By James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writer
The Downtown Development Authority’s board of directors voted unanimously to end Executive Director Glenn Pape’s contract at the board’s Dec. 21 virtual meeting. The Board gave Pape 30 days’ notice, meaning his contract will end Jan. 20, 2021.
Board Chair Nicole Ellsworth told this reporter, “The director’s contract is an at-will contract so no reasons for the termination will be discussed at this time.”

The Executive Director is a salaried position that handles the day-to-day operations of the DDA and reports directly to the DDA Board. The DDA is accepting resumes for the position. “We will be talking about looking for a new director at our January (18) meeting, and all qualified applicants are urged to submit a resume,” Ellsworth said.
Pape, a resident of Howell, was hired in August 2017 after a months-long search. Prior to that, Pape was a private planning consultant and worked for Michigan State University (MSU) as a regional land policy educator for southeast Michigan. Pape had been reporting some health problems since the summer, and was working from home, at least part of the time.
“The DDA looks forward to 2021 and further engagement with our downtown business owners,” Ellsworth said, on behalf of the Board.
In addition to a new Executive Director, the board is also looking for a business owner within the district to fill a seat on the board. The application can be printed off the DDA website and turned into the Village offices. The DDA’s four committees (Design, Promotions, Economic Vitality and Organization) are also in need of community volunteers. “We urge anyone that is interested to get involved!”
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