Dead cat wins vote for supervisor

Oxford Township Supervisor Bill Dunn can add one more skill to his political resume – roadkill removal.
Resident Lisa Baum called the supervisor last week to inform him a deceased cat was laying between the safety path leading to Clear Lake Elementary and W. Drahner Road.
Dunn informed Baum the Road Commission for Oakland County only removes deceased deer or large dogs if they present a hazard to drivers while Oakland County Animal Control doesn’t clean up roadkill at all.
Rather than do nothing, the surpervisor went to the scene armed with a box and removed the carcass himself.
“I wouldn’t want my child walking by a decaying cat on their way to school,” Dunn said. “I’d rather do something about it myself than just tell residents it can’t be done.”
“I feel Bill Dunn has a good heart and really cares about the welfare of the children,” said Baum, who was “impressed” by the supervisor’s actions. “He sure has my vote for re-election.”

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