home at midnight and the friend slept on the couch while he checked Facebook. He said he went to bed and left the computer charging. The next day the computer was gone, he said, and his friend told him he took the laptop and traded it for drugs to a man named Mike in Pontiac. The complainant said his friend told him he would help him get the computer back and gave him a phone number for Mike. The deputy contacted the friend, who said he didn’t steal the laptop. He said the complainant asked him for a ride and they went to a trailer park on Brown Road, where the complainant took the laptop into a trailer and came out without it. The deputy had both the complainant and his friend come to the substation to straighten things out. The deputy intereviewed the friend who said that after the complainant came out without the laptop, the next day he asked his friend for a ride to Meijer to write a check for a money order, because he needed to pay Mike to get the laptop back. In the deputy’s second interview with the friend, the man said he and the complainant went to a party on Feb. 16 and he traded his navigation system for drugs, while the complainant traded his laptop for drugs. The complainant finally admitted they both traded the items for drugs. The complainant’s wife said her husband and his friend both smoke marijuana and crack and this is not the first time her husband has traded items they own for drugs. The case is closed.
Copper caper
On Feb. 18, a Brandon deputy responded to an unoccupied foreclosed home in the 5200 block of Seymour Lake Road. The garage rear entry door was wide open and the door frame had been broken for entry. The interior house garage door was also broken. Copper pipes in the basement were cut and missing. The rear basement window was broken. The doors were resecured. The realtor said the house has an owner and a quick sale is pending.
All in the family
On Feb. 19, at 1:45 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to Taco Bell, 1152 S. Ortonville Road, for a suspicious vehicle with three occupants that had been in the parking lot for more than 30 minutes. When the deputy arrived, he found the vehicle with its engine running and foggy windows. In the vehicle was a male driver, 26, with his cousin, 15, and her friend, 16. The vehicle smelled of freshly burned marijuana and the driver said they smoked all the marijuana prior to the deputy’s arrival. He then recanted and said that all that was left were roaches in a snuff can. He had Zig Zag rolling papers between his legs on the seat. A LEIN check showed he has an outstanding warrant for failure to appear on a minor in possession charge from 2003. On the driver’s side floorboard was a partially full pint of Five O’Clock vodka. His cousin said that she was spending the night at her friend’s house and they decided to text him and have him pick them up. He bought them each a bottle of orange juice to pour vodka in and they smoked marijuana. The driver was issued two misdemeanor citations, one for possession of marijuana and the other for furnishing liquor to persons under 21. He was released and advised. The girls were taken to the substation and their mothers picked them up. A report was forwarded to the court and to the Brandon school liaison officer.
On Feb. 19, a Brandon deputy responded to the 100 block of Mill Street for malicious destruction of property. The complainant said between midnight and 6 a.m., someone threw a volleyball-sized stone through a stained glass window.
Lost wallet
On Feb. 20, a report was filed at the Brandon substation for a lost wallet. The complainant had his wallet, which contains his driver’s license, credit cards, and a copy of his birth certificate, at Subway in Ortonville on Feb. 19 and hasn’t seen it since.

Illegal in more ways than one
On Feb. 22, at 11:30 p.m., Brandon deputies responded to the 4800 block of Oakwood Road for a domestic assault. The complainant said she and her live-in boyfriend had an argument after he and his friend were drinking and his friend stayed too late. After the friend left, the argument continued and the complainant was standing by the front door when the boyfriend decided he was leaving. He grabbed the complainant by the shoulder and threw her out of the way, pushing her into a freestanding space heater. She suffered a cut/abrasion to her leg that is approximately 8 inches in length. The suspect was arrested in the area of Oakwood and Baldwin roads. He had a blood alcohol content of .08 percent. He admitted shoving her and she never touched him. He had no identification other than an expired Mexican driver’s license. The complainant said the suspect has a bad temper that shows itself when he gets angry or drinks. Violent incidents in the past include one six months ago when he threw a phone at the complainant and hit her in the face. He was arrested for domestic assault and taken to the Oakland County Jail, where he was later taken into the custody of immigration officials.
On Feb. 22, at 11:38 p.m., Brandon deputies responded to the 4400 block of Butternut for a report of assault and battery. Upon arrival, the deputies found a man shoveling snow in the driveway. He sad he was arguing with his wife earlier, while they were driving. While arguing, she hit him in the head with her hand. Later in the evening they had an argument about how to give their 1-year-old daughter medication. He said his wife raised her hand and he put his hands around her neck. The wife said he choked her. The husband was arrested for domestic violence and lodged at the Oakland County Jail. The case has been turned over to the prosecutor for review.

Mailbox mayhem
On March 5, a Brandon deputy responded to the 100 block of Village Court for a report of lost/stolen property. The complainant said his payroll check was due to arrive on Feb. 24, but it was not in the mailbox. Other employees received their checks. The complainant suspects juveniles from a nearby apartment complex who have been hanging around and messing with the mailboxes, putting duct tape on them, leaving the flags up and doors open. He didn’t notice them taking mail, but said this may have been because the juveniles were also throwing snowballs at residences, ringing doorbells and running.

On March 10, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3800 block of Redbud for a report of domestic violence. The complainant said she was in an altercation with her ex-boyfriend in the 4300 block of Wildwood Loop. She borrowed his car and he wanted it back. When she returned it, he wanted to talk and once she was inside the residence, he wouldn’t let her leave. She said he grabbed her throat and slammed her against a wall. They dated 10 months and have been separated for one month. The complainant said he was upset because he learned the complainant was at a hotel with a mutual friend and when the complainant returned his vehicle, they had an argument. He said he never touched her or stopped her from leaving. The case is open pending review by the prosecutor’s office.

It’s all relative
On March 14, a Brandon deputy responded to the 100 block of N. Narrin Street for a drug complaint. The complainant said he observed his nephew speaking to his aunt at a nearby pet store and he suspected she sold his nephew drugs. The complainant told his nephew to give him what he bought and the nephew denied buying anything. The complainant said he would call police and the nephew asked him to not to. The complainant said upon returning home, his nephew gave him seven orange pills, which turned out to be Vicodin. The nephew admitted to police that he bought them for $40 from his aunt. The aunt also confessed.
On March 19, a Brandon deputy on patrol in the Sashabaw Meadows Mobile Home Park stopped a vehicle in the 3800 block of Cherry for a defective brake light. The driver had no driver’s license, but did have two warrants out, from Friend of the Court and for a seatbelt violation. He was lodged at the Oakland County Jail on the warrants and also cited for no valid operator’s license on person and defective equipment.
Not thinking
On March 20, at 6:20 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol was advised by dispatch to be on the lookout for a white van that was southbound on M-15 nearing South Street that was missing a wheel, with sparks flying. The deputy found the van, which was missing a front passenger side tire, driven on only a partial metal rim, with heavy front end damage and sparking heavily. He stopped the vehicle on Granger Road. The driver smelled of intoxicants.

Auto theft
On May 7, at 10 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol observed a white Suzuki in the ditch on the south side of E. Glass Road, southwest of Granger Road. The vehicle was damaged from striking a tree and appeared to be abandoned. A check of the Law Enforcement Information Network showed the vehicle was stolen out of Genesee County. The driver side window was down and the deputy found a wallet with two driver’s licenses, neither of which belonged to the registered owner. The case is open.
London calling
On May 10, a Brandon deputy responded to N. Hadley Road for a fraud report. The complainant said that on May 9, an unknown responsible hacked into her hotmail account and asked those on her mailing list to send her money to London. She was not in London and this was an obvious attempt at fraud. To her knowledge, no money was sent.
Purse snatched
On May 11, a Brandon deputy took a larceny report at the Brandon substation. The complainant said she placed her purse on the back of a chair at the Subway restaurant at M-15 and Glass Road. She inadvertently left the purse on the chair and when she returned a short time later, it was gone. No one turned in the purse, which contained $20, miscellaneous credit cards, and her military identification. The credit cards have been cancelled.
Absent mom
On May 12, at 4:55 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the Brandon School District Transportation center for an assist. The supervisor said when the bus driver tried to drop off a child at a home in the 4300 block of Hazel, there was no one there to let the boy or his brother into the home. The children were taken to the substation and fed pizza and it was discovered that the children’s mother had been taken to the hospital via the Brandon Fire Department. The mother was discharged at 4:15 p.m., but was not located at the hospital. She contacted the Oakland County dispatch at 6:30 p.m. and advised that she had waited three hours for a cab and was now home. The deputy brought the boys home. An informational report was forwarded to Children’s Protective Services due to a history of unusual circumstances at the address.

On June 14, a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block of Cedar. The complainant said her ex-boyfriend, who has warrants for his arrest for non-support, was in her backyard. The man was arrested and taken to the Oakland County Jail.
On June 14, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1900 block of Viola for a report of home invasion. The complainant said between 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., someone entered the home. The front door was open and a computer and chair that sit in front of the door were moved. Dresser drawers were opened, but nothing appeared to be missing.
On June 16, at 7:15 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 3200 block of Perry Lake Road for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said within the past 24 hours, someone had broken into his barn and stolen a zero turn mower valued at $8,000 and a generator valued at $2,000.
Testosterone overload
On June 16, at 9:45 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 1500 block of Michael Street for a fight. The homeowner said several of her daughter’s friends came to her house to talk about drug use and theft involving her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend. There were no problems until her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend arrived and they began yelling at the friends. Her daughter attacked a girl, hitting and pulling the girl’s hair and the boyfriend pushed people and was throwing punches. Neighbors came to break up the fight. The mother said her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend have a history of drug abuse and the boyfriend threw a needle out of his vehicle before the deputies arrived. The girl who was hit by the daughter showed a large amount of hair on the ground that matched the color of her hair. The daughter was uncooperative with police. A search of her boyfriend’s car produced two syringe caps, a piece of burned foil and a vile of suspected injectable testosterone. Both the daughter and her boyfriend were cited for disorderly conduct and released at the scene. The suspected testosterone was taken to the crime lab. The case is open.
In denial
On June 18, at 2:20 a.m., a Brandon deputy was advised to be on the lookout for a possible drunk driver in an older van on northbound M-15 that was driving into oncoming traffic and had hit the guardrail. The deputy found the vehicle on M-15 near Allen Road and got behind it, at which time the van turned into the Shell gas station at M-15 and Glass Road. The van then turned back onto M-15, heading south. The deputy stopped the vehicle at M-15 and Allen Road. The man said he had not been drinking, but their were fresh marks on the side of the van collaborating the witness statement and the man smelled of intoxicants. He failed several field sobriety tests and wouldn’t perform a breathalyzer test as instructed. The deputy obtained a search warrant and transported the man to the hospital for a blood draw before taking him to the Oakland County Jail. The case is open.

