Dispatch agreement will head back to committees

The township is finalizing the latest Fire/Dispatch Agreement and hopes to present it to the village committee within the next week or two.
The board voted Monday night to deal with the dispatch and hydrant issues separately, as opposed to resolving the two issues jointly.
A motion by Trustee Neal Porter was passed, however, that will allow the township to pay for all hydrants that have been approved by the fire chief, retroactive to 2002.
That motion, which calls for a $15 fee per hydrant, also calls for payment on other hydrants as they are approved.
According to the board, over 100 hydrants still have not been agreed on.
Trustee John Garlicki said the dispatch agreement only needs some language finalized by the township attorney before it will be ready to present.
He is optimistic that a meeting will take place before the next village council meeting.

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