Dam failure leads to lower lake levels

Six Oxford lakes recently experienced lower water levels due to a failure of the dam that regulates them.
Three weeks ago the water levels of Cedar, Clear, Long, Squaw, Michelson and Tan lakes decreased by approximately 8 inches, according to a July 8 letter from Steven Korth, assistant chief engineer for the Oakland County Drain Commission, to the township.
Township Supervisor Bill Dunn noted he received one complaint about the lower water levels from a resident living on a canal on Tan Lake. Treasurer Joe Ferrari said he too received some complaints from lake residents.
The decreased lake levels were caused by a failure of the Oxford Multi Lakes dam, located on the south side of Drahner Road between Newman and Chirco roads.
Operated and maintained by the drain commission, the dam’s purposed is to control the water levels of the six-lake chain.
Any excess water above the legally set lake level (or elevation) of 1017.80 feet flows into Paint Creek via the dam, Dunn said.
“Our subsequent investigation revealed that a seal on the structure (dam) had failed leading to an increase in the flow of water through the dam,” Korth wrote. “In addition, there was evidence of possible tampering with a board in the dam that may have contributed to the release of water.”
Korth could not be reached for comment about the possible tampering.
Korth wrote that “temporary repairs” were made “to the area of the failed seal to prevent excessive water loss through the dam.”
“We have also taken additional measures to secure the boards and sluice gates to prevent unauthorized operation of the facility,” Korth wrote.
Korth reported that “a rise in the water level to within a few inches of the normal lake level” was noticed.
Permanent repairs to the dam are scheduled for this winter, Korth reported.
Residents who notice a “dramatic drop in water levels” or observe someone “tampering” with the dam are advised to immediately call the Oakland County Safety Division at (248) 858-0931.

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