No habla Ingles?
On June 26, at 6:30 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the area of Sashabaw Road and Pine Knob Road for a car accident. On arrival, the deputy met with a witness who said he observed a driver run a red light at the Sashabaw and Clarkston roads intersection. The witness followed the driver and saw him run off the road. The responsible driver was Hispanic and stated to the deputy that he was an illegal from Honduras. His roadside English was not good and he smelled of intoxicants. He had no identification and gave the deputy various names and spellings. The deputy finally learned the man’s true identity from contacts on the man’s cell phone and the name the man gave to booking personnel at the Oakland County Jail. At the jail, the man’s English continued to improve. He said he’d only had two beers. His vehicle was unregistered and a chemical blood test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .16 percent. The U.S. Immigration Department was notified and the man was issued a traffic summons for operating while intoxicated and lodged at the jail.
On June 20, at 2:35 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the area of S. Hadley Road and Seymour Lake Road for a report of larceny from an auto. The complainant said someone stole a cassette MP3 adaptor out of his son’s unlocked vehicle that was parked in the driveway of his address in the 1800 block of Horseshoe Drive. Three suspects left the scene on an all terrain vehicle. He followed, but lost them on Hadley Road near Electra. The ATV was green in color.
On June 20 at 10:30 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 3800 block of Redbud for a report of assault and battery. The complainant said her 10-year-old son was shot in the behind with a BB gun as he was riding his bicycle on the street. The alleged responsibles were teenagers. The boy said he was shot at three times while he was minding his own business. The deputy searched around the address identified by the victim and found BB gun holes in a bedroom screen. As the deputy was leaving, he encountered five males walking toward him, one of whom lived at the suspect address. He went and spoke with the father, then questioned the 17-year-old, who said he had a BB gun, but wasn’t shooting it today. He was taken to the substation for further questioning and at first, the teen said he shoots the BB gun, but only at birds. He then admitted he shot the BB gun at the boy, but only after his friend shot three times at the boy and missed. He said he was trying to miss him, but the boy was riding faster than he thought and he thought he hit him in the neck. He apologized and began crying as he wrote out a statement and letter of apology to the boy and his mother. The teen was cited for assault and battery and turned over to his parents. The BB gun was confiscated.

On Nov. 17, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3800 block of Oakhill Road for a report of larceny from an auto. The complainant said sometime between 11:30 p.m. Nov. 14 and 9 a.m. Nov. 15, someone entered her unlocked Chevy truck and stole two speakers, and also entered her unlocked Dodge and stole a camera and iPod.
No snow
On Nov. 18, a walk-in complaint was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said he discovered his 8-foot snowplow was missing on Nov. 10 from an unsecured fenced-in sewer treatment plant area in the 4200 block of Dogwood in the Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home Park.
On Nov. 19, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4100 block of Granger Road for larceny from a building. The complainant said between Oct. 20 and Nov. 13, someone stole a chainsaw from his garage.
Oh deer
On Nov. 20, a Brandon deputy responded to the 800 block of E. Glass Road to euthanize an injured deer. A roadkill permit was issued.
Spare me
On Nov. 22, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3600 block of Cedar Loop for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said she left home at 6:30 p.m. and returned at 8:30 p.m. to find the front door pried open. Someone had taken her video camera, digital camera, video games and $800 in coins, along with a gold necklace valued at $1,200. Spare keys were also missing.
On Nov. 15, a Brandon deputy responded to the Fenton Police Department to take custody of a suspect wanted on an Oakland County Friend of the Court warrant with a bond of $10,536. The man was lodged at the Oakland County Jail.

Gun found
On Nov. 22, at 12:33 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to a vacant lot at 22 E. Glass Road, where construction is underway. A worker found a handgun on the ground, a few feet from a utility pole near the corner of M-15 and E. Glass Road. The worker picked up the gun so no children would find it and secured it on site until police arrived. The clip was empty and there was no round in the chamber. The gun had corrosion and appeared to have been exposed to the weather for an extended period. The gun is believed to be the one used in an armed robbery that took place in the parking lot of a business in the 1700 block of S. Ortonville Road on Nov. 26, 2008. The suspects in that case fled through the vacant lot and were later apprehended.
Deer hit and run
On Nov. 27, at about 5:31 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol on northbound Baldwin Road was flagged down by a motorist who had just hit a deer and had minor damage to his vehicle. The deer was alive in the northbound lane of the road and appeared to be dazed, but not badly injured. As the deputy approached the animal, an unknown full-sized truck struck the deer and continued north. The deputy euthanized the then-badly injured deer and checked the area for the truck with negative results.
Firewood folly
On Nov. 28, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1800 block of S. Hadley Road for a report of malicious destruction of property to a vehicle. Between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m., someone threw a piece of firewood through the front passenger window of the complainant’s vehicle.

Domestic violence
On Jan. 15, at 11:38 a.m., Genesee County Sheriff Deputies from Atlas Township responded to the 5100 block of Stimson Road and arrested a male juvenile for domestic violence. He was lodged at the Genesee County Regional Detention Center.
Goodrich reefer
On Jan. 15, at 6:23 p.m., Genesee County Sheriff Deputies from Atlas Township responded to a vehicle on Green Road. An 18-year-old male was arrested for possession of marijuana and charged with a violation of chemical substance.
Missed call
On Jan. 15, at 10:42 p.m., Genesee County Sheriff Deputies from Atlas Township responded to Goodrich High School for a larceny of a iPod and cell phone. No suspects.
What’s that?
On Jan. 19, at 6:23 p.m., Genesee County Sheriff Deputies from Atlas Township responded to the Goodrich Middle School for a male juvenile suspect ticketed for possession of drug paraphernalia.
Got drugs?
On Jan. 27, at 9 p.m., Genesee County Sheriff Deputies from Atlas Township responded to M-15 and Green Road and arrested a 33-year-old male for possession of amphetamines.
Real cut up
On Feb. 5, at 7:30 p.m., Genesee County Sheriff Deputies from Atlas Township responded to the 12000 block of Ray Road for a larceny of a chainsaw.
Screw up
On Feb. 3, at about 3:56 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the area of Seymour Lake Road and Ortonville Road for a property damage accident in which one of the drivers was suspected to be intoxicated. Upon arrival, the deputy found four vehicles at the intersection. The first vehicle the deputy approached was a red Hummer occupied by a woman who smelled strongly of intoxicants. She was on her cell phone, slurring her speech. The deputy asked her to get off the phone and she continued as though the he was not there. He opened the door and asked again for her to end her conversation. She handed the phone to him and began crying, saying, ‘Those people were after me.? She said she was coming from a club in Clarkston where she drank four beers, when someone began to tailgate her on Sashabaw Road. She admitted passing her road to go home and began to tailgate the vehicle that tailgated her. As they stopped, she rear-ended them. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed the woman had a blood alcohol content of .20 percent. She was arrested for operating while intoxicated and taken to Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital for a blood draw. Throughout the hospital visit, she told the deputy how this was going to screw her life up and that she hated him. She was lodged at the Oakland County Jail. The case is open.
Pilfered pickup
On Feb. 5, a Brandon deputy responded to the 5800 block of Sawmill Lake Road for a stolen auto report. The complainant said he parked his pickup truck in the detached barn behind his home at 12:30 p.m. the day before, when he got home from work. He left the keys in it as he normally does. This morning he went outside and noticed the rear doors to the barn were open and the truck was gone. He called to report it missing and before the deputy arrived, was informed the pickup truck was found running on the side of a road in the northeast part of Lapeer County. Also missing was a five-gallon gas can and log chain. The The case is open and a report was forwarded to the auto theft unit.
Missing jewelry
On Feb. 5, a report was taken at the Brandon substation for a larceny. Complainant said she was missing a brooch and earrings. She said the earrings were in her safety deposit box at the bank. When she checked today, jewelry was gone. No one but her has a safety deposit box key. The case is open.
Mysterious visitor
On Feb. 6, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1800 block of Oakfield to take a suspicious circumstances report. The complainant said the home was unoccupied and a neighbor saw a white pickup truck park in the driveway and a subject exited the truck and went to the rear door of the home. Nothing appeared to be missing.
Handbag found
On Feb. 8, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3800 block of Cherry Street for a recovered handbag. The complainant said she found the handbag next to her shed as she was taking her trash out. The deputy found a letter inside addressed to a resident on Wildwood Loop. The deputy went to the residence and spoke to a woman there who said she parked her car in the driveway last night and always leaves her handbag in it. Thepassenger side front door does not lock when the auto lock button is pushed. Nothing was missing from the handbag.

Dude, where’s my car?
On Feb. 18, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1900 block of Dunwoodie for a report of a stolen vehicle. The complainant said his friend was storing his blue 2003 Mitsubishi vehicle at his home while he was in Florida. The complainant said he met a girl at the bar and she had stayed at his home the past four days while awaiting a spot in a rehab shelter. He woke up around 11 a.m. on this date and found her gone. At about 4 p.m., he noticed the car was also gone, as well as the keys from the kitchen drawer. He called his friend, who told him to call the police to report it. The girl’s mother then showed up with the keys to the vehicle and said a police officer in Goodrich had stopped her daughter and let her go, despite the fact she had drugs on her person and two warrants for her arrest, according to the police report. The vehicle was located at a tow shop. The girl’s whereabouts are unknown.
Missing generator
On Feb. 18, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4500 block of Wildwood Loop for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said someone stole his TQ 1200-watt generator from his locked storage shed. He last saw the generator on Feb. 13. The lock is now missing from the hasp.
On Feb. 19, a report of malicious destruction of property was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said that between 7 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., someone spraypainted ‘MOE? on a sign at her home in the 200 block of Faust.

