Last month the John Crawford Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recognized two local students.
According to Debbie Mick, each year DAR nationwide and by each chapter, offers a Good Citizens essay and poetry contests to seniors located within their geographic area. Locally, the John Crawford Chapter was founded by Dr. Aileen Corbit, Oxford physician, in 1918. (She is buried in the Oxford Township cemetery on Burdick St.)
The Good Citizens Essay contest asks school counselors and teachers to choose an exemplary senior to participate in the essay contest. This year’s essay question was, “How will the essential actions of a good citizen (dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism) meet the challenges that America faces in this decade?”
Dylan Morris, Oxford High School senior was chosen by independent judges as John Crawford’s Good Citizen. He was in competition with seniors from Lake Orion, Almont, Dryden and Imlay City high schools. His essay was sent on to the state competition. Dylan was chosen as one of five state finalists.
Lake Orion Baptist Senior Mikayla Rogers was chosen as a National Winner for her poetry.

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