D.E.C.A. qualifiers prepare for State Conference

Congratulations to the 25 Lake Orion D.E.C.A. students who qualified for their series event earlier this month at the D.E.C.A. D7 District Conference competition, and to the 10 students whose projects will start at the state conference.
D.E.C.A., Distributive Education Clubs of America, is a co-curricular club of students studying marketing which provides them opportunities to compete at district and state levels in various fields.
After completing their first level of competition, the students who qualified will compete at the State Conference March 13-15 in Grand Rapids. The final level is the International Competition.
D.E.C.A. D7 Winners: Nick Baldwin and Sean Mercier Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making – Finalist
Tanner Buckbee Automotive Marketing – Finalist
Hannah Christansen and Julia Wendt – Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making – Finalist
Hannah Fedorisin and Maddie Tate ? Hospitality Team Decision Making ? Role play winner and Finalist
Rilee Harris ? Quick Serve Restaurant MGMT ? Role play winner and finalist
Aaron Hughes and Zach Serzo ? Marketing Communications Team ? Role play winner and Finalist
Christopher Knapp ? Principles of Marketing ? Role play winner
Brianne Lambrecht and Katrina Waelchi ? Marketing Communication Team – Role play winner and finalist
Jack Luby and Jake Wakai- Sport and Entertainment Marketing team ? test winner and finalist
Dana Matthews ? Retail Merchandising ? role play winner and finalist
Nolan Long and Robert Valin ? Financial Team Decision making ? Finalist
Michael Pappas ? Principles of Marketing ? Role play and finalist
Emily Peters ? Marketing Management ? Role play and finalist
Sarah Porritt ? Sports and Entertainment ? Role play, test and finalist
Ariana Roland ? Quick Serve Restaurant – Finalist
Sarah Simpson ? Professional Selling ? Finalist
Tyler Singles ? Sports and Entertainment ? role play and finalist
Jeff Snyder ? Role play winner
Miranda Tebeau ? Food Marketing ? Test, role play and finalist
Kyle Turk ? Quick serve restaurant ? test and finalist

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