Wrong side
On April 16, at 11:10 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 3000 block of Baldwin Road for a dark truck that was parked and running on the side of the road. The deputy arrived to find the vehicle parked on the wrong side of the road, and looked in the vehicle to see two males passed out on the front seat. He rapped on the door several times and then opened the door to make sure they were OK. When he stated he was with the Sheriff’s Office, the driver awoke. He had a hard time finding his license, registration and insurance and smelled of intoxicants. When asked how much he’d had to drink, the man responded, ‘a few.? He said he was coming from a friend’s house down the road and when the deputy asked him if he knew where he was, he said he was in the back yard of the friend’s house. The deputy informed the man he was in fact parked on the wrong side of the street. The deputy found an open beer on the driver’s side floorboard and it was turned over to an alcohol enforcement deputy. The man was arrested for operating while intoxicated, third offense.
Under influence?
On April 19, at 1 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to Baldwin and Oakwood roads for a personal injury accident. The at-fault driver had extensive front-end damage to his Dakota pickup truck and had no identification on him. The driver, from Ohio, was suspected to be under the influence of controlled substances and was taken to the hospital for a blood draw and then released pending results.
Truck fire
On April 21, a Brandon deputy responded to the 2000 block of Circle Drive to assist the Brandon Fire Department with a vehicle fire. They arrived to find the homeowner using a garden hose to try and extinguish flames coming from underneath a GMC pickup truck. Firefighters put the fire out before it did any damage to the home. The man said he had arrived home about an hour earlier and was watching television when he heard honking, looked out the window and saw the truck was on fire.
On April 22, at 9 a.m., Brandon deputies responded to the 4300 block of Fir to pick up a subject on a misdemeanor bench arrest warrant. They kicked a bedroom door open and found the suspect hiding in a closet. He was arrested and taken to the 52-2 District Court.
Park mischief
On April 22, a Brandon deputy took a report for malicious destruction of property that occurred at the Sherman Park basketball courts at Ball and Cedar streets. Someone damaged a park bench using a large rock to smash a large dent and hole in it. A large hold was also found in a fiberglass basketball backboard.

On April 17 at 12:32 p.m.,Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation responded to Hill and Vassar roads for a personal damage accident.
On April 18, at 2 a.m., Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation responded to the 11000 block of Horton Road for a domestic issue.
On April 19, at midnight, Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation responded to the 10100 block of Hegel Road for a domestic issue.
On April 19, at 7 a.m., Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation responded to the 8000 blocl of State Road for a report of a larceny.
On April 20, at 12:30 a.m., Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation responded to the 7000 block of State Road for a warrant arrest.
On April 22, at 9:15 a.m., Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation responded to the Goodrich Middle School for a larceny report.
License really?
On April 29, at 2 a.m., Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation arrested a motorist near State and Coolidge roads for driving while license suspended.
High School
On April 29, Genesee County Deputies from the Atlas Township Substation from the Atlas Township Substation responded to the Goodrich High School for a personal damage accident.

Angry husband
On May 4, a complaint of harassment and threats was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said he had a relationship with a woman while she was separated from her husband. The complainant was also the responsible party in a 2009 larceny complaint in which the woman was the victim. The complainant’s relationship with her is over. The woman is getting a divorce, but even though the complainant and she no longer have a relationship, he said her husband is threatening him and sending unwanted text messages saying he will beat him up or kill him. The complainant is also worried because the husband has called his probation officer and made false allegations in an attempt to get him in violation of his probation. He was encouraged to file a personal protection order.
She loves that bar
On May 4, a Brandon deputy was responding to the area of Ortonville and Oakhill roads for a possible drunk driver being followed by a witness. En route, the deputy was advised that the suspect vehicle was involved in a property damage accident at Ortonville and Seymour Lake roads. The deputy arrived at the scene to find a black Chrysler blocked in by two vehicles. He passed to turn around and saw the Chrysler attempt to leave the scene. As he was getting out of his patrol car, the suspect put her vehicle in reverse and came within a few feet of backing into the patrol unit. He approached the vehicle and asked her to turn her car off. She grabbed the shifter and began to change gears. The deputy ordered her to put the car in park and exit. She stumbled out of the vehicle and staggered to the rear of the vehicle. The deputy asked her if she’d been drinking and she said she’d had one drink at the Toby Keith bar at Great Lakes Crossing. She smelled strongly of intoxicants and would not submit to a breathalyzer test. She was arrested for operating while intoxicated, second offense and was taken to the hospital for a blood draw before being taken to the Oakland County Jail. The case is open.
Talk of the bar
On May 5, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1900 block of S. Ortonville Road for a breaking and entering. The complainant said someone entered her home and stole her prescription medications. She said her doors won’t lock and everyone at the bar knows she has medication in her house. An unknown amount of Clonazepam and methadone were taken, but the empty pill bottles were left. An airsoft toy gun was also taken.
Assault & battery
On May 1, Genesee County Sheriff Deputies from Atlas Township responded to a Hegel Road business in Goodrich for a assault and battery.
On May 7, a complaint of threats was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said he was threatened by another man in the same line of work as he is, who accused him of bad-mouthing him to a client. The complainant said the man told him he’d better stop or he would ‘hurt him.? The deputy left a message on the suspect’s voicemail advising him to leave the complainant alone.
Bad lesson
On May 7, a Brandon deputy responded to Redbud and Fir for two juveniles fighting. Per the caller, the boyfriend of the mother of one of the boys was watching the fight. En route, the deputy was advised that that boy got into a car identified as his mother’s, who lives in the 4300 block of Wildwood Loop. The deputy made contact with the woman, who said she told the boys to fight. She said her son (an 11-year-old) was given a cigarette by the other boy at school and her son was suspended. Her son told the principal the other boy had given him the cigarette and that boy had since been making threats to her son. She said she contacted the principal and then told the boys to go ahead and fight. The mother’s boyfriend said the other boy had walked over to his girlfriend’s son as if he was going to fight and his girlfriend’s son was defending himself. When the deputy asked why the man hadn’t tried to stop them, the man said they teach the boy to defend himself. The principal was contacted and a report was forwarded to Child Protective Services.
Poles pilfered
On May 7, a Brandon deputy responded to the 800 block of Oakwood Road for a report of larceny. The complainant said between April 10 and this date, someone had entered the property and removed 24 2x4x8 wooden support poles valued at $400 that were attached to a 75-foot wood fence.
On May 9, a Brandon deputy responded to the 6800 block of Oakhill Road for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said between April 28 and this date, someone entered the unattached garage at the property and stole a large variety of tools, power tools, a television, refrigerator, and tool boxes. The house is for sale and he doesn’t reside there. A side garage door was found unlocked.
On May 9, at about 9:40 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol made a traffic stop on a vehicle at S. Ortonville and Allen roads and learned the passenger had two warrants, one from Florida with no extradition and a misdemeanor warrant from Madison Heights for leaving the scene of a property damage accident with a $500 bond. She said she had the bond money and the deputy took the bond to booking, where it was secured in a safe.

Drunk Mom
On May 10, at 7:15 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the substation for a child exchange. The deputy met with the child’s grandfather. The man said he was meeting there to turn over the child to her mother, but when he arrived and began to speak to her, he suspected she was drunk as she slurred her words and swore. The deputy began speaking to the mother and smelled intoxicants on her and saw she was unsteady. He asked her if she drove the SUV parked out front and she said a friend had drove her and she had her last drink at 3 p.m. When the deputy asked the woman for the phone number of the friend who drove her, the woman went to the SUV, removed the keys from the ignition and put them in her purse on the passenger seat. She then grabbed her cell phone and called someone, telling them that she needed them to tell the police they drove her to the substation. The complainant said when he arrived at the substation and pulled up behind the mother’s vehicle, he saw her get out of the driver’s seat. A preliminary breathalyzer test on the woman showed she had a blood alcohol content of .177 percent. She was arrested on suspicion of operating while intoxicated and taken to the hospital for a blood draw before being taken to the Oakland County Jail. The case is open.
Noisy intruder
On May 11 at about 3 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 4000 block of Lake Knolls for an attempted burglary. The complainant said he and his wife woke up to a noise in the kitchen. Both the kitchen and dining room windows were found wide open with screens to the side and shades up. The windows had been shut, but not locked when they went to bed. Nothing appeared to have been taken.
Bodi alert
On May 11, a Brandon K-9 unit responded to the 6700 block of Dale Court in Independence Township for a narcotics search after deputies found bags of marijuana in the backyard of the home. K-9 Bodi indicated on several areas in an attached garage where glass pipes and cigarette papers were found. The rest of the residence was searched and Bodi also alerted on a medium-sized duffle bag in a basement bedroom closet that contained zip lock baggies.

Kick start my heart
On May 31, at 1:55 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to a home in the 3800 block of Larch Court for a heroin overdose. He arrived and was met by a man at the door who led him to a woman who was performing rescue breathing on a 26-year-old female victim. The deputy started cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the victim after not finding a pulse. A second deputy arrived after about one minute of compressions and got an ambulance bag. The deputy performing CPR found a weak pulse. Brandon Fire Department medics arrived, got the woman talking and took her to Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital.
On June 2, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3300 block of Hickory Ridge. The complainant’s credit union had called him to advise of unusual activity on his debit card. Someone charged $247 to his card at the Northville Meijer store, and two other purchases of $600 and $400 were attempted but declined. The complainant said his card was on the counter yesterday and the only person who had been in the house was his lawn service man. The card was cancelled and he was advised to call the Northville Police for a fraud report.
On June 4, a Brandon deputy responded to the 5000 block of Ramsey for an assault and battery. The complainant was sitting on the side of the road and said his friend pushed him to the ground for no reason and his knee and finger were injured. The suspect said the victim was at his house doing work and was intoxicated and said vulgar things to him in front of his girlfriend. He said he told the victim to leave and he refused. When the victim got in his face, the suspect said he pushed him. The deputy observed the complainant was clearly intoxicated and a preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .24 percent, even though he said he had only three drinks. The suspect was cited for assault and battery and the victim was taken to the hospital for evaluation.
Bitter renters?
On June 5, a Brandon deputy responded to the 800 block of Shelmar for

Level up
On July 13, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3700 block of Cedar Loop for telephone threats. The complainant said over the last two weeks, she has received numerous calls from a woman who said the complainant’s number is on her husband’s cell phone. The woman has threatened to ‘take it to the next level? with the complainant if she does not address this issue. The complainant was advised to contact the nuisance bureau of the phone company if the calls continue.
On July 13, at 11:55 p.m., a Brandon deputy was advised to be on the lookout for a possible drunk driver on southbound M-15. The deputy found the suspect vehicle and followed it as it was doing 64 mph in a 55 mph zone, then crossed left of center and onto the right shoulder several times. The deputy stopped the vehicle at M-15 and Seymour Lake Road. The 17-year-old driver admitted having several shots at about 6 p.m. A preliminary breathalyzer test on the driver revealed a blood alcohol content of .124 percent. PBTs were also administered to four underage passengers, with one having results of .079 percent bac. The driver was arrested for operating while intoxicated and lodged at the Oakland County Jail. All other occupants of the vehicle were taken to the Brandon substation and released to their parents.
Open and shut case
On July 14, a walk-in complaint was taken at the Brandon substation. The complainant said she was contacted by the bank about a $6,000 line of credit that was opened in her name. She said she never opened the credit line and wants it closed. The bank informed her she needed a police report. She is unaware of any charges made using the open credit line.
Lost and found
On July 14, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3600 block of Lakeview for a missing paddleboat. The paddleboat was tied to the complainant’s dock and after a search, it was discovered in weeds by the shore.
On July 14, a Brandon deputy responded to the 5100 block of Granger Road. The complainant said sometime during the past three days, someone kicked open a side door to his pole barn and stole a Honda inverter generator, golf clubs and a chainsaw. The door frame was broken.
On July 18, at 2:30 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the children’s park area at Apple and Fir in the Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home Park for a drug overdose. Brandon Fire Department medics were on scene and woke up the 21-year-old man. He was obviously under the influence of drugs and was taken to the hospital. A witness said he had arrived at the children’s park area and found his friend passed out. The witness said his friend had told him prior to passing out that he had taken Zanax and heroin.

Party’s over
On July 31, at 9:30 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block of Granger Road, for a larceny report. The complainant said she attended a party at this residence the previous night and sometime between 11:30 p.m. and 11:30 a.m., someone stole $50 and her house key. The case is open.
Urgent matter
On Aug. 1, at about 3 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol on southbound Ortonville Road near Huff Lake saw a vehicle parked on the side of the road with someone standing on the passenger side. The deputy pulled up and shone his spotlight on the subject, who turned around and was pulling up the zipper on his pants. When the deputy asked the man what he was doing, the man, who had been urinating on the shoulder of the road, said, ‘I couldn’t hold it…? The man’s speech was slurred and a case of Bud Light beer was on the rear floorboard of the vehicle. He denied drinking, but when a preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .097 percent, he admitted the beer was his and he had been drinking. He was cited for disorderly conduct and minor in possession and his passenger drove them home.
Bikeless in Brandon
On Aug. 1, a Brandon deputy was flagged down by a complainant in the 2200 block of Allen Road. The complainant said someone entered his open, detached garage and stole his son’s bike while he was gone for an hour-and-a-half.
Guns gone
On Aug. 2, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1800 block of Perry Lake Road. The complainant said he left home at 8:45 a.m. and when he returned at 6:30 p.m., he noticed part of the door latch on the garage floor and realized the back garage door and the door into the home had both been forced open, with damage to the door and doorjambs. Taken from the home were a .44 caliber handgun with scope, a 9 mm handgun, a digital camera, coin jug, and watch and other jewelry. The case is open.
Dissected bike
On Aug. 2, a Brandon deputy re-sponded to a business at Sashabaw and Oakhill roads. The complainant said he parked his bike in the store vestibule and went in. As he was walking in, he noticed kids walking out, but didn’t get a good look at them. He was inside the store for a few minutes when his friend called him and said he saw someone riding his custommade, yellow bike with blue handlebars northbound on Sashabaw Road. The victim’s mother later found several pieces of the bike in the woods near the mobile home park. The case is open.
On Aug. 2, a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block of N. Sashabaw Road for an attempted breaking and entering. The complainant said someone tried to break in to her house by kicking two of her doors. It does not appear they gained entry. The case is open.
On Aug. 3, at 12:18 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to Genesys Hospital in Grand Blanc to meet Michigan State Police troopers to take custody for a subject on a Friend of the Court warrant with a $5,261 cash bond. He was taken to the Oakland County Jail.
Really nothing there
On Aug. 2, Michigan State Police Troopers from the Groveland Township post responded to the 7300 block of Groveland Road after a call from the homeowner of a break-in. The home had been vacant from July 14 to Aug. 2 and had been broken into two times. Nothing was in the home to steal. Case closed.
Off road
On Aug. 3, Michigan State Police Troopers from the Groveland Township post responded to the 16000 block of Fall River in the Oakhill Estates mobile home community for a report of a woman driving over the lawn of a residence. A 35-year-old female allegedly drove her vehicle over the lawn of a 25-year-old man, her former boyfriend, who had been released from prison a few weeks earlier. According to reports the woman was arrested for disturbing the peace.
Bad influence
On Aug. 4, at 2:22 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 3600 block of Pinoak, where he met a complainant who said her 17-year-old daughter was supposed to be home by midnight and was inside the listed address with her 17-year-old boyfriend. She pointed out her daughter’s vehicle in the driveway and said she had knocked on the door and no one answered. The deputy also knocked on the door and received no response. He found an open window and shone his flashlight in, and awakened a woman. She let the deputy in to knock on a bedroom door where the complainant’s daughter and her boyfriend were asleep. When the door was opened, the deputy detected a strong odor of intoxicants. Preliminary breathalyzer tests were administered, revealing the daughter has a .115 percent blood alcohol content and her boyfriend had a bac of .101 percent. They admitted drinking Southern Comfort and an empty fifth bottle was on the floor. Several six-packs of beer were on the kitchen table. The daughter and her boyfriend were cited for minors in possession. The homeowners were cited for furnishing alcohol to minors. A LEIN check showed the adult male occupant of the home has a felony warrant and several other warrants for his arrest. He was taken to the Oakland County Jail.
Stolen gun
On Aug. 4, a Brandon deputy responded to the 2500 block of Iid’s Way. The complainant said someone entered his unlocked truck parked in the driveway and stole his loaded handgun from the glove box, as well as a GPS device.
No sign of sign
On Aug. 6, a Brandon deputy responded to Persimmon Drive for suspicious circumstances. The complainant said her company is missing an advertising sign from the corner of Seymour Lake Road and Persimmon, at the front of the Seymour Lake Meadows subdivision.
B & E
On Aug. 6, at 10:49 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 6200 block of Oakhill Road for a breaking and entering complaint. The complainant arrived home and found his front door open. He called the police and waited. The front door was broken in and the doorjamb was separated from the wall. Nothing was immediately found to be missing. The case is open.
Piggies pilfered
On Aug. 6, at 8:15 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 5100 block of Seymour Lake Road for a home invasion report. Two doors at the home were found forced open. The homeowner said jewelry, an air compressor, and two piggy banks containing several hundred dollars were missing. A deputy from the Orion substation had a suspect in custody with the stolen property.
Gone in 60 seconds
On Aug. 4, Michigan State Police Troopers from the Groveland Township post responded to the 200 block of State Park Road after a report of a breaking and entering. According to police reports the female homeowner left about 10 a.m. and arrived back at noon to find the back door open. A television, laptop and jewelry were reported missing. The family dog was home but had been locked in the garage.
Cash only
On Aug. 5, Michigan State Police Troopers from the Groveland Township post responded to Bottoms Up Food and Spirits, 14000 block of Dixie Highway after a report a car was broken into. An employee of the restaurant reported $300 in cash stolen from his wallet which was left in the car.
Mother, son tag team
On Aug. 7, Michigan State Police Troopers from the Groveland Township post responded to Kimberly Drive in the Oakhill Estates mobile home community. When the trooper arrived a mother and son were fighting on the front lawn. The trooper asked the woman to stop. She refused and continued to push her 16-year-old son around the yard. The trooper stepped in to stop the fight and was pushed by the son, who had started pushing his mother. The mother also pushed the trooper. The mother was arrested for assault, the son was not arrested due to his age. She was lodged in Oakland County Jail.

On Aug. 9, at 7 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 1100 bock of Hurd Road for a report of littering. The complainant said he was in his garage when he saw a driver throw a McDonald’s bag out the window. He got in his own vehicle and followed the suspect and when she pulled into a driveway and stopped, he told her to come back and pick up her garbage. She said she would, but when she didn’t, he got the receipt out of the bag and the last four numbers of her credit card. The deputy returned to the address the woman had gone to, she was identified and admitted to throwing the bag out the window. She was cited for littering.

Pilfered pills
On Aug. 10, a complainant walked into the Brandon substation and reported that between 5 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.on Aug. 6, while relatives were visiting her home in the 3800 block of Redbud, her pain pills went missing from the kitchen counter.

Missing chainsaw
On Aug. 10, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3700 block of Seymour Lake Road for larceny. The complainant said between July 26 and Aug. 9, someone stole a chainsaw from the garage. The case is open.

Bikeless in Brandon
On Aug. 10, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4200 block of Fir to take a report of a stolen Autobike brand bicycle.

Drunk golfcart driver
On Aug. 11, a Brandon deputy on patrol on southbound Ortonville Road near Granger Road saw a woman driving a golf cart on the sidewalk heading north with a 40-ounce beer between her legs. He stopped her and she said she was coming from the campground a half-mile away, just out for a cruise. She was clearly intoxicated and the deputy was unable to find her in the law enforcement information network based on the name she gave. Her sister came from the campground to pick her up and gave the deputy the woman’s correct last name. When he checked that name in LEIN, it showed the woamn had five different warrants for her arrest, including one for giving false identification to a police officer. The woman was cited for disorderly conduct and falsely identifying herself to a police officer. The golf cart was driven back to the campground by another family member.

Touch and go
On Aug. 12, a Brandon deputy responded to the 900 block of E. Glass Road for larceny from an auto. Between 12:30 a.m. and 8 a.m., someone broke the driver’s side window on the complainant’s vehicle and stole an iTouch.

On Aug. 12, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4500 block of Spruce Court. The complainant said her 10-year-old daughter was talking to an 18-year-old male on instant messenger and Facebook and he asked her obscene questions and if she wanted to meet. The mother messaged him back and told him her daughter is 10 and that she was contacting the police. The case is open.

Usual suspects
On Aug. 15, at 1:13 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 700 block of Oakwood Road for domestic violence. A man and woman who live together were drinking at the bar and after they arrived home, the woman said they argued ‘like usual.? She told the deputy she went to the bedroom and hid under the sheets and he grabbed her by the neck, so she ‘defended herself? by punching him in the mouth with her fist. The man said she punched him because he didn’t let the dog outside. The woman had swollen knuckles and the man had a visible upper lip injury. She was arrested and taken to the Oakland County Jail. The case is open pending review.

Bad blood
On Aug. 16, a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block of South Street for a report of telephone threats. The complainant said she had received threatening phone calls from her brother, who accused her of calling Social Services regarding his children. She said he threatened to kill her.

Bikeless too
On Aug. 16, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4500 block of Wildwood Loop for a larceny complaint. The complainant said between Aug. 12 and Aug. 15, someone took her son’s green Mongoose bike from the yard next to the trailer and shed.

Trading places
On Aug. 16, a Brandon deputy responded to the 500 block of S. Sashabaw Road for a stolen canoe. The complainant said between Aug. 2 and Aug. 16, someone took his Old Towne 14.6 foot green fiberglass canoe from the lakefront and left a flat bottom aluminum green fishing boat in its place.

On Aug. 12, Brandon deputies responded to the 3700 block of Dartmouth at 8:39 p.m. for a breaking and entering in progress. En route, the deputies werre advised the complainant knew the responsible and he fled prior to the arrival of deputies, but left his car in the driveway. The complainant said the suspect had opened the attached garage using a credit card and then tried to get in the home but was unable and taunted her through a front window, telling her, ‘Your deadbolts won’t keep me out of your house.? The woman said he was there trying to find his ex-girlfriend, who lived at this residence for a time while they were dating. A LEIN check showed that the suspect has a conditional bond saying he was not allowed to return to this residence due to a recent domestic violence arrest in which his ex-girlfriend was the victim. The complainant was advised on obtaining a personal protection order.

Defensive maneuvers
On Aug. 17, a Brandon deputy responded to the 100 block of James Street for family trouble. The complainant said she was trying to show her daughter how to defend herself and when she turned around, her daughter pushed her. She wanted the incident documented.

Roman candles
On Aug. 17, a Brandon deputy responded to the 100 block of Fabris Lane for malicious destruction of property to a mailbox. The complainant said she heard a loud noise around midnight and this morning she found the bank of mailboxes at the end of her private road had been vandalized. The deputy noted it appeared someone had used Roman candles to explode and damage two mailboxes, one of which contained mail that was also damaged.

‘Black Snake?
On Aug. 18, a Brandon deputy responded to the Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home Park, 4260 Dogwood Boulevard, where an employee said between Aug. 15 and Aug. 17, someone spraypainted the words ‘Black Snake? on the side of a recreation/fitness building and also tried to burn wood on the entry sign.

Pool watch
Oakland County Sheriff requested assistance of the Michigan State Police from the Groveland Post with a suspicious person in a car located next to the clubhouse in the Oakhill Estates Mobile Home Park, 9000 block of Oakhill Road. Per the complainant this is not the first time the male and vehicle have been there watching the pool. Because MSP had no unit available from the Groveland Post, Springfield Township deputies responded. The vehicle was gone when troopers arrived.

Tee off
On Aug. 18, MSP troopers from the Groveland Post responded to Barron Road following a report of larceny of a set of golf clubs.

On Aug. 18, Michigan State Troopers from the Groveland Post responded to the 10000 block of Oak Hollow after a report of a larceny from a vehicle.

Bike found
On Aug. 19, a bike that went missing between Aug. 12 and Aug. 15 in the 4500 block of Wildwood Loop was recovered in the neighborhood.

Canoe recovered
On Aug. 19, the owner of a canoe that went missing the week prior in the 500 block of S. Sashabaw Road recovered his boat in a swampy area across the lake.

Reproductive issues
On Aug. 20, a report was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said that at about 1:15 a.m., Aug. 14, he was exiting an establishment in the 2200 block of Ortonville Road when a man walked up and punched him in the head. The complainant said he was knocked to the ground and as he got up, a bouncer grabbed him from behind at which time the suspect who had hit him in the head proceeded to kick him in the testicles. The complainant said the suspect’s actions are the result of an ongoing dispute between the complainant and the suspect’s daughter, who is pregnant with the complainant’s child. A police report is being filed for information purposes only at the request of the complainant’s attorney.

On Aug. 21, a Brandon deputy on patrol at Ortonville and Grange Hall roads made a traffic stop on a vehicle for an unlit license plate. A LEIN check showed the driver’s license was suspended. He was cited for driving while license suspended and for equipment violation.

On Aug. 23, a Genesee County sheriff’s deputies from Atlas Township responded to the 600 block of Dutch Road for larceny.
Renny hit
On Aug 23, Michigan State troopers from Groveland Township responded to the Renaissance Festival following a hit-and-run report.
In the mail
On Aug. 23, Michigan State troopers from Groveland Township responded to the 8700 block of Oakhill near Bird Road for the malicious destruction of a mailbox.
On Aug. 24, a Genesee County sheriff deputy from Atlas Township responded to the 800 block of Perry for a larceny.
On Aug. 24, at 10 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol stopped a vehicle at Viola and M-15 after seeing it swerving from side to side. The driver had a suspended driver’s license. He was cited for driving while license suspended and driving without due care and caution.
ATV gone
On Aug. 25, Michigan State troopers from Groveland Township responded to the 1500 block of Van Road, following a report of a 2003 Arctic Cat all-terrain vehicle from the complainant’s front yard. The 90 cc lime green vehicle had a broken tail light and had the key left in the ignition.
On Aug. 25, a Genesee County sheriff deputy from Atlas Township responded to the 700 block of State Road for a larceny.
Who’s the boss?
On Aug. 25, at 2:20 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol on Glass Road got behind a vehicle at M-15. The vehicle turned southbound on M-15 and accelerated to 65 in a 50 mph zone and ran on the right shoulder as he turned on Allen Road and traveled left of center as he made the turn. The deputy made a stop on the vehicle on Seymour Lake Road. The driver smelled strongly of intoxicants and admitted drinking Coors Light beer, with the last one being an hour before. He said he borrowed a vehicle from his boss because he didn’t want to spend the night at his friend’s house. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed the man had a blood alcohol test of .0128 percent. A LEIN check showed his license is currently suspended. He was arrested for operating while intoxicated and taken to the Oakland County Jail.
Make hay
On Aug. 25, a Brandon deputy responded to a business in the 2900 block of Seymour Lake Road for a larceny report. The complainant said some time this summer, someone stole a hay wagon and radar for his corn planter from his farm. The case is open.
On Aug. 25, a Brandon deputy on patrol on eastbound Granger Road observed a vehicle with a plate that expired in April. He stopped the vehicle which had three occupants and saw that the front seat passenger was holding a glass jar that contained marijuana buds. The driver said the

Tables turned
On Sept. 1, at 2 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the area of Wildwood Loop and Apple for a domestic assault. The complainant said the father of her child choked her. The man said he and the complainant were at his probation meeting when they got into an argument over him calling another girl. The complainant left him at the meeting. After he got home, he said he went to a friend’s house and she showed up and they argued. She picked him up and drove home, they argued further and he said she hit him several times in the face. He grabbed her wrist to stop her and she bit him on the arm. The complainant said she hit him several times in the head after he choked her. The deputy observed several scratches on the man’s chest, back and face and a bite mark on his left arm. The woman had no visible injuries or discoloration. The man semlled of intoxicants and admitted to three sips of moonshine. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .168 percent. The woman had not been drinking. She was cited for domestic violence. He was cited for minor in possession.
On Sept. 1, a report was filed at the Brandon substation for intimidation. The complainant is in the beginning stages of a divorce and her husband has threatened to kill her, their two children and himself. He has no history of violent behavior, but she wants a record of the threats. She was advised on getting a personal protection order.
Drunk driver
On Sept. 1, a Brandon deputy on patrol observed a vehicle doing 60 miles per hour in a 50 miles per hour zone on Ortonville Road. He stopped the vehicle on Granger Road. The driver smelled of intoxicants and said he’d had two beers in the last two hours. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .141 percent. He was arrested for operating while intoxicated and taken to the Oakland County Jail.
On Sept. 1, a Brandon deputy responded to the 700 block of Happy Trail for a breaking and entering report. The complainant said the door from the garage into the home had been forced. The door jamb was broken and the latch was on the floor. The safe in the upstairs office was open, but not forced. Jewelry and prescription medication are missing. The case is open.
On Sept. 3, at 2 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol at Ortonville Road and Seymour Lake Road assisting with a traffic stop saw a truck pull in behind the stopped vehicle. The passenger exited and began walking toward the deputies. She was advised to get back in the truck, which then accelerated. The driver was told to stop. He complied for a moment, then, while the deputy was in front of the truck, he started to accelerate again, nearly striking the deputy. He pulled the truck to the side of the road and the deputy noted he smelled of intoxicants. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed the man had a blood alcohol content of .106 percent. He said he had two beers. He told the deputy he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon and a loaded .357 Magnum was found in the center console along with a box of 27 bullets. Four more bullets and two spent shell casings were found in the ashtray. An unlabeled pill bottle with a blue pill was also found in the truck. The gun, bullets and pill were confiscated. The vehicle was impounded. The case is open.
Missing guns, pills, owl
On Sept. 3, a Brandon deputy responded to the 200 block of Corey Lane for a report of larceny. The house was owned by the complainant’s late father and she and the other children have been clearing the home of most belongings. Recently, she has noticed several items missing, including a Vicodin bottle from the kitchen counter and a wooden owl statue that was screwed into a stump. On this date, she discovered two guns were gone from a bedroom closet. A key box and key from outside the home are also gone. The case is open.
Failed fraud
On Sept. 4, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3500 block of Hadley Road for identity theft. The complainant said he received a call from Capital One Bank advising him someone had tried opening an account in his name. The person failed in their attempt and there was no loss, but he was advised to make a police report.
On Sept. 5, a Brandon deputy on patrol on Sashabaw Road near Oakhill Road stopped a vehicle for an equipment violation. The driver had a warrant out of Pontiac for domestic violence. Her passenger had a warrant out of Lapeer for retail fraud. Both warrants were confirmed, but only the Pontiac Police Department wanted to take custody. The driver was turned over to the Pontiac PD at Dixie and Telegraph. The passenger was advised on the warrant and released.

Minor a major
On Sept 5, Michigan State Troopers from the Groveland Township Post responded to the parking lot at Bueche’s Food World for a Minor In Possession (MIP) report. A minor called to report that some alcohol was stolen from his home. A second minor had then consumed the alcohol. A breathalyzer was given and the minor registered a .034. He was taken into custody.
Gas and go
On Sept 6, Michigan State Troopers from the Groveland Township Post responded to the Marathon station near Grange Hall and Ortonville roads for a report of a customer who drove off without paying after fueling. Troopers were provided the license number and went to the home of the suspect. The man said he swiped his credit card and assumed it went through, however it did not. He returned to pay for the gas.
How many? Right
On Sept. 7, at 7:28 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol was advised of a possible drunken driver traveling northbound on Ortonville Road from I-75. The deputy spotted the suspect driving on the shoulder and stopped the vehicle near Glass Road. The driver smelled strongly of intoxicants. She told the deputy she’d ‘only had two or three beers.? A preliminary breathalyzer test showed she had a blood alcohol content of .329 percent. She was arrested for operating while intoxicated and taken to Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital for a blood draw. She also required medical clearance from a doctor due to her high level of intoxication. She was then taken to the Oakland County Jail. The case is open.
On Sept 9, Michigan State Troopers from the Groveland Township Post responded to the Groveland Manor Mobile Home Community after a report of an assault in progress. The caller said he witnessed a man kick a female in the chest. Troopers questioned both who claimed they were doing a karate demonstration in the street. No charges were filed however, alcohol was involved.
Fighting women
On Sept 10, Michigan State Troopers from the Groveland Township Post responded to the parking lot at Bueche’s Food World for a disturbance. When troopers arrived a group of women were preparing to fight. Troopers said that a sister’s boyfriend told an ex-girlfriend she was going to beat her ass and kill her. They left the scene.
All in the family
On Sept 11, Michigan State Troopers from the Groveland Township Post responded to the 16000 block of Windy Knoll for a domestic assault. Troopers said that a father and son were going to fight in the front yard over the disrespectfulness of the son’s child. The youth allegedly was making prank phone calls to his grandfather.
Cracked up
On Sept. 12, a Brandon deputy responded to the 2500 block of Granger Road for malicious destruction of property. The complainant said between 8 p.m. the night before and 5 a.m. this morning, someone smashed her daughter’s car window.
Fighting men
On Sept. 12, at 2:30 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to a business establishment in the 2200 block of Ortonville Road for a fight. When the deputy arrived, he found approximately 30 people standing in the parking lot. Sitting on a rock was a man with facial injuries. An employee of the establishment said the person responsible for the victim’s injuries had a firearm and was standing by a silver car. As the deputy walked over to the suspect, he saw him take an object from his right hip and throw it into the backseat of the vehicle. The deputy then observed a gun on the rear seat of the vehicle. The victim’s girlfriend told the deputy as they were walking out of the bar someone called the victim a profanity and when he asked who said it, the suspect started punching her boyfriend in the face until he knocked him down. Both the suspect and victim appeared intoxicated. A preliminary breathalyzer test on the suspect showed he had a blood alcohol content of .156 percent. The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment. The suspect was taken to the Oakland County Jail and admitted on the way that he hit the victim. He was released pending investigation. The case is open.
On Sept. 12, a walk-in report of fraud was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant was contacted by her bank and advised that someone was using her business credit card on the internet. Several transactions were attempted, including a charge of $178.59 to Sears and $479.38 to Walmart. She was advised by the credit card company to file a police report. The case is open.

No go
On Sept. 10, at 1:15 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol observed two vehicles on M-15 traveling 59 mph in a 50 mph zone and saw both turn eastbound onto Granger Road without signaling. He followed and observed the vehicles traveling about 50-60 mph in a 35 mph zone and while attempting to catch up, saw the rear vehicle pass the front vehicle in a no passing zone. He activated his lights to make a traffic stop and the vehicles turned on to Candace Court before finally stopping. The driver of the first car smelled strongly of intoxicants and kept asking the deputy, ‘Can’t you just let us go?? before finally handing over her license and registration. She said they had a couple drinks at a nearby bar. The driver of the other vehicle said they were coming from a friend’s house. He also smelled of intoxicants. The female driver submitted to a preliminary breathalyzer test, which showed she had a blood alcohol content of .140 percent. She was arrested for operating while intoxicated. The male driver declined to take a PBT. Both were taken to Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital for a blood draw, and then both were lodged at the Oakland County Jail, the male was lodged for operating while intoxicated, second offense, and driving while license suspended. The woman was lodged for operating while intoxicated.
Too much
On Sept. 13, at 2 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol on M-15 observed a vehicle traveling nearly 70 miles per hour in a 50 mph zone. He made a traffic stop on the vehicle south of Seymour Lake Road. The driver smelled strongly of intoxicants and said he had been drinking and had too much to drive. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed the man had a blood alcohol content of .217 percent. He was arrested for operating while intoxicated and taken to the Oakland County Jail.
Bad behavior
On Sept. 13, at 7:30 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the alternative high school located at 209 Varsity Drive for a report of students and parents fighting in the parking lot. It was determined there was no physical contact between the parties who acknowledged having an argument over comments made on Facebook and other contact between the parties in Pontiac over the weekend. It was determined there was yelling and improper language used in the school parking lot, as well as threats made. All parties were advised that their behavior was considered disorderly conduct and if it continued, action would be taken on behalf of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.
Discussion over
On Sept. 13, a Brandon deputy responded to the 2000 block of Ardsley for a report of malicious destruction of property. The complainant said she was dropping her boyfriend off when her ex-boyfriend drove up, got out and punched her window, shattering it. She began driving to get away from him and his his vehicle behind the front wheel. The suspect said he went there to fight with the new boyfriend, arrived and chased him into the house. He returned to his ex-girlfriend’s car to give her a diaper bag and she shut the door, even though he wanted to keep talking. He admitted punching the window. He was cited for malicious destruction of property.
Stolen shelves
On Sept. 14, a Brandon deputy responded to a warehouse on Wolfe Road. The complainant said several shelving units were missing from behind the building. He saw some were gone yesterday but waited to report the theft until this date. A witness reported seeing a white or silver Chevy pickup truck with a 4 by 8 foot open trailer and two men inside leave the area around 7 p.m. The case is open.
On Sept. 15, at 4:42 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to a business in the 3900 block of Seymour Lake Road for an alarm. The east side employee door to the garage was found pried open and an office entry door was also pried open. A box containing a cash drawer was also pried and the owner said $200 was missing.
On Sept. 16, a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block o0f Moonlite Court for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said between Aug. 16 and Aug. 30, someone removed several items from her house including cameras, MP3 players and change. She suspects it happened when she was out of town and her kids had friends over. She has filed a report for insurance purposes.
Missing sign
On Sept. 17, a walk-in complaint was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said between 8:45 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. the day before, someone took her estate sale sign from the corner of Hadley and Oakwood roads.
On Sept. 17, at 3:57 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 700 block of Happy Trail for a report of fraud. The complainant said he and his wife are separated and she continues to use a credit card in his name. He was advised to file a civil report.
Hunting on the side
On Sept. 17, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3900 block of Granger Road for a report of larceny. The complainant said he was at the house for the first time in three weeks and found someone had removed aluminum siding from the east and north side of the house. Two compound bows and two tree stands were also gone. A pile of scrap aluminum was found on both the east and north sides of the residence.

On Oct. 5, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3800 block of Cedar Loop for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said when she left for work at 3 p.m., she left a bedroom window open. She came home at 7:30 p.m., sat down to watch TV and discovered her 32-inch hi-definition TV was gone. The case is open.
On Oct. 6, at about 6:14 p.m., a Brandon deputy’s vehicle was struck by another vehicle at the intersection of Ortonville and Wolfe roads. Another deputy arrived to take the report and it was found that the driver who struck the deputy’s car had no driver’s license and smelled of intoxicants. The 17-year-old said he’d had two shots earlier and admitted to smoking marijuana three hours prior. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .120 percent. He admitted he accelerated when the light turned yellow to get through the light. Marijuana was found in the cupholder. He was arrested for operating while intoxicated and taken to the hospital for a blood draw before being taken to the Oakland County Jail where he was also cited for no operator’s license on person, failure to yield, no seatbelt and possession of marijuana.
Missing mail
On Oct. 6, a walk-in complaint was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant resides on W. Glass Road and said she is missing several items of U.S. mail from her mailbox. She has no idea who may have stolen it and has gotten a P.O. Box.
No money for wedding
On Oct. 6, at 9 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to Hemlock Loop and Beechwood for a breaking and entering in progress. Upon arrival, the deputy met with the complainant who saw two individuals jump a fence to get into a storage area in the mobile home park. The deputy found the two individuals where the complainant said he last saw them. The deputy saw the suspects try to squeeze through the fence and ordered them to the ground. The female suspect said she and her fiance went to the area with the intent to steal something for cash. They opened a semi-trailer and found three radiator and put them in a wheelbarrow. They were issued misdemeanor citations for trespassing and larceny and released.
Liar, liar
On Oct. 9, at 2:28 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol at Fir and Apple stopped a vehicle that didn’t stop at the stop sign. The driver smelled of intoxicants, but denied drinking anything. A preliminary breathalyzer test proved otherwise, with her blood alcohol content .207 percent. She was arrested for operating while intoxicated and lodged at the Oakland County Jail.
Ready for work?
On Oct. 9, a Brandon deputy on patrol on Oakwood Road saw a vehicle cross over the centerline and fog line several times. He stopped the vehicle near Shelmar Lane and as the deputy approached the vehicle, he saw smoke billowing out of it. He asked the driver if he was smoking marijuana inside. The driver said he was, and that he was on his way to work. He was arrested for operating under the influence of drugs and taken to the hospital for a blood draw before being transported to the Oakland County Jail.
Missing Mustang
On Oct. 11, a Brandon deputy responded to Randy Wise Ford, 968 S. Ortonville Road for a missing 2011 white Ford Mustang. The dealership key waas taken from the key box inside the building. Employees reported finding the front door unlocked. The report was forwarded to the auto theft unit. The case is open..
On Oct. 10, at 9:30 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 2500 block of Perry Lake Road for a domestic situation. The complainant said he and his wife had been having ongoing arguments. She told him she was leaving, but not without the kids. He said he told her fine, and she picked up a TV tray and hit him in the right shoulder. She swung again and missed and he said she told him that when he fell asleep she would bash his brains in with a bat. He told her she could take the kids and leave. She said no and he told her if she didn’t leave, he’d call the police. She refused to leave and he called the police. He said she has assaulted him many times in the past and they have gone through divorce proceedings before, but always reconciled. She said she has never hit him. The kids gave conflicting reports. She was asked to leave the home until the matter is resolved. The case is open pending review.

Rude awakening
On Oct. 12, a Brandon deputy responded to a report of an attempted breaking and entering in the 200 block of E. Glass Road. The complainant said he woke up to make coffee and realized his home was unusually cold. He saw the glass sliding door wall was ajar and a kitchen window was open all the way, with the screen laying on the deck. Nothing was missing and he doesn’t believe they entered the home because the floors, which he cleaned the day before, were still clean.
On Oct. 13, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4400 block of Wildwood Loop for a report of malicious destruction of property. Someone broke the windshield on the complainant’s vehicle.
On Oct. 13, a Brandon deputy responded to a group home in the 200 block of S. Hadley Road for a report of embezzlement. The complainant is the manager of the group home and said the former manager embezzled $4,197.16 from the residents? account. The suspect was demoted to assistant manager in late September and has since quit. When she was questioned by the new manager, the suspect said she lost the residents funds book that documented accounts. Checks were cashed from a bank in Romeo but were never placed in the residents? accounts.
Two for one
On Oct. 14, at about 4 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol stopped a vehicle that was doing 71 mph in a 50 mph zone. The driver had a valid misdemeanor warrant out of Pontiac. He was cited for speeding and turned over to the Pontiac Police Department on the warrant.
On Oct. 16, a Brandon deputy responded to the 5700 block of Hummer Lake Road for a report of larceny. The complainant said someone stole two generators, a shop vacuum, and a riding mower from her vacant home sometime between the end of July and mid-September. The generator was taken from inside the home and the rest of the property was taken from a pole barn. There were no signs of forced entry.

Gas and go
On Oct. 19, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3600 block of Dartmouth for malicious destruction of property to a vehicle. The complainant said overnight someone removed the gas cap from his truck and drilled a hole into the bottom of the gas tank that he had just filled with $60 of gas.
Boxer KO
On Oct. 19, at 3:18 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 3600 block of Pinoak for an animal complaint. The complainant said a brown/black boxer dog attacked him while he was picking tomatoes in his garden. He did not know who the dog belonged to. The dog growled and he felt threatened, so he fired into the ground a round from the .38 pistol he is licensed to carry in order to scare the dog away. Upon arrival of the deputy, the dog was in the street, acting skittish. The dog’s owner came out and tried to capture the dog, who wouldn’t obey. The owner finally coaxed the dog into his home. The owner said he knows the dog is a problem and he will be getting rid of him as soon as possible. Deputies had a complaint about the same dog two days prior, when the animal tried to attack a woman in a wheelchair who had her small dog on a leash. Many other neighbors said they are fed up with the dog constantly getting loose and terrorizing the neighborhood. The man was issued a misdemeanor citation for nuisance dog at-large.
Sick skunk
On Oct. 19, at 5:30 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 1800 block of N. Baldwin Road for a sick skunk. The deputy observed the skunk wandering around the yard of the home in daylight and the animal did not respond or retreat in the presence of humans. The deputy euthanized the skunk.

Against the wall
On Oct. 27, at 10:20 p.m., Brandon deputies responded to the 2200 block of Ironwood for a possible breaking and entering in progress. The complainant is an employee of the mobile home park and said he saw a silhouette in the bedroom window of a bank-owned home. The deputy and the complainant could both hear music inside the home and the complainant put the key in the lock to open the door, making some noise. The deputy instructed the complainant to go back to his car and wait. He then heard glass breaking from inside and shouting. The deputy went around back of the home and observed a white male, brown hair, approximately 6 feet tall, running away from the home. Two more white males fled from the front of the home and the deputy caught a white female who was running. The woman smelled of intoxicants and a preliminary breathalyzer test showed she had a blood alcohol content of .085 percent. She told the deputy she was drinking with the guys in the residence and one of them had said it was his house and they could all hang out there and party. She said they all made entry into the home through a window. She said while they were in the house, the guys started hitting the walls and damaging the inside of the home. The female was issued three misdemeanor citations, person under 21? unlawful purchase, use, consumption, trespassing, and disorderly person. The case is open.
On Oct. 28, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4300 block of Hazel Street for a home invasion report. The complainant said she went to church around 11 a.m. Oct. 24 and when she returned at 2 p.m., she found her trailer smashed and smelling of urine inside. She said nothing was missing and she cleaned and aired out the house. There was a pry mark on the door jamb, but the door and jamb was intact and the door was lockable. When asked why she waited to file a report, she said she was scared. The case is closed.
On Oct. 29, at about 7:13 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 3700 block of Juniper for a report of several people in the street with baseball bats. Upon arrival, the deputy met with the complainant, who said police were at his home earlier when he and his family had trouble with the neighbors and his wife was taken to the hospital. He said he called 9-1-1 this time when he heard someone yelling and looked out the window and saw three men in the shadows with what he thought were baseball bats, yelling for him and his son to come out. The deputy met in the street a man who said he came to the mobile home park because his girlfriend told him she was in a verbal altercation earlier with a neighbor. The man told the deputy ‘I know I should not have come over here causing trouble.? He admitted yelling at the complainant’s residence for bothering his girlfriend. He said he was alone and there were no bats. The man was issued a misdemeanor citation for disorderly person.
Cop out
On Oct. 29, a Brandon deputy responded to the 5600 block of Oakwood Road for a report of home invasion. The complainant is a real estate agent for the foreclosed home the deputy responded to and said that between noon on Oct. 22 and 12:30 p.m., Oct. 28, someone broke into the home and stole copper plumbing. A walk-out glass door was smashed and considerable damage was done from the removal of the copper plumbing. The case is open.
More than a wash
On Oct. 29, a woman filed a damaged property report at the Brandon substation. The complainant said her vehicle was damaged at a local car wash. She didn’t notice the damage until she was home. She has spoken to the owner of the car wash without results. The deputy advised the woman it was a civil matter and she may wish to pursue relief through the 52-2 District Court.
B & E
On Oct. 30, a Brandon deputy responded to the 100 block of N. Hadley Road for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said he was out of town for a few days and returned to find someone had kicked open the back door to his residence and kicked open the garage side door. He is missing a television and game unit from the house and power tools and go-cart from his garage.
On Oct. 30, a Brandon deputy responded to the 3700 block of S. Sashabaw Road for larceny from an auto. The complainant said sometime between Oct. 5 and Oct. 30, someone entered his unlocked snowmobile trailer and stole his Honda generator.

No trespassing
On Nov. 9, at 7:45 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to vehicles trespassing on vacant property at the end of Parker Lane. No trespassing signs had been posted and an access trailed blocked numerous times by the owners, only to have the signs and obstacles removed. The deputy saw four 4-wheel vehicles that were muddy and exiting the property. The drivers admitted four-wheeling on the property. None had permission or knew the owner. They were cited for trespassing.
Lumber lifted
On Nov. 9, a Brandon deputy responded to a vacant lot on S. Hadley Road. The complainant said between Nov. 2-9, someone stole a stack of treated lumber. The case is open.
Southern comfort?
On Nov. 10, at 8:45 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol eastbound on Oakwood Road near Timberwood Trail saw a truck cross the centerline and fog line several times. The deputy stopped the vehicle near Leece Road and observed a beer bottle in the center console. The driver had a Tennessee license. He said he was coming from a local bar and had three beers and one shot, the last about 30 minutes prior. He smelled of intoxicants and a preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .200 percent. He refused a chemical test and the deputy obtained a search warrant for a blood draw at the hospital, after which the suspect was taken to the Oakland County Jail. The man has a previous driving under the influence conviction from 2004 in Tennessee. The case is open.
Oh brother
On Nov. 10, at 12:46 a.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol stopped a vehicle at Hemlock Loop and Spruce Court. The driver falsely identified himself as his brother, until he couldn’t remember his brother’s birthdate. He said he didn’t have his driver’s license on him because he tried to get one the last two years and was denied. A LEIN check showed the man has multiple license suspensions and three alcohol-related offenses. The vehicle was towed. The case is open pending review by the prosecutor’s office for driving while license suspended second or subsequent offense.
On Nov. 11, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4400 block of Wildwood Loop for malicious destruction of property. The complainant said her ex-boyfriend smashed the windshield of her friend’s car. The case is open.
Treed off
On Nov. 11, a Brandon deputy responded to the 5500 block of Sherwood Road for larceny. The complainant said his hunting tree stand, 18 feet up a tree on his property, was stolen.
Grass fire
On Nov. 11, at 4:41 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to Belle Ann Elementary School, 155 E. Glass Road, to assist the Brandon Fire Department with a fire near the entrance. Tall strife grass was on fire some distance from the school. Two boys were seen there who reluctantly admitted to setting the fire to get warm. They said when it spread, they ran away. No damage was caused and the fire was easily extinguished. The boys will attend a juvenile fire prevention program for first time offenders.
Flying veggies
On Nov. 12, at 3:30 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to Sashabaw and Seymour Lake roads for a report of malicious destruction of property. A vehicle was struck by a flying object that cracked his turn signal and running light housing on the driver side. He said the object resembled a potato or sugar beet.
Way, way over
On Nov. 13, at about 5:30 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol westbound on Oakwood Road near Shelmar Lane, clocked two eastbound motorcycles traveling 94 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone. The motorcyclists also passed a vehicle while going up a hill in a no passing zone. The deputy caught up to the motorcycles and stopped both. Both motorcyclists apologized for going so fast. They were coming from a local bar and both smelled of intoxicants. The first motorcyclist said he’d had three beers, the last one an hour prior. His personal breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .141 percent. The second motorcyclist said he’d had four beers. His pbt showed a blood alcohol content of .162 percent. Both were arrested for operating while intoxicated and lodged at the Oakland County Jail.
Bikeless in Ortonville
On Nov. 13, a walk-in complaint was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said he was out with friends the night before and hid his bicycle behind the shed at the Ortonville United Methodist Church, 105 Church St., because he was getting a car ride. When he returned a half-hour later, the bike was gone. The 2009 BMX bike is lime green and black, with shortened blue pedals. It is valued at $500.
Jewelry heist
On Nov. 14, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4300 block of Fir for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said an unknown person entered her house and removed a safe with $20,000 to $30,000 worth of jewelry inside. The woman said she was in the hospital for a few days between Oct. 30 and Nov. 2. There were no signs of forced entry. The case is open.
Bad delivery
On Nov. 15, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4900 block of Hummer Lake Road for a report of malicious destruction of property. The complainant was out of town for the weekend and the neighbor watching his home called him Sunday morning and told him his mailbox had been vandalized sometime between 7:15 p.m. Nov. 13 and 8:30 a.m. Nov. 14. The box was on the greound and the metal pole to which it had been attached was bent in half. The complainant said this is not the first time his mailbox had been vandalized.

On Nov. 20, a Brandon deputy responded to the 700 block of Bald Eagle Lake Road for a report of stalking. The complainant said her ex-husband has been following her and shows up ‘everywhere.? She examined her vehicle and found what appears to be a tracking device attached to the undercarriage. She was advised to get a personal protection order and the device was secured as possible evidence. The case is open.
On Nov. 22, a report was taken at the Brandon substation for a larceny that occurred at Brandon High School, 1025 S. Ortonville Road. The complainant said her daughter Northface jacket was stolen out of her locker in the girls? locker room while she was participating in after school sports. The girl’s black suede boots were stolen from the same locker room on Nov. 19. The case is open.
On Nov. 23, at 7:20 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 2400 block of High Meadows for a felony warrant arrest. The suspect was wanted on a probation violation for dangerous drugs. She was taken into custody and transported to the Oakland County Jail.

Too much
On Dec. 11, at 11 p.m., a Brandon deputy was advised to be on the lookout for a possible drunk driver that was northbound on Ortonville Road. A witness was following and said the vehicle was all over the road. The witness followed as the responsible driver pulled into McDonald’s, and then blocked him into a parking spot. The deputy arrived and found the driver smelled of intoxicants. He asked the suspect how much he’d had to drink, to which the man replied, ‘Too much.? He refused to take a breathalyzer test. He was taken into custody and turned over to an alcohol enforcement officer.
On Dec. 15, at 12:54 a.m., a deputy was flagged down at Mill and South streets. The complainant said a car was coming up South Street and chasing him and his passenger. Both were upset. The deputy stopped the vehicle and the complainants walked around the corner, out of sight. There were three males in the suspect vehicle and the driver smelled of intoxicants. He said he was not chasing anyone. When asked how much he’d had to drink, he said three or four beers. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .170 percent. An alcohol enforcement unit responded and took the suspect into custody for operating while intoxicated. A passenger was also found to have a probation violation warrant out of Flint.
On Dec. 15, an intimidation report was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said one of her neighbors in the 100 block of Stonebridge threatened her. The complainant has had an ongoing problem with the neighbor’s dog running on her property and tearing up garbage. She went to talk to the neighbor and he told her if he caught her on his property ‘she’d be sorry.? He also said if her dog came on his property, she’d never see the dog again. The complainant was advised to file a pet violation report with animal control.
Copper caper
On Dec. 15, a Brandon deputy took a report of a breaking and entering that occurred between Nov. 11 and Dec. 9 in the 1300 block of S. Sashabaw Road. The complainant is a contractor and said on Dec. 9 she discovered someone had broken into the bank-owned residence and stole copper pipes from the sinks and basement.

Changed locks
On Dec. 24, at 10 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 4300 block of Hazel for suspicious circumstances. The complainant said the deadbolt lock on her front door was changed. She said she is not behind on her payment and knows of no reason why anyone would change the lock. A report was filed.
On Dec. 27, Brandon deputies responded to the 5000 block of Hummer Lake Road for family trouble. It was determined that nothing physical occurred on this date between the subjects, who are in the midst of a divorce. Child Protective Services is already involved.
No excuse
On Dec. 27, at 10:24 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol on Ortonville Road near Glass Road saw a vehicle cross the yellow centerline and fog line several times. The suspect vehicle was also tailgating. He stopped the vehicle near the Shell gas station. The driver smelled of marijuana and said he was coming home from the movies. He was unable to explain his erratic driving. He told the deputy there was marijuana in the center console. He admitted he smoked marijuana two hours prior, but didn’t believe it had anyting to do with his driving ability. The deputy searched the vehicle and found two baggies of marijuana and a glass pipe. The suspect was taken to the hospital for a blood draw, then to the Oakland County Jail, where he was lodged for operating under the influence of drugs, possession of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
No middle ground
On Dec. 27, a woman filed a civil report at the Brandon substation. The woman is divorced and a Colorado resident. Her ex-husband picked up their children at her home in Colorado on Dec. 17 for his holiday parenting time. She believed he was taking them to his family that lives in Colorado, but learned the next day he was driving them back to Michigan. She believes he is supposed to meet her halfway to exchange the kids, but he refused. She drove to Michigan to pick them up. The deputy advised her to contact the court.
On Dec. 28, a Brandon deputy responded to the 1500 block of N. Baldwin Road for a trespassing complaint. The complainant has an ongoing property line dispute with a new neighbor. He saw the neighbor on his own land around noon. This evening, the complainant saw headlights in a field behind his home. When he investigated, he found a hunting blind more than 150-feet inside his property line. The deputy confiscated the blind. The case is open.
On Dec. 28, at 12:51 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 3800 block of Apple for suspicious circumstances. The complainant said that someone his ex-wife knows has threatened him. He said that in July 2009 he picked his children up from his ex-wife’s wedding, at the suspect’s house. He observed the suspect and several of his friends smoking marijuana in front of his kids and called the man a profanity. The complainant said on Dec. 26, he received an e-mail from the suspect saying he and his brothers would like to meet him in regards to that comment. The complainant said the suspect called his brother and said the complainant better watch his back because the motorcycle club that the suspect and his friends belong to have his phone number and address and they’ve been following and watching the complainant and will take care of him vigilante-style shortly.
On Jan. 3, at 12:50 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol observed a vehicle southbound on Reese Road without a license plate. The deputy turned around to identify the vehicle and the suspect car turned north on Indian Trail and into a driveway in the 500 block. The deputy approached the vehicle and noted the driver smelled of intoxicants. The driver said he knew the person who lived there. A preliminary breathalyzer test showed the man had a blood alcohol content of .045. He had a valid misdemeanor warrant for failure to stop at a personal damage accident and operating under the influence of liquor. He was arrested on the warrant and turned over to the Troy Police Department.
Fenced in
On Jan. 3, a Brandon deputy responded to the 300 block of Mill Street. The complainant said someone damaged his wood fencing in the backyard within the last week and a half.

On Dec. 27, at 6:10 a.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 400 block of Edward Street for larceny from an auto. The complainant said his work van was parked in the driveway and when he went out to start it, he found the battery was dead. He jumped it with his personal vehicle and noticed a dark SUV drive slowly past. After he started the van, he went into his garage to smoke. He heard a car door slam and heard kids voices near the house. He went out and saw two subjects with their hoods up walking to Granger Road. He ran after them and saw them get into a dark SUV and drive off. Missing from his van was a GPS unit and charger. The case is open.
Unhappy new year
On Jan. 1, at 11:23 p.m., a Brandon deputy on patrol on Ortonville Road near Mill Street observed a vehicle that was stopped at the traffic light reverse about 50 feet and then proceed to the light again. The deputy stopped the vehicle and the driver said he had a driver’s license, but couldn’t find it. The man has two misdemeanor warrants from Flint for shoplifting and a weapons offense. When the deputy asked him if he had anything illegal, the man said no, but when his vehicle was searched, the deputy found a bong smoking device in the pick-up truck bed, as well as a gas mask with a bowl on the end with marijuana residue. He and his passengers claimed they didn’t know to whom the items belonged. The driver was cited for improper backing, no operator’s license on person, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
On Jan. 6, a backpack that was found along Perry Lake Road was turned in at the Brandon substation. In the backpack was a driver’s license, several bank/credit cards, keys, Gatorade, a sandwich, and a cell phone. A deputy contacted the mother of the backpack owner who said she would let her son know. The deputy then discovered the backpack owner had four misdemeanor warrants for his arrest, all for failure to appear on driving while license suspended charges. When the suspect arrived at the substation to pick up his backpack and belongings, he was arrested on the warrants.
On Jan. 7, at 1:30 p.m., a Brandon deputy responded to the 4200 block of Dogwood for customer trouble. The complainant said she was confronted by a woman who was yelling and accusing her of having drug addiction at her house and something about her sister. No threats were made and the responsible was gone from the scene when the deputy arrived.
No hunting
On Jan. 9, a Brandon deputy responded to the 4000 block of Big Fish Lake Road. The complainant said someone drove on his property and shot his domestic goose near the shoreline. The complainant has four domestic geese that sit near wild geese. The goose was wounded, but alive and the complainant said he was going to take the animal to the veterinarian. The complainant’s property is next to state land. The deputy advised him to notify the DNR.